Content discovery! Steemit vs Reddit. (just a rant)

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This post try to compare (condenser) to only as it relates to sort functions and search. posts sorting :

Promoted is very poorly understood or used even by long time steemians "New" is barely usable with about 1 post every 2 seconds, So that leave us with Hot and Trending.

Steemit comments sorting :

Trending? Where is "top"?
"Age"... does not work and sort selection doesn't change

For those who don't know, the Steemit logo hide a secret link that send you to a feed of everything the people you follow post or resteem. It is currently most sane way to discover content.

now Reddit ...

Reddit with Enhancement suite addon.


Multi subjects (tags) feeds.

Sample of my current feed,
Do you think I care in the slightest what's on the global reddit trending page? almost no one that's logged in get to see it anyway.

There are hundreds of ways to improve content discovery but since has been at this same stage for the last two years I think it's futile to suggest them any, no matter how obvious or simple to implement it is.

The Trending page is a complete mess right now, has been for a while, but it wouldn't be such a big deal if there had been more thought/work put into offering different ways to discover content.

The conclusion of this post is that I would really like to help support development of competing general use Steem front-end. Please contact me if you're working on something.

Sorry for such a depressing post, I'll make another one to show all of the great content filtering that other front-end offers soon. (there is hope, but elsewhere)

Some example : (try clicking on a tag) (thanks to @mikepm74)

There are 3 pages

There are hundreds of ways to improve content discovery but since has been at this same stage for the last two years I think it's futile to suggest them any, no matter how obvious or simple to implement it is.

This is key right here. They really are not worried about doing anything other than minor cosmetic changes to the UI. Since anyone with the tools to do so can create a new UI for the Steem blockchain, I think they are leaving it up to the users to create something that works better.

I imagine there are Devs out there who could create a VERY usable interface given the proper motivation. Perhaps your offer to support the efforts is the push someone needs!

It isn't really what you are looking for, but have you checked out It gives you a lot of utility in searching for content, but you still have to kind of know what you are looking for. It was created by @markangeltrueman.

I have no stake in steemsearch, just pointing out a tool I have found most useful in my content discovery. :-)

I get what you're talking about. At first it could be pretty frustrating to get on the good wave of Steemit but there are tools.
For me personally - I like using Steem Buddy to find out accounts with similar interests. Once you follow enough interesting accounts, your news feed gets the magic you're looking for.

That's a great tip. Thanks for that

Just started using steemsearch, thanks for the recommendation.

I think it is OK to keep Steemit as simple as possible to allow for as many users as possible. 3rd party tools will be able to achieve any specific sorting or searching that anybody might need.

Thanks for mentioning SteemSearch Mike, it is much appreciated, as is the continued support. I've got 3 days free to work on some more features starting from tomorrow so i'll see what i can come up with.

I ma new on steemit.please guide me and vote me @cristi

Hey again @transisto

One of the things I find the most lacking here on Steemit is the search function. Taking you to a completely different page branded by Google just can't be.

You see, I'm a college professor, I teach Marketing at a University and I promote Steemit to my students, who jump at the opportunity to work here and share the community with the rest of us.

One of the first things they ask is: Professor, how do we find each other?

I explain that it is easilly done through the search function.

Do you know what most of them come asking?

Professor, that sends us to a Google page.

I mean, they don't even bother to check the results because the page changed so abruptly.

Not only that but we all know, as we are Internet Users, that usually searches with that kind of bar SUCK TONS!!

Huge turnoff, not intuitive, marketing fail and something that just has to be worked upon.

Anyway, I almost wrote a post here myself, in fact I think I will approach this topic on my blog soon, it annoys me a lot.

Cheers! Keep up the good work.

I am new on steem world. Please guide me follow me and upvote me.@cristi

try It's pretty new and im working hard on it so if you have any feature requests or ideas then let me know in steem chat #steemsearch

I am with you @spiritualmax.

Plus even when you do it, the results do not come up.

Half the time I will put in a @username and get something totally off the wall especially if the person is relatively new.

I end up digging through my following list to find the people.

Finding new content on here is mostly chance. There's no good method to find something new unless you know what you're looking for.

Yep, I've been asking for things like following a tag or "favourite tag" buttons since like 2 years :s

I have no programming skills whatsoever but I support what you state here completely.

This site is just one big steam it seems. I only recently got a hold of my feed since I went bonkers upon signing up and followed everyone under the sun.

