Introducing some few Africans to Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Its been quite a long time since I posted on my self imposed ambassadorship. By the way if this is the first time you are reading my blog, I am an ambassador for Ghana seriously spreading steemit like wildfire in Ghana. We are taking over Ghana by the end of the year. Thats my aim. Ghana really has some talented writers who can richly influence out community when given the chance and this is what I seek to do.
To the main agenda of this post, I have been able to bring on board some few Ghanaians over the past few days and I want to use this post to shout out to them and to welcome and motivate them to do their best on the platform. Steemit has just only began

Firstly I will thank all those who are helping me spread steemit like wildfire:
@ackza my personal adviser and team manager.
@appiahgyan a good friend and a recruiter bringing on board many of his friends too
@xpency a friend and an adviser from Nigeria influencing my work. His work gives me lots of motivation.
And all those who support me with their up vote and eyes. I mean you.

The list of all those that the team was able to bring on board this week include the following people:
@ortigas100 A doctor in the making and my own mate. A social media guru. Can be found active in all social media and he is very much excited about this platform.
@kwabkesseh is an accountant and loves economics. He loves talking about the economy
@mcsamm A teacher and a very good technocrats in mobile networks.
@othniel computer engineer and a preacher in the making. He loves computers
@benimahmud another engineering student
@foreigner He is an it specialist. A teacher. Writing is in his gene so expect more from him
Please help me welcome them all to this community.
Many more have their accounts yet to be approved. There is a mass sign up by Ghanaians and i will list their accounts up when they are all ready. Till then thanks for your time. You can up vote to motivate the team and help in reaching out to more people accross Africa.

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Wowww , bro you have really made us proud Africans for we the people you have recruited to joining this amazing platform which pays base on your hard work. We wouldn't leave but will keep on spreading the good name of steemit. Amazing platform to be.

It is a great thing.

Congratulations guys! :D

Sent this post to a Ghanaian friend of mine. Hope she's smart enough to see the potential of it :-) - Where's your Steemit account Naa Kwei ?! :-)

yes we really need to help those who may NOT be smart, so we should make a campaign to help people who may not be able to help themselves, including helping people who may not be smart enough to cash out their steem tto Bitcoin and bitcoin to cash, but we ewant people to save their bitcoins and steem as mch as possible as they will be worryh alo mch money

IMAGINE if someone had given bitcoins to everyone in africa when the bitcoin was lessthan 1 penny!

u see how crypto currency can just totally eradicate poverty overnight?????

ok i count $8 so im sending you $16 and u have to do the work of handing out those $1 bonuses to everyonehere, (its ok ill count em all now ) and i just sent some money to @xpency and ill send him more when i see the actiavetd accounts ll

man one day ill have to stop this program if u start signing up thousans of people hahaha

i hope i WIL be able toc ontinue it by then tho!

ill be making millions!

so ill have to stop this program before u sign up 1 millionpeopel haha

and u know these peopel will al be ale to make 41 themselves FAST watch! i wana make sure they imiedtaly get money tho :) ill keep this up as long as i can! i know karma will amke it coke back as long as i report about it! ill make a post abut this when i show u my $200 payout today HAHAHHA

ok i have to break u off dawg

i made $200 today on steemit look hahahahah

i cant be a ((())) and hoard it all i gotta share hahaha

time for celebration hey this is the #1 rap group in america right now Migos and they went to Africa for a MUSIC video for their hit song "Call Casting"
We up earlly in the mornin Steemin, makinthat money shcemin,
stackin up that bitcoin u better know what im meanin

Aye that's my song!!!

up early in the morning trappin!

My dream is to make enough money to have a private migos concert for me and steemit africa and ill fly there and show Migos how I mch I care and get Migos into supporting my programs and theyre alreadywa ahead of me, theyve already been supporting africa but i wana help em take it too the next level! i really think ii can get migos on steemit i REALLLy do the sky is the limit

HAhhaha! MIGOS did good with this. #ONENATION

Welcome to all!! I will follow you one by one!

Thanks for the work you are doing, like me, I am also trying to get people around me and friends in Facebook and WhatsApp to come on board and so, I know just how difficult it can be because people over here (Nigeria) are mostly interested in Facebook and WhatsApp as social media tools. Great job and keep it on. I hope to get more people on board over here too.

