I like to write and think it is good for everyone to work on their writing skills here or develop some if they have none. Copying and pasting graphic material is a thing?
Anyone else have thoughts on the benefit of porn in this community?
I like to write and think it is good for everyone to work on their writing skills here or develop some if they have none. Copying and pasting graphic material is a thing?
Anyone else have thoughts on the benefit of porn in this community?
Agreed, this platform could really offer something unique to the table by "banning" that type of content. At least steemit would be respected even more I feel iof it did so. btw your article appears as a NSFW article so people probably assume it is porn lol..
I just don't see how it adds to the community. Anyone who understands crypto certainly knows how to find porn on the net if they want it. Silly rabbits! I thought it was sort of a backhanded way of saying there really isn't a place for it here.
100% accepting of freelance models.
Fucking hate greasy fakes who post others content.
Thank you! I love to write so you won't get that from me!