Why is Crypto like a shoe salesman in New Zealand?

in #steemit8 years ago

Have you heard the story of the shoe salesman
who was sent to New Zealand?

He was there only a few weeks and became very frustrated. His first letter back to his company read,

“Please bring me home, nobody wears shoes over here.”

So the shoe company did just that. Soon after, they sent a second salesman. Same people. Same situation.

That new salesman wrote a letter too... His said,

“Please send all the shoes you can, nobody wears shoes over here!”

Spot the difference?

Same situation. Same shoes. Different viewpoints.

One saw futility while the other sawopportunity!

The first salesman missed out on making a difference and his replacement changed the paradigm.

The second man had a choice and seized his opportunity.

So how does this apply to Crypto?

Have you ever kicked yourself for missing a chance that could have made a difference in your life? One decision that could have altered your course in a positive way?

I did and it was with Bitcoin. I saw a post back in the early days when Bitcoin was under $20 about this new thing. It was interesting to me then but I didn't see the opportunity. Although it was interesting enough that I kept track of it periodically.

Years later when it climbed to $200 I missed the boat again. Then it climbed to $1,000.

That is when I realized my mistake. When it dropped back to $400 I bought in. And I'm very glad I did!

Look for opportunity. It's all around you.


"Fortune favors the bold" or "high risk, high reward." There are a million cliches that would fit this idea and they are all definitely true. You made a really good point.

I have heard that there are a few stages that new ideas tend to go through.

  1. The innovation stage
  2. The early adopters stage.
  3. The mass adoption stage.
  4. The late adopters stage.

In regards to crypto we are probably still in the innovation stage. Can you imagine when we get to stage 3 - mass adoption? We will be looking at $5000 Bitcoins and saying "wow could you imagine if we bought back then.?"

Thank you for adding that. This is so true and exactly what I wanted to help people understand. I agree we are definitely still in the innovative stage. I read a lot of stories that compare crypto to the early days of the internet and it is so true. Blockchain technology is here - and it's here to stay! How it develops and will be used in the future is anyone's guess. And everyone should be taking it much more seriously!Yes @leaky20,

Agreed. I believe that even Bill Gates said that Bitcoin isn't going anywhere. I look at crypto not as an "if" but a "when." When do you want to get involved early or late, when coins are cheap or when they are expensive?