Exposing the Secrets of the 33rd Degree Freemasons , Illuminati, The cabal PT 4

in #steemit8 years ago

The law of attraction is the highest law that we currently know of , if you can weld this power you can bend reality to your will. 

We overcome the lower laws, by applying still higher ones--and in this way only. But we cannot escape Law or rise above it entirely. Nothing but THE ALL can escape Law--and that because THE ALL is LAW itself

Just like how an airplane and a bird can defy the Law of Gravity because of the senior Law of Lift—the Law of Lift takes precedence over the Law of Gravity— the most senior level law for the brain is the Law of Attraction.

So whatever vibration you put out, you will attract—even if it defies any physical law.

"Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions, and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower- -escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher." Remember always, student, that "Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master." The above quotations are from The Kybalion, and are worthy of being committed to memory by the student.

"To him who truly understands this truth, hath come great knowledge."

 "Third Hermetic Principle," that "everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest." From the highest manifestation, to the lowest, everything and all things Vibrate. Not only do they vibrate at different rates of motion, but as in different directions and in a different manner.

"He who understands the Principle of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of power," says one of the old writers.

Edison and Einstein both scientifically proved that the brain is a transmitter and a receiver of vibrational frequency. Then Kevin says “Thomas Edison is not an idiot. Albert Einstein is not a moron. These were geniuses. At the turn of the century, they both concurred that every cell in the human body emits a different frequency.” Furthermore, everything on planet Earth is made up of energy; everything on Earth emits a frequency (a vibration) that is quantifiable and measurable.

Kevin says that our DNA at the lowest level emits a unique frequency—every atom emits a frequency. Then Kevin says that energy and frequency are the same, and frequencies pass through all known matter. Scientist today still cannot explain how a radio frequency passes through solid steel, just that it does. Furthermore, Kevin says that frequency at the quantum physics level is smaller than an atom, smaller than an electron. Frequencies exist, they are real; vibrations exist, they are real. Both are scientifically proven.

I would like to point out right now everything around you is designed to alter your DNA that you can not manifest anything into your reality, Example: radio waves, micro waves, wireless devices, cell phones, laptops, TV'S, Eat GMO food or junk food, drink fluoridated water or sodas, high fructose corn syrup,white sugar, monosodium glutamate (MSG), processed foods, and fast food restaurants, anything not organic,vaccinations. breathe aluminum from the chemtrails (geo engineering), heavy metals , pesticides and herbicides, If you listen to music that is not tuned at 432 hertz ,live in hatred, use pharmaceutical drugs.

These things alter your DNA and you NEVER manifest anything because your vibration tune will always be off tune so to speak. Still think the "ELITE" are stupid and don't know what there doing to you???? They are making DAMN SURE YOU STAY A SLAVE AND THEY CAN LIVE OFF OF YOU LIKE THE PARASITES THEY ARE!!!

“here’s where the scientific evidence is: multiple materials, from gold to silver and iron and plants and a book and a whole bunch of other things were tested with their vibration. And again their vibrations were a constant. Then a human subject would look at the gold and emit a vibration, now we’re going to show you how to do this. They would use their

brain and emit a vibration because the brain is a transmitter of vibration. Guess what would happen to the gold? It physically would look exactly the same, but in testing—just like it was bombarded with x-rays or radio waves or gamma waves—the vibration of the gold bar changed.

A person sent a vibration into the water with their brain. Now the vibration could be one of love, and that affected the structure of the water, which is in effect a vibration. They sent hate; it also affected the structure of the water. The bottom line is there is massive physical evidence, scientific evidence, that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that then brain transmits frequencies, and those frequencies affect physical matter.”

 Again, according to Edison and Einstein, the human brain is both a transmitter and a receiver of frequency. Edison said that the human brain emits frequencies that, when focused, are picked up by other human brains, pass through the ether, and effect other physical matter. But according to Edison and Einstein, the frequency that our brains transmit is bigger and has a unique characteristic unlike radio frequencies. The frequency that our brain transmits

instantaneously travels faster than the speed of light and can be picked up the exact same moment from someone at the other end of the planet. The frequency the brain transmits can bypass space and time and can be picked up instantaneously with the same amount of energy.