That said, I have reduced it a great deal of late so that it is manageable. Outside of that though, it is hopeless. I sift through the taglines but most of them are mislabeled (some seem to think that every post has to do with STEEM).

I wasnt here two years ago but with a reported 20K authors, this place is becoming a mess. Even when I am seeking something on a particular subject, the google search bar gives me a bunch of garbage unrelated to what I seek.

Since we are ranting, one feature that really irritates me is that using other apps like Zappl, snapshot, and Dtube puts those posts in my blog category. I dont necessarily want a bunch of zaps in my blogs. The developers over the state that it is a steemit issue.

Rant over....

I think that since authors don't get rewarded for old content, they do not update it and fail to bring in long term inbound links which would float the best material to the top.

To be fair, they are right, they can't control what steemit displays.

you are very right about this,, I dont know anything about programming as well but the points are very clear to me now.

Since we are ranting, one feature that really irritates me is that using other apps like Zappl, snapshot, and Dtube puts those posts in my blog category. I dont necessarily want a bunch of zaps in my blogs. The developers over the state that it is a steemit issue.

personally I like seeing all of what a member does on the ecosystem. As the flagship site, Steemit needs to implement an interface feature which allows members to filter out what they don't want to see from the ecosystem thus giving members a choice. But, that would be like making the Trending page more relevant or implementing a real search feature.. wishful thinking at this point.

I am new on steemit please guide me folloe me and vote me

I am a full stack developer and will help any projects that need web develoment help.

It's really nice to see you volunteer for such a job of helping.

Yes, I agree with you.

Any type of project ?

Please tell me what you want to do and I will help. I mostly do microsoft technologies for middlware and backend but well versed with botstrap jquery reactivejs steemjs and similar UI stuff. is one of the websites that I have worked on in the past.

My proposed changes for hf20 Trending tab

I've been an avid daily user of reddit for many years. I really enjoy reddit. I can't wait to see what Steem communities will do for Steem. It's difficult to know if Steemit does have their priority at the right place but we still have to give them the benefice of the doubt at least that's my opinion. They have a lot to chew on. The are not only developing the leading hedge of blockchain tech but also it's leading front-end and that's 2 major achievement with almost no precedent if at all.

Also reddit as gazillion more authors and also gazillion more professional one paid per companies. I really hope and think Steem will get there with time and effort.

Take care my Transisto! Have fun!

The are not only developing the leading hedge of blockchain tech but also it's leading front-end and that's 2 major achievement with almost no precedent if at all.

And, all the social aspects they are incorporating into it. It's really uncharted territory.

I have been on and off reddit for over 10years. When I first started reddit everything was lumped together on the front page and there were no subreddits. Those were the days of “vote up if, vote down if”. It was just blue text on a white background. It was better back then. Now they’re shady as fuck with their shadow bans and if you say anything about their liberal socialist agenda you get banned, assuming you can post in the first place with their karma limits. Point is, when you first start a website you just want things to work. Reddit worked back then. Now it’s just one infested armpit of censorship if you don’t toe the communist agenda. I’ll never go back there. I’d rsther be here as long as there’s free speech.

And you can find anything through the google search. Just put whatever you’re searching for in the google search, including peoples names.

" their liberal socialist agenda" "if you don’t toe the communist agenda"

I feel like you can't define any of those

There are only a select number of subreddits where you can say any right wing opinion without being harassed and downvoted. You can state left wing opinions pretty much everywhere without fear. That's a big problem because it makes the site unpleasant to use for anyone with right wing beliefs, including free speech.

That is not what I asked. Liberals are right of center, they are just another form of capitalist.

"That's a big problem because it makes the site unpleasant to use for anyone with right wing beliefs, including free speech."

free speech has historically been more left wing than right, fascism comes to mind for one.

"You can state left wing opinions pretty much everywhere without fear."

liberals are not left and I think you mean progressiveism, which is just the "happy face" of tyranny. Either way 20 million die of poverty a year and the answer is the destruction of capitalism.

It’s historical revisionism to suggest fascism is right wing. Giovanni Gentile was the father of fascism and he was very left wing. Fascism is fundamentally about collectivism, not individualism or freedom. That’s synonymous with left wing politics and socialism.

I’m not OP and I wouldn’t refer to the left as liberal. Liberalism is fundamentally a right wing ideology which dates back to the Enlightenment.

