Don't worry, you're on the good track. Please keep in mind that STEEM has crashed... and it might rise again, so your 125$ can easily become 750$ overnight. You just need to wait for better times (market wise speaking.)
I have started following you recently and I enjoy your photos. Keep up the good work and don't worry to much about the rest.
As for me, I still have a long way to reach your level. My posts have just a handful of votes. And since 3 of them are bots, other is from myself, in reality I have just 1 or 2 votes per post... It's disheartening, but I won't give up easily.
We are together in this! I will check your work after settle. Yes this rise of price is more then needed. Crypto is still young anyway.
And... STEEM and SBD went up big, today! 🤗