Weekend Update #13

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi everyone, just stopping in to do a quick weekend update today. I don't have a whole lot to talk about tonight but here goes anyway.

First as I just stated in a comment a few minutes ago, I need to rethink my curating efforts. Now that I have been following the trail for thealliance it seems most of the posts left in my comments have already been voted on. Now this is a good thing for all the people I support. However it leaves my curating post not very useful... So I need to come up with a new idea. Of course any ideas or suggestions will be considered and appreciated.

Next up I have about two weeks until both of my leases will be up so its crunch time. I would still like to do a fundraiser raffle again. Also if anyone else would like to contribute please feel free to reach out.

Last for this week, http://steemsilverround.com/ went live a few days ago. As of tonight the pre order has begun. I'm sure lots and lots of people will be happy about this. I know I sure was!!!!

Alright everyone that's all I got for you tonight. I need to get off to bed. Quick shout out to my two favorite communities on steemit #steemsilvergold and #thealliance. As well as the support accounts @ssg-community @thealliance and @killerwhale. Lastly my contributors @enginewitty @darkmrmystic and of course @armshippie.

Until next time,
pew pew


Write a full on curation post with like your top 3 from the fam and ssg each week?

Trying to think of way to work that! Thanks for the idea!

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold