What are your intentions here??

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

"Your intentions create your reality".png

What are your intentions here?

I got forced to ask myself this question really early on when joining the platform. I’m glad I did, and here’s why.

First off, setting intentions are a very powerful thing. It's something I ask myself on a daily basis. I use a particular day planner with prompts to help me set intentions each day.

Intentions are much like goals. Long term and short term. The short term, should be evaluated each day. Because those intentions can change often.

We also have long term intentions, such as, what your intention for the Steemit platform may be.

There’s also even longer term intentions, such as life. What kind of life/lifestyle to you intend to live?

In my experience, taking the time to have clarity around my intentions has been much more beneficial than focusing on “goals”.

I have goals too, but my intentions are what keep me on the path to achieve those goals.

"Your intentions create your reality"-2.png

So, What are your intentions for this platform?

This is how I came up with my intention:

It did take me a day or two to get to know the platform and get an idea of what was going on and to analyze how I was going to utilize it and what my true intentions were going to be here. (I’m still learning and I think more and more clarity and ideas will come)

As I explored, and tried to determine what that was going to be, I eliminated the fact that I could earn on here. I had to take that part away, because it’s distracting. And I knew it would be easy for me to set goals and intentions around that very thing, “how can I make money”?

I had to ask myself, how would I utilize this platform, if the option of making money didn’t exist?

I had to look at it the same as I would any other platform, we need to build community and be part of community to have any sort of impact on any social media site, and I believe Steemit to be no different in that sense. Being here, I realized this is probably even more true than my original thought.

Working in the space of personal development, spiritual growth and mindset, my intentions are to help people, to support people, to uplift and empower anyway I can. I’ve spent a significant amount of time applying much of what I teach in my own life experiences. It inspired me to collaborate what I learned and to give it back, in a less confusing and messy way.

I didn’t choose the path of personal development and spiritual growth, it chose me. I was forced to look at my mindset and create a new one. My perceptions needed to be adjusted here and there and it made all the difference.

Throughout my own healing journey, I discovered my true passions and I felt I finally had a purpose.

Turning something like that into a “business” isn’t the the easiest task. Finding ways to monetize it, is still something I’m consistently working towards. But, the more I focus on building communities and being part of communities with like-minded people and lending a helping hand, anywhere I can, I realized, it will monetize itself, overtime.

I’m not trying to sell you anything. Part of my intentions here are learning more about how I can serve better. Getting to know people, seeing common mindset issues, seeing the perceptions in a diverse community. That is value to me.

"Your intentions create your reality"-3.png

Important questions to determine what you want to gain here:

  • What value do I want from this platform and communities?
  • Other than the currency of Steem, what else can I gain from being here?
  • What can I learn that will better shape my brand message, business or cause?

That is what I find so unique about Steemit, it’s a give and take. And, I believe it’s an important mindset to have going into it that will help set you up to find a more pure, beneficial intention.

Things aren’t black and white:

It may appear, you can just join, post, upvote and comment little and be on the path of financial freedom. That IS too good to be true. As rare as this opportunity here is, there are still secrets in making it work. I believe that secret to be, know your intentions and make sure they are pure and fair.

People will continuously seek out ways to manipulate it but I think as new people join, they will find themselves striving, reaching and right back at square one, rather than going with the flow, allowing things to unfold with pure intentions.

If you’re not clear on what your intentions are for being here on this platform, I hope this inspires you to revisit your intention and see if it’s going to serve you and the integrity of the platform.

To help set your intentions:

  • What do I want to get?
  • What do I want to give?
  • What is my message?
  • In what ways can I convey that message?
  • What niche communities am I going to be able to engage in naturally?
  • What qualities, talents and value can I bring to the platform?
  • How can I do these things in the most authentic way?
  • What are my intentions for my business/cause/group outside this platform and how can I introduce it here?

You could write down the answers to these questions and use them when posting content and engaging in communities, as a gauge to keep you on track with your daily intentions.

I’d also recommend, matching them up with your long term intentions. Does you intentions here correlate with your life/lifestyle you desire?

If you are someone that may not be part of a community, group, niche, or have no message, cause or business, It's a clean slate for you, spend time here on the platform and I'm sure it will spark some new inspirations.