The first concept Kevin is trying to outline is that our brain is a receiver and transmitter of frequency. The second concept is the Law of Attraction—which says whatever frequency you emit, that exact same frequency is drawn to you because there is a magnetic pull.

which means you have to put out the frequency of what you want. 

Whatever you sow, you will also reap. Whatever you put out comes back. In some spiritual beliefs it is called Karma.

So how do you make that frequency strong enough to bring in to your physical universe whatever you want?

Every thought that you give your attention to expands and becomes a bigger part of your vibrational mix. Whether it is a thought of something you want or a thought of something you do not want—your attention to it invites it into your experience. And so, your once small and insignificant thought has now evolved into a powerful belief—and your powerful beliefs will always be played out in your experience.

Kevin states that the bottom line is this: you can have, be, or do anything and everything you want by using your own brain—the fastest, most powerful transmitter and receiver of frequency and vibrational energy. And by the fact that the Law of Attraction exists in the universe you can automatically attract anything into your existence.

1. 1. “Everything is a frequency or vibration or energy, everything on the planet. Everything is

just vibrating…and at a different frequency.”

2. “Your brain transmits frequency, vibration, or energy—which ever word you want to use—and also receives it.

3. You have the ability to use your brain and create any frequency you want

You have the ability to dial in your brain with the frequency that you choose, and transmit it. You also have the ability to transmit that frequency softly (with little power) or blast it (with huge amounts of power)

Kevin then says that your brain frequency is different than radio frequency in that it generates more power, it can travel faster, and it can permeate anything—nothing can block it.

The frequency that your brain puts out does not travel in a straight path; it can actually travel through the Earth to the other end of the Earth, and goes in all directions. And when it is transmitted, it virtually transmits instantaneously all over the globe. And, unlike a radio transmitter where the further you get away from the tower the weaker the signal, the frequency that your brain puts out (has) the same power one foot in front of you or 3,000 miles across the planet. It is the exact same power.”

You still under the mind control of science then please watch this movie What the Bleep Do We Know? to quell your left brain imbalance.

“everything is energy that vibrates at a different frequency. That’s why everything looks different and why it is different. It’s all the same energy, but it’s all vibrating at a different frequency.”

“The second concept is our brain transmits and receives frequencies or energy; it transmits and receives energy, and it can transmit that energy at different vibrational frequencies. So we can transmit any frequency we want with as much or as little power as we want. Next concept, when our brain transmits frequencies it is picked up by other brains, and it does affect physical matter in the universe.”

Because the Law of Attraction is behind the expansion of your thoughts, it is not possible to give your attention to something without achieving an alignment with it to some degree. And so, the longer you ponder the thought, and the more frequently you return to the thought, the stronger your vibrational alignment becomes.

As you achieve a stronger alignment with any thought, you then begin to feel emotions that indicate your increased or decreased alignment with your own Source. In other words, as you give more of your attention to any subject, your emotional reading of either harmony or disharmony with who you really are becomes stronger. If the subject of your attention is in alignment with what the Source of your Being knows, you would feel the harmony of your thoughts in the form of good feelings. But if the subject of your attention is not in alignment with what your Source knows it to be, you would feel the disharmony of your thoughts in the form of bad feelings.

the Law of Attraction is senior to any of the physical laws; it is the most powerful, most senior law. And Kevin says the Law of Attraction says that “vibrations that are the same attract”. Kevin then says Samuel Hahnemann of Germany

invented a healing art (homeopathy) which is based on the same principles. Homeopathic remedies contain “nothing”—it’s just a saline solution with nothing in it. Scientist will look at 5 different homeopathic remedies for different aliments and say that they are all the same. Kevin says this is partly true; however, the frequency is different.

Hahnemann’s theory was: like cures like—which is the law of attraction: like attracts like.” That is how homeopathy

has been used for hundreds of years. And then Kevin tells the audience to guess who the major users of homeopathy are. Shortly after he answers saying, “Members of royal families around the world.”