Capitalism has brought 1 billion people out of poverty in the last 20 years. Socialism and communism has killed 100 million at least in the past century. It should be clear which side has better ideas.

If you honestly believe capitalism is a bad thing it’s a wonder you’re on this site at all. Capitalism is mans greatest invention and it will continue to bring millions out of poverty every month.

its historical revisionism to ignore the fact that fascism is completely right wing lmao. Hitler slaughtered socialists and communists and privatised multiple national industries for a reason

What was right wing about Hitler? He was all about collectivism, his party was the national socialist party, he socialised education and welfare and blamed the wealthy capitalist Jews for all of the country’s problems. Replace the word Jew with top 1% and it sounds a lot like another socialist, Bernie Sanders.

The socialist historians have lied to millions to try and distance Hitler from their corrosive ideology.

Fascism is an Italian term that means “groupism” or “collectivism.” The fasci in Italy were groups of political activists who got their name from the fasces of ancient Rome—the bundles of rods carried by the lictors to symbolize the unified strength of the Romans. The core meaning of the term fascism is that people are stronger in groups than they are as individuals.

You're right, that sounds sooooo much like right wingers.

It feels like the early days of Facebook and 3rd-Party Facebook Apps.

The Trending page is a complete mess right now, has been for a while, but it wouldn't be such a big deal if there had been more thought/work put into offering different ways to discover content.

And I am beginning to think that the current way the search and discover function works is what makes Steemit so focused on just getting upvotes without genuine readership.

Only the trending and hot sections are given attention to, although there might be other rich content buried forever.

I also believe that there are a lot of us out here who would enjoy being suggested articles to which is in line with our interests. If there will be some algo for this, more Steemians will be motivated to post for things they are passionate about, knowing that there are eager readers to whom their content will be served.

Anyway, there is definitely a huge room for improvement given the age of the platform.

Yes, finding material on can be one of the most frustrating things imaginable. At least for me. However, in the time I've been here, I haven't really seen the interface change with exception of appearance.

I think they are waiting for a user or users to come up and produce something better for them. However, I am not the person with the type of knowledge to do that. So... Here is to hoping someone else does!

Yes, I really dont understand how this is going on for so long. Also I am not a developer, but I would think that the main priority of the core team right now would be to fix the basic search and listing functionality, as well as adding private messaging.

I WANT to promote steemit to my friends, but showing them the site in it's current form is a joke!

Compare this to DTUBE which is being privately developed, and in my opinion has become the LEADING value for steem.

I mean in the 5 months I have been here, what really has even changed? We got a new logo? Cmon devs!!!

Reddit is too confusing for me. I guess users like you who have spent a lot of time there, know their way around. I use New and Trending quite often. They serve their purpose. I can't think of thing to improve there.

However, I have been thinking about Promoted section lately, even decided to make a post with a proposal to make changes to make it work. I think Promoted can become very useful if it was incentivized for people to visit it. If more people are incentivized to visit promote section, more authors will start actually using promote feature and burning Steem/SBD, and it would be great for investors like you, because value of Steem would rise as a result of burning.

Steem does have a good advantage in that it is much more Noob Friendly. I too would like to see some added incentive for people to look at the promoted section as it would increase the value of the Coin and the platform greatly.

Oh yes, that was exactly my first thought when I arrived here at Steemit a few weeks ago. The content in "Promoted" looks crapy. Too bad. Thanks!

I would like to see a sub reddit type sections in steemit. sub steemits that can be dedicated to specific things and possibly implement moderators.

Nice post

for link i think reddit is awesome web but for read information and get a $ . Steemit is the best ever i know . sorry reddit . @transisto

The search results coming up on a google-like page is bad. Very bad... But hey, at least it doesn't show up as Reddit results!

Honestly speaking though, I've tried to use the search function three times in total and I've been a member here since July 2016.

great moment sir @transisto

Steemit developers are hard working guys. They do but only during steemfest. And rest of the year they forgets that steemit exist too . @transisto

@transisto I nominated you for a fun challenge that is running on Steemit at the moment. I hope you can take part. Click Here

The UI and searching on steemit does need a good overhaul at some point.

Thanks for this post. Very useful it is specially the steemit LOGO. I never knew that.

good job :)

I'm thinking to build a recommender system on top of it~

Both are revolutionary, but Steemit has a brighter future!!

great post, yes I don't rely on search for anything here, I gave up on it as it's pretty fruitless. I survive with the core group I've chosen to follow and check out the hotlist for "news"/popular posts. Peace !

