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RE: Steemit etiquette - is reposting your own original content verboten?

in #steemit7 years ago

I have the same conundrum. I don't know when to post something to my blog, and when here. I try not to have any cross-polination - for no good reason at all whatsoever.

Typically it breaks down by topic. Everything about cryptocurrency I post here. I've written a few Apple posts here, too. But hard-core technical stuff, I post to my blog. I guess I kinda feel like that's my "Here, I'm an Internet Person, if this helps me get a job then that is very good" site.

Whereas here I post stuff that's weirder or more philosophic or more rambling. Or "might be boring to people who know my blog," maybe?

I'm still not sure.


That's sort of been my approach as well. Folks that follow me on twitter or read my blog know they'll usually be getting a specific technical step-by-step tutorial, or perhaps some higher level business stuff, but I try not to ramble on my blog. Folks get emailed when I post something new there (if they signed up for that) and I try really hard not to invade their inbox for a (delicious, delicious) curried egg recipe. Notifications here are more passive so I feel a little more at ease waxing rhapsodic here.