Vibrations that are similar always attract. And the closer the vibrational match, the stronger the magnetic pull. So everything in the universe has a vibration, and every single thing that is vibrating is putting out a magnetic force of similar vibrations.

So the first part of attracting things into your life is to transmit the frequency of what you want, and to transmit it with intensity and power. Also, “it must be transmitted almost constantly. The more power and the higher the intensity and the longer it is being transmitted will determine the speed in which that which you are asking for comes into your life.”

When you wish for something, Kevin says to find a frequency for that which you wish, and command it to come. The command is: transmit it with your brain, increase the intensity and power, and keep that transmission going for as long as possible.

Just like Nightingale said, you become what you think about most of the time. The more often you are thinking about something, the more you are transmitting a frequency and the faster it will come to you

Kevin says with practice, unconscious competence will happen faster and faster and faster. You will be able to dial in the frequency exactly the way you want, increase the power and intensity, and keep the duration long enough that it activates everything in the universe so that it draws to you like a magnet. All you have to do is activate what you want and it comes rushing to you.

“Anything the mind of man can conceive, and bring itself to believe, it can achieve.”

“Anything and everything you want to be, do, or have, if you believe (which we’ll talk about— it’s a key element) you will have it.

Napoleon Hill also said that the key to success is to define your dream. That means you must clearly know (or define) what you want. Then secondly get a burning desire for that dream to come true.

Kevin continues by saying that when you’re defining your dream, you have two options:

1. Be very specific

2. Don’t be specific at all (be general)

Then Kevin says there’s also a third option: “you can virtually not define anything, just define feeling good as your objective. All three of these work and they all will create good in your life.”

As A Man Thinketh  “thoughts are things.” A thought is a physical thing; it sends out physical particles…I’ve been calling them frequencies, vibration, and energy. They are physical particles that go out to the universe and have magnetic pull according to Einstein. Thoughts are things. So theoretically, based on what we've been talking about, if you think blue corvette stingray ,blue corvette stingray, blue corvette stingray, you’re transmitting the frequency of blue corvette stingray.

But if you just want something, that isn't going to work because you will put out a vibration that is weak and has low intensity. And you won’t be thinking about it often. That is why you need to have “a burning desire” for whatever you want. So in other words you don’t want something, you NEED to have it!!!!!

When you start having that burning desire, the intensity of the transmission that is coming out of your brain that you’re broadcasting is coming out very high. And because you have a burning desire you will be thinking about it all the time. Therefore, the broadcast will be very frequent, the duration of the broadcast is longer, and that which you desire should come into your experience (possession) somehow.

 Kevin says that the Law of Attraction will create and put into your life, “events and circumstances that you can’t even imagine to create what you want.” The Law of Attraction works; it is a Law! It (the law of attraction)will affect hundreds of thousands of different variables and start shifting things around that you’re not even aware of or thinking about to create a situation where what you desire will come into your life. And you don’t have to know how.

Kevin then says that it is similar to a radar screen. Most people live their lives looking at their radar screen and they’re looking only at what they see on the radar screen. Kevin says this is why most people fail; they base all of their decisions and beliefs on what they can see on the radar screen.

“It will create events and circumstances, and put people in your life to make what you want happen. And it always is in methods and ways that you can’t even imagine because it isn’t on your radar screen. You can’t even see it.”

 The block that can stop this technique from truly working is if you don’t believe that you will get it. Kevin says there are two reasons that this is so:

1. The duration of the transmission won’t be very frequent

2. And because the intensity and power of the transmission won’t be very strong.

When you don’t believe that you will get it, you are actually putting out a counteractive transmission—basically saying that you don‘t want your dream to come true.

You get what you want by defining your dream, getting a burning desire for that dream, and having 100% belief that you will get it. However, there are some out there that just can’t believe that you can truly get some of your desires. If this is the case you definitely won’t get what you desire. Therefore, Kevin recommends these people to change their utmost desire to something that they can believe in (believe they can obtain).