It looks like steemit front-end is no longer a priority for devs. That is sad.

it never was.

It would be great to start utopian project for steemit search.

you mean like ;)

However, due to blockchain limitation I doubt how many of the features will be applicable. But steemit should work aggressively on both on marketing and UI to compete with Reddit.

This is just one of a couple problems I think that need to be fixed before this site can exploit with users. Right now, it is so hard to navigate and get noticed. Power users almost always dominate the site because they can upvote their own posts which pushes it to the top which everyone else is posting into the abyss.

Just the other day I made a post about STEEM breaking $1b market cap. No one saw it but 20 minutes later a power user made a similar post, upvoted it himself and bam, off to the races his post went.

Lose away off why half led have near bed.

The userflow can be better, but still. Its in beta ;)

Thanks for the steemsearch mention - I have been really hard at work trying to add useful features. Some of the stuff that you can do in Reddit could, in theory, be mirrored on there. I'll have a think. I've got a shedload of stuff on my backlog to add to steemsearch already - it's going to keep my busy for a long time!!

@transisto also sent you a message on :)

Yeah, at this point pretty much only subscription feed is usable. Which is obviously annoying when their arent any useable discovery mechanisms to find people to subscribe in the first place.

Since follow feeds is the only reasonable way to use steemit, We barely can't post or resteem anything that we find interesting unless we stick to a specific subject, do it very rarely or create another account for other subjects. Doesn't scale at all.

Oh god, resteems need to be figured. Its really awkward when someone I follow decides to go on a resteem spree, burying my feed. I still adore steem, but I have a feeling will eventually be remembered as a proof of concept site.

There should be a limit for resteems :) Maybe should be tied to VP depletion.

I'm not sure an on-chain solution is ideal. I can think of plenty of scenerios where resteem curation can provide a valuable feature. Honestly, I think the problem is because "steem" and "steemit" are still interchangable. What we really need is a seperate "uncensored chaotic mess steem viewer" and a "technically censored (in the sense dtube censors non-video content) steemit blogging platform." Like, steemit should force a tag like the other dApps do. But right now, they obviously can't, it would kill every other dApp.
So right now we are stuck in the unfortunate situation where a specific use case dApp is also trying to be a generalized hub. I have no idea how we deal with these growing pains.

I think communities might resolve most of these issues.

I feel that Steemit inc is withholding so much work that it's borderline similar to insider trading.

Only whales/investors can pressure them to be more transparent and open. But at the same time I prefer them to be selective and careful what they say/reveal, since anything they say/announce may have a impact on the Steem prices.

i forgot about those! Yeah, I have high hopes for them.

Yes, steemit interface need much work for proper content discovery options.

Steemit is the best network now a days. The main thing is that steemit value your post and share their revenue with you. while the other networks just earn for themselves.

There are about 7000 steemians as opposed to hundreds of thousands of redditors. Development comes gradually with growth. I am sure reddit was not that detailed at first either.

I mean, really, who cares about such an elaborate search option when most topics lose significance in a day?

I’ve never actually used reddit.... so glad to have found steemit!

We need people like you Transisto, people that get out of their way to reach to a growing platform because he knows it can do better, and he can't be fucked to wait for someone else to complain.

Keep at it man!

I don't see how it makes sense comparing steemit to reddit, since reddit has been on the www for way longer than steemit. But of course I agree that steemit does definitely need more filtering options, which it is currently lacking.

great moment sir @transisto

Sir @transisto
Its excellent article and great information for steemian. Steemit much better from other fake site where no earing and also no socialized.
Merry Christmas and keep sharing

I didn't know about the link in the steemit log @transisto so thanks for that. I've been on Reddit for years and have some nice Karma but never really understood it. I knew it was a decent driver of traffic to my website every once and awhile but my only content discoveries were on my homepage.

please donate to me
just up vote here please !

There are hundreds of ways to improve content discovery but since has been at this same stage for the last two years I think it's futile to suggest them any, no matter how obvious or simple to implement it is.

The Trending page is a complete mess right now, has been for a while, but it wouldn't be such a big deal if there had been more thought/work put into offering different ways to discover content.

I couldn't agree more! This is the key problem and the most important thing you mentioned in the post. I hope it will change but I dont think it will. not soon.

There are 3 pages