I hope this helps. I really truly believe, having our intentions set, we'll gain more clarity and direction here on this platform.

Over to you, do you think setting intentions here is an important aspect or what has been your experience?

Images created in Canva.


Thank you for this refelction on my own intentions on steemit, I joined it with a mind set of making a hobbie of making a few steem. But a few things happen to me after I joined. One I found out how wide this ocean community is and started to make connections to people and places I would only visit in my dreams. Somthing feels real about raw post from people all around the world. Next thing that happend I started to care about how and what I am posting, learning little by little of what it takes to get real big here. Some of the tatics are toxic for all of us, but knowlage like html can vastly improve your expericance on this platform. When your medium is rock and root, its harder to translate your passjon for growing things when your skills at Photo editing and writing are not the strongest. Keep posting post like this.

Very interesting. I feel the same, as far as realizing what all was here on this platform . I became more important to me very quickly. Thank you reading and for sharing your story. I wish you success!

@tressareid, This is so thought-provoking and motivates one to make planned actions. I closely read and affirmed your words on this post. Thank you for putting this together. I saw and followed your profile from your comment on @maverickfoo . Welldone.

Not sure how you didn't receive more love for this post!

This is incredibly powerful for me right now. I've been thinking very recently that what is missing from my life (especially with Steemit), is clear intention.
I've been drafting several posts, unsure of what to put out there and how I want to pull it together; and although I don't think we can be certain on how our work comes together, intentions feel to play a big part in handling that for us.

I know this post is 29 days old; so my comment here doesn't provide monetary value - But you've really given me a lot to pull on to guide my next step.

My start on Steemit has been a bit rocky and @tressareid, you've given me perspective and tools to make something out of it.

I really appreciate it. Thank you!

I'm so glad to hear you found value in my post. Intentions really are important here on Steemit. I'm 29 more days in and I still agree with what I provided with in this post.

Anyone willing to look at ways to make things better and see value in setting intentions, will set themselves up for success.

Thanks so much for reading my post and still sharing your feedback, its greatly appreciated.
I wish you success!

This so true and inspirational for me... Am going to review and update my intentions here on steemit... Thank you so much @tressareid

You are very welcome, I am glad it inspired you to review your intentions. Thank you for sharing!

Wayne Dyer inspired! Nice, I listen to alot of his vidoes, podcast and read .. well one of hus books, " Wishes fullfilled" . You are absalutley right about setting intention. I 'm struggling to do this and find myself trying different things to see what feels good and what gets a response. I will certainly re-read this and follow your advice on setting intentions. Thank you

"Wishes Fulfilled" was the book that really inspired me to change my life and my thinking. I have read it several times and still pick it up from time to time. You're doing the right thing, by "seeing what feels good", that's key, knowing how you want to feel. Start there.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience with intentions, it can be a process that we need to be patient with, but the clarity that comes from it is well worth it.

Wonderful insight on a very important matter. Unfortunately, steemit has become a source of spammy and crappy posts. People are not looking to add value to the platform, they just want to push out “stuff” in hopes to earn quickly..

My idea of the platform is that at least 70% of the posts we create must be contribution based. By contribution, i mean detailed analysis on topics that people normally search on google to get answers and they usually end up in reddit, youtube and other websites to get the information.. trust me when i tell you that you won’t get a single steemit link on any of the important topics that are searched on google. How can we expect to bring in more traffic if thats all we are capable of?

Sorry to post my meltdown here but when i see such topics, it burns my heart. Steemit has the potential to go beyond facebook and we are totally misusing this platform just to feed our selfish desires..
Not many people think like you do (which is evident from your post), keep up the good work..

I agree, I think it's probably slowing up the growth and the bigger picture of what it could be. But I have faith that the "spammy" people and those that think they can make a quick buck without contributing in anyway will eventually get filtered out, somehow, someway (I don't have the answer..lol) but I guess its all still new and things will hopefully iron out.

Thanks for commenting. All we can do is spread the message. :)

They will.. most of them leave the platform anyway when they post their selfie as a post and expect to get 50$ on it. But when they get 0.005$ instead, they get tired and then leave.. :p

excellent good image you spend a nice time and yours

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