So what you need to do is you need to start with dreams or goals that you can believe in. After that you want to focus on dreams or goals that are in the “sweet spot”. A dream is in the “sweet spot” if it is something which you really, really want; if it gives you high excitement and if it gets you really motivated (and you absolutely believe you can get it).

Then Kevin says the method of getting what you want is:

1. Defining what you want

2. Having a high, burning desire for its achievement

3. And making sure that you have a high level of belief that it will come true.

One other important point that Kevin makes is not defining a time limit on your goal, despite what other books and “guru’s” tell you. At the right time, the right moment, when it is perfect timing, the universe will deliver. The universe delivers at the perfect time because you are ready for your desire. So when are you ready? When you have no more doubt.

Kevin then summarizes the whole technique:

1. Define what you want (you can be specific, general, or just desire to feel good about it)

2. You must have a burning desire for what you want—high intensity and high power

3. Transmit that frequency over a specific duration of time (as often as possible for as long

as possible)

4. Lastly, you must believe and have no doubt

the 10 second miracle is the moment that you understand (the above sentence), and you take 100% responsibility for everything in your life. Just as you have created everything in your life, you can also change everything in your life just as fast or faster.


focusing on the lack of it—the fact that you don’t have it—making you vibrate “I don’t have it, I don’t have it.” And when you focus on that, that’s what you get more of. If you want something just because you don't have you will never get because you power is coming from a place of weakness.

1. Defining what you want (general, specific, or just feel good)

2. You must have a burning desire for what you want (high intensity/ high power)

3. Transmit your thoughts over a specific duration of time (as often and long as possible)

4. Believe and have no doubt (you must feel good and have belief)

“The ideal feeling is as if there is completely no doubt that it is coming, as if you already received it.”

It Is Not about Controlling Thoughts, It Is about Guiding Thoughts

You understand this principle when you turn on your radio and deliberately tune your receiver to match a signal from a broadcasting tower. You do not expect to hear music that is being broadcast on the radio frequency of 101FM to be received on your tuner when it is set at 98.6FM. You understand that radio vibrational frequencies must match, and the Law of Attraction agrees with you.

You Are in the Perfect Position to Get There from Here:

Nothing has to change in your environment or in the circumstances that surround you for you to begin to deliberately allow your own connection to the Stream of Well-Being. You could be in prison, you could have been diagnosed with a terminal illness, you could be facing bankruptcy, or you could be in the middle of a divorce. Still, you are in the perfect place, right now, to begin. And we also want you to understand that this will not require a great deal of time, for it only requires a simple understanding of the Universal Laws, and a determination to move toward a state of allowing.

When you drive your vehicle from place to place, you have an awareness of your starting place as well as an awareness of where you are going. You accept that you cannot get there instantaneously; you accept that you will travel the distance, and in time, you will arrive at your destination. And while you may feel anxious to get there, and maybe even tire of the journey, you do not get so discouraged at the midway mark that you just turn around and go back to your starting place. You do not drive back and forth and back and forth from your starting point to the midway point and then finally collapse from the never-ending journey.

You do not announce your inability to accomplish your journey. You accept the distance between your starting place and where you desire to be—and you continue to move in the direction of your destination. You understand what is required—and you do it. And we want you to come to know that the journey between where you are and where you want to be—on all subjects—can be just as eas-llv understood.

When you think a thought that rings true with who you really are, you feel harmony coursing through your physical body: Joy, love, and a sense of freedom are examples of that alignment. And when you think thoughts that do not ring true with who you really are, you feel the disharmony in your physical body. Depression, fear, and feelings of bondage are examples of that misalignment.

In the same way that sculptors mold clay into the creation that pleases them, you create by molding Energy. You mold it through your power of focus—by thinking about things, remembering things, and imagining things. You focus the Energy when you speak, when you write, when you listen, when you are silent, when you remember, and when you imagine—you focus it through the projection of thought.

Like the sculptors who, with time and practice, learn to mold the clay into the precise desired creation, you can learn to mold the Energy that creates worlds through the focus of your own mind. And, like the sculptors who, with their hands, feel their way as they recreate their vision—you will use your emotions to feel your way to Well-Being.

The Three Steps to Whatever You Want to Be, Do, or Have

Step 1 (your work): You ask.

Step 2 (not your work): The answer is given.

Step 3 (your work): The answer, which has been given, must be received or allowed (you have to let it in).

Most people again fail with the last part of this equation and here is an example:

Then Kevin tells a story about a minister in Louisiana who was at a church when flood waters were coming and despite the fact that everyone had been evacuated from the town, the minister said he wanted to stay because he was trusting in the Lord to save him. So as the water continued to rise a boat came by and asked the minister if he would hop on the boat and be taken to safety but he still refused saying that God would take care of him. A little later, as the waters continued to rise, another boat came by and told the preacher that the flood was getting worse and that he should get on so he could be taken to safety; however he still refused saying that he was trusting in the Lord. Then when the waters had gotten as high as the roof a helicopter came by and asked the preacher if he wanted them to help him but again he refused.

So eventually the minister drowned and when he was up in heaven he asked Saint Peter why he hadn’t been taken care of because he believed in the Bible and he belief that the Lord would save him. Then Saint Peter said “we sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

So in your life circumstances and situations will present themselves and a lot of people just aren’t paying attention. You’re wanting something and wanting something and wanting something and all of a sudden “Boom” it comes into your life and you don’t take action. So you must take action.”

The vibrational relationship between you and your Source is the basis of your emotional guidance system. Your guidance system, like all guidance, is based upon something in relationship to something else. Consider the GPS, navigational system in your vehicle. While it does have the facility to pinpoint your precise location, it is of no value to you in terms of guidance, until you enter a program in your desired destination. But once the navigational system has that information, it can begin to calculate a propose route from where you currently are to where you want to go.

you have surely had the experience of programming an intended destination, and then for some reason deviating from the route. Something along the way may have attracted your attention, so you made an unscheduled turn along your route. Immediately your navigational system begins signaling you that you‘re off your course. You can explain your reasons for departing from your route, but your navigational system will simply continue to tell you that you have deviated from your intended route. 

Because as far as your guidance system is concerned, you are off your path. Of course, you could reprogram the system because of your new decision, and your guidance system would then regroup and make a new plan. But as long as you‘re holding a specific intention of where you want to go, but are moving in a different direction from that intention, warning bells will ring.

So, considering all those factors, your navigational system gives you the best route that it can conclude. In other words, it can not make decisions or give guidance outside of the information, contained in its system.

Your personal emotional guidance system operates in a similar way to an electronic guidance system. You can not receive guidance outside of the routes, or beliefs, contained within your system. Your emotional guidance system relativity is based only upon your active vibrations, beliefs and their relationship with your desired destination.

The following are some examples of the vibrational relativity between the common desires and beliefs that we see in many people, regarding their physical bodies.

Desire: I want to live a long healthy life in this body.

Belief: It‘s unlikely that I‘ll live a long healthy life, because there‘re many deadly diseases in my family history. (this belief is vibrationally incompatible with the stated desire)

Belief: I was born in times that were very different from my parents and their parents, and their parents. (more compatible)

Belief: Today I have greater access to food and information to assist me in maintaining better health. (even more compatible).

Desire: I want to live a long healthy life in this body.

Belief: My parents were not healthy people. (incompatible)

Belief: My parents and I lead very different lives. Our environments are different, what we eat is different, and how we see ourselves is different.(more compatible)

Belief: There is no relationship between my parents‘ health and my own. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want to live a long healthy life in this body.

Belief: There are many deseases present in our society today (incompatible)

Belief: I have long been surrounded by many diseases and possibilities of many diseases, that I haven‘t contracted. (more compatible)

Belief: The existence of a disease doesn't mean that I am personally susceptible. (more compatible)

Belief: My intelligent body has often come into contact with diseases that it has comfortable dealt with without my conscious awareness. (more compatible)

Desire: I want to live a long healthy life in this body.

Belief: Even though new cures to diseases are discovered, new diseases continue to pop up. (incompatible)

Belief: The standard of physical health continues to rise worldwide. (more compatible)

Belief: Diseases that thrive in the absence of vibrational alignment can not affect someone who is in vibrational alignment. (more compatible)

Belief: Another's‘ resistance to their Well-Being has nothing to do with me and my Well-Being. (more compatible)

Desire: I want to live a long healthy life in this body.

Belief: Most people eventually experience physical decline. (incompatible)

Belief: Different people experience different degrees of physical decline. It‘s not necessary to be sick at the end of one‘s physical life. (more compatible)

Belief: The length of time in one‘s physical body and the degree of decline are not related. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want to be active and strong my whole physical life.

Belief: As I get older in my physical body, it‘s inevitable that my physical strength and endurance will diminish. (incompatible)

Belief: When I observe people who are experiencing a physical decline, I don‘t know the details of their life experience. (more compatibe)

Belief: There are strong people at all ages, and weak people at all ages. Age is not the determining factor. (more compatible)

Desire: I want to achieve and maintain a healthy attractive body weight.

Belief: It‘s very difficult to maintain the body weight I desire without doing strenuous daily exercise and depriving myself of things I want to eat. (incompatible)

Belief: As I observe others, there‘s a great variety in their activity and food consumption, causing a great variety of results. (more compatible)

Belief: It‘s possible for me to find a comfortable lifestyle that will give me the results I want. (even more compatible)

Desire: I wanna be agile and flexible. I want my body to move easily and to feel good while it moves.

Belief: As I get older, I become stiff and less flexible. (incompatible)

Belief: There are many good feeling flexible older people and many not good feeling inflexible

younger people. Age is not the determining factor. (more compatibe)

Belief: I noticed that when I decide to move my body deliberately on a daily basis, the condition of my body steadily improves at any time and every time. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want clarity of thought. I want to learn easily and to retain what I‘ve learnt.

Belief: I‘m often confused and don‘t retain the things I read or learn. (incompatible)

Belief: I‘ve noticed that my memory is good when I‘m dealing with the subject I‘m interested in. (more compatible)

Belief: When I want clarity and when I deliberately focus, I‘m clear. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want clarity of mind. I want to remember where I put things.

Belief: I can‘t remember where I put things. (incompatible)

Belief: Even when I can‘t remember where I‘ve put something in time, I always find it again. (more compatible)

Belief: If I make a decision about the best place to put something, and I think about why this is a good place to put it, I then easily remember that I put it there. (even more compatible)

But the all important question that you must ask yourself is: Is this belief vibrationally compatible with my desire?“ Because if it is not, then you can not achieve your desire. So, try to say or think something that feels better, that‘s more compatible with your desire.

The following are some examples of the vibrational relativity between the common desires and the beliefs that we see in many people, regarding their relationships.

Desire: I want to find my perfect partner.

Belief: I‘ve been looking for so long. All of the really great people have already found their mates. (this belief is vibrationally incompatible with the stated desire)

Belief: I‘ve only recently decided that I‘m really ready for a mate. I‘m glad my mate didn‘t get here  before I was ready. (more compatible)

Belief: When I make up my mind about something, it usually works out for me. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want to improve my relationship with my mate.

Belief: Everything I do seems to make my mate angry. (incompatible)

Belief: We had a great relationship when we first came together. (more compatible)

Belief: I‘d love to return to those old feelings of really loving each other. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want a better relationship with my parents.

Belief: Even though I‘ve been an adult for years, my mother still thinks she needs to tell me what to do. (incompatible)

Belief: My father‘s interest in me comes from the place of wanting me to have a good life. (more compatible)

Belief: My mother really does mean well, and what she says and does actually has little or no affect on my life. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want a better relationship with my child, or my children.

Belief: My child seems to think that I‘m the path through which everything she wants will come to her. (incompatible)

Belief: When I was his age, I looked at life very differently than I do now. But not so different from the way he sees it, I suppose. (more compatible)

Belief: We are both continually changing, and that is such a good thing. (even more compatible)

As you‘re beginning to deliberately train your perspective towards those better feeling beliefs, i always encourage you to start with something easy. 

The following are some examples of the regarding my financial abundance 

Desire: I want more money.

Belief: I‘m so tired of not being able to afford the things I wanna do. (this belief is vibrationally incompatible with the stated desire)

Belief: If I plan well, I can shift things around so that my money goes further. (more compatible)

Belief: I‘m so glad I have enough money to put toward this thing that I want. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want money to come to me more easily.

Belief: It seems like too much of my life is spent earning money. (incompatible)

Belief: Surely there are things to do that earn more money per hour. (more compatible)

Belief: I‘m glad I have this marketable skill that pays the bills. (even more compatible)

Desire: I wanna feel good about having money.

Belief: My mother said that money doesn't make you happy. In fact, she believes it ruins lives. (incompatible)

Belief: I've seen people with and without money who are happy. And I‘ve seen people with and without money who are sad. Money doesn't have to ruin your life. (more compatible)

Belief: Money feels freeing to me. It lifts limitations and it affords opportunities. (even more compatible)

Desire: I wanna be comfortable about others not having money.

Belief: I love my luxurious new car, but I feel bad that that man has no place to live. (incompatible)

Belief: I understand that my not buying that car would not then mean that that man would have a place to live. (more compatible)

Belief: Everyone has exactly as much money as they expect and allow themselves to have. (even more compatible)

Desire: I want to come into financial balance.

Belief: No matter how hard I try or how much I work, something always seems to come up that keeps me from getting ahead. (incompatible)

Belief: I don‘t have much control over how much money will come in this week, but I do have some control about how much I spend. (more compatible)

Belief: I am gradually coming into balance. (even more compatible)

Desire: I wanna be free of debt.

Belief: I am so tired of being in so much debt. My monthly payments take such a big piece of my paycheck that there is hardly anything left with which to enjoy life. (incompatible)

Belief: Responsible debt is not such a bad thing. It‘s allowed me to enjoy something sooner than I would have been able to otherwise. (more compatible)

Belief: With or without debt I can achieve financial balance. Some of the most successful entities on the planet have some of the largest debts. (even more compatible)

When you decide that you are going to improve the vibrational relationship between what you want regarding money, and what you currently believe regarding money, you‘ll begin to see immediate results.

Another thing i would like to point out if you tried anything b4 and failed you will eventually link desire or wanting some thing, with failure and thus you will never get it because even though you really want something deep down you know you will not get it . 

This is the biggest complaint i have with all these people they tell you focus on the wrong part of the mind and control your thoughts, your thoughts are on the consciousness plane and hold little strength thats why you have to consciously do this a lot in order for you to get what you want . i refer to this level of thought a drop of water in an ocean. 

What i mean is you think that corvette is fast right zero to 60 2 secs top speed around 200 mph ( This is my metaphor for consciousness/thoughts) And then along comes a super sonic plane roaring right past you at Mach 4.5 speed ( This of course will be your subconscious) lastly don't even get me started on warp drive (Akashic records).

My point is all these guys are trying to have you change with the wrong mind, you will fail if you do not reprogram your subconsciousness , yes you can reprogram it there way and that takes YEARS of hard work (driving in the corvette) and concentrated effort. My way is to (metaphorically speaking) go in your hard drive and modify your program anyway you seem fit ,hit the save button and let the program play itself out . (Take control of the jet)

More or less be on autopilot , i know a lot of you think that your thoughts are all there is but your wrong your are only acting out a program that your subconsciousness has available but it just allows you to think your are in charge. ( Yes you can override this its called free will & Buddhist mindfulness) but it is way easier to set it and forget. ;)

This article has been a mix of other peoples thoughts on the subject of the LOA , Mainly Kevin Trudeau your wish is your command,  Abraham and jerry and Esther hicks , and the kybalion by three initiates GO OUT AND BUY THIS NOW I ONLY BRIEFLY MENTIONED TOPICS THEY GO INTO GREAT DETAIL. 

I will be getting to how to do this later on, stay tunned. 


Nice read mate. I vibrate 24/7. Keep up. Following.

There is a reason for using the picture of Jacob's ladder and the other Freemason picture , when i tell you it will make sense but thats later. :)

who is Kevin?

kevin trudeau