If they want visibility though this isn't that platform for them at all, most people here want rewards. The fact that someone can start blogging/posting videos and actually start to earn a few bucks per post by joining a community is something that does not exist anywhere else.
Posts on steemit largely don't get many views as more people's folowers are bots.
If they want visibility it is a mistake to only post on steemit, it is also a mistake to not post on steemit. Posting everywhere like Medium/Facebook/Minds/Reddit/Voat/Making your own website/Blogger/ etc, if people want visibility they need to be everywhere.
Through my time on steemit and on the internet in general as a youtuber/blogger, people give up on making videos/blogging because they don't make any money within the first few months. The only reason it takes them longer to give up on steemit is that they were making some money the whole time but it isn't enough. Steemit onnly has less than 1 million total accounts with a lot being bots, it is still very early on this platform.
LikeI said, people who want visibility will figure out how to get it, people who want to only make money will quit making posts.
just my .02