I try to invite people too.

you will be succesful! ANYONE who is on steemit now and posts everyday will end up with THOUSNDS or MILLIONS of dollars by next year!

i thought i would share this update on Steemit website views
follow me and i will follow you

Great job in your humanitarian effort. What your doing is really honorable and to be applauded. I will do my end and give support and encouragement. Steemit is really a great platform for everyone.

Welcome brothers! you guys are the future of that great continent!

@tj4real do not worry about how the price of this wet from $1600 something down to $1564 noone took away their upvotes, its just that the price of steem changes, and steemit doesnt actually show the CURRENT price of steem, but it catches up!

steem is actually up today 11 percent today!
Now u and your african friends can live my dream of everyone in Africa having investment portfolio, not just in stocks but something better that performs way better!

this $1600 dollars you have made if you can try and save at least $1000 in steempower, will end up being 1 MILLION dollars if steem ever goes to $1000 which I know it will just like bitcoin!

if steem goes to $10 this $1000 will be $5000!
and when steem goes to $100 you will have $50,000 just from one $1000 investment!

now more african can RIDE this wave! I thought that if we canmake such EASY money off crypto currency investments hwere in the west, WHY CANT POOR people make this money this fast too? It would solve global poverty if every poor perrson just had a LITTLE bit of investment to live off!

If you can stay frugal and keep your living costs doown, you could live off your steemit account and the crypto currency you get from it!

I want to make sure you dont pay too much money when you "cash out" bitcoins tolocal currency!

i wana make sure we find you the BEST deal do you will only have to pay a few percnetage points but you can hopefully get SPOT prices bu fining someone who wants to BUY bitcoin for cash, you just sell the bitcoins you have for cash

eventually you can USE your bitcoins as Regular cash with more and more people!

untill then its a GOOD thing to save the bitcoins and steem up!

they ARE real money, i know some peopel will try and say this is not real money, OH IT IS real VERY real, you just need more Bitcoin ATMs in ghana an that way people ca n see they are real and not even WANttocash out!
ppeopel will keep the bitcoins i think people around the world just have to be shown the grapph of bitcoin going from penies to over $3000 and they will understand that its real money hahah

Thanks for the advice. I am going to save a 1000$ as you have said and get a camera for my steem activities. I have a seminar which will be held next month fully funded by part of the money i will receive as a reward from the post. So that i can introduce more and more people and show them the love steemit has shown me

if u need to spend the money its yours and u can and i am just remidnig ou that if you CAN ave it, it will end up being SO much more!
also i am SO overwhelmed right now! i even forgot to menton @kus-knee and @fisteganos
they were the first to inspire me to make apost about you guys to promote africanon steemit BECAUSE of how they pointed out how something like a few hundred dollars is like a few THOUSAND dolars to you in africa! That most peopel do not even make $1000 in a month so making $1000 in a single day is a huge deal and I also want you to be friends with all the leaders of ghana so they dont try and make u pay extra taxes just because they see you making money, you will be able to ddo a tax Write Off with your charitable work! You wont have ti pay taxes after t hey see how much good you will be doing for ghana, theyw ill wnt to give u tax breaks so u cancontinue to increae the GD of ghna and ghn governet will end up making BILLIONS more dollars from taxes after steemit btcoin and crypto currency increases your nations GDP by 3 x in a year!!!

@ackza. I really want to get more Ghanaians into steemit so will be organising a conference for Ghanaians in month time. I think the article you referred me to will help me and give me a guide to how its going to be. I have started with the planning and am going to purchase the camera which we talked about last time. Thats what i will use to cover the program. Expect more instant Ghanaian sign up next month. But before then i will be introducing another bunch of Ghanaians very soon. The Ghanaian community is developing and very soon every Ghanaian will join streemit

Welcome all to steemit :) keep going!!!!

This post received a 2.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @tj4real! For more information, click here!

Great job and keep up! I hope one day we'll be able to connect the whole world here.

Thank you so much for the support

Great work brother! Let us continue taking Steemit to Africa!

Interesting. Congratulations!

Congratulations @tj4real!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 7 with $ 1276,23

❤️ Welcome all! So nice to meet lovely people from Ghana on Steemit! ❤️

My name is Aobakwe Oteng Nkoni, an Inspiring Entrepreneur from Botswana, Africa...Nice to see you all.

if you post everyday and post High Quality about Uniquely local things in Botswana, this platform will fulfill ALL your financial ddreams!
your only problem will be not having big enoough dreams and goals!
NOW YOU CAN ! NOW YOU CAN dream big! Now you can have programs like Airborne Wireless Network a system to get cheap WIFI mesh network connected from airplanes in the sky! and this is something africa already has, many airplane already fly over africa from all the big cities! this is just ONE example you cantalk about! All of africa and the world can have free wifi as a backbone to allow EVERYONE to get online! SO we can al send bitcoonor send or recieve steem or crypto crrency with just a little data, we need a free wifi for everyone

and EVERYONE in africa can have a simple cheap android smartphone or tablet with a cheap small solar panel and battery pack! This will connect to the airborne wireless netwoork system OR some other mesh network system like with the GoTenn product
this is $149 for TWO of these things! We can FLOOD africa with them untill there is free wifi everywhere! It can go 3 miles in open areas and 1 mile in cojested areas!

I should now make a post about this device and raise money to start sending these devices to steemit users in arica untill there are enough in every city inafrica to allow a free wifi mesh network!!!

Well done. Lot's of love to Africa from Costa Rica.

You are being followed by a coin puppet!

Please follow it back ;)

Cool :)

Job well done @tj4real this is just the beginning of success, let's continue creating awareness, someone needs to know about STEEMIT.

heell ya man! hey we ned to buy these devices u should make a post so i dont have to, lol alla bbout these Gotenna devices!

we can get two for $149 and ima try and raise money to buy them so we can send em to steemit users in africa along with some solar powered battery packs, and cheap smartphones, we eventually we can have a network of Gotenna devices which can all create a mesh network and broadcast internet signals!

there are also some other devices we can use like Weather Baloons tethered to the groound with soolar paneled WIFI broadcaster like imagine just a wifi router inside a baloon and a bunch of these tethered to the ground, but very high up to broadcast wifi to many many people....

we could create LOTS of cheap free wfi this way

but Gotenna is a better solution, we dont wana compet with existing internet service providers and celpjoe companies t hat already prodvide a good job in africa its just exppensive

so we need gootennas so just ONE steemit user will need to pay for his internt connecoon and he canlet others use his connection! This may be a problem if oothers use up his data ut he just needs an nlimited data connection for a monthly fee we can help pay

;like if @tj4real or you @xpency just bought an "unlimited" data plan for like $30 or $100 a month even, but where you could use as much data on your phone as u needed, THEN you can let anyone use ur data and broadact ur own signal using mesh nwteork sith all ur friends in r city or village all using these to create a massive mesh network!

This is a very nice idea, the internet I use, I pay about $50 monthly due to dollar rate to my country's currency but if we can get these kind of internet running for steemiy users, it will increase the willingness of people that are ready to be on steemit, I like the kind of ideas you generate 👍🏾👍🏾

this is very interesting and i feel challenged to do even more than i am seeing i just have to think differently. woww

@reason4creation am honoured that my experience has contributed something positive to you. The motivation is good. I was really motivated by so many people before i could reach this stage . @ackza Thank you. You are a good friend.

welcome to all of you and i have one friend from ghana and she is good but she dont know how to work online and how this crypto currency work as she had not account there can you please tell me how can i help her like you did because she dont know what is bitcoin or paypal or etc but she is good English speaking or you can give me any reference of people from Ghana who can guide her as she is not working right now and looking for earn online money.

Nice to see a real honest ambassador here :) keep spreading the good word out in African region. I try my best as well to share with others here in EU. Great post and lovely pics; so upvote worthy and follow of course ;)

Thanks @rasowi3113. Your upvote is really appreciated

hi guys, am new here and i"ve learnt alot from this your introductory post. will be doing something similar before my introduction #spreadsteemitlikewildfire

Wow, am happy to here that from you.Your comment has gingered me to give my all

Wow up up we go Ghana ! ! !

yes this is the spirit! I bet OPERAh would LOVE o fund our project of giving smartphones and Gotenna wifi mesh network devices that broadcast 3 miles to allow for free wifi in africa,

ALSO the BRCK device

BRCK is best described as a “backup generator for the internet.” When it was announced, the idea of a rugged, rechargeable, mobile wifi device captured imaginations as a good way to bring robust connectivity to people in places with spotty infrastructure – particularly in developing countries.

The device is the brainchild of Nairobi-based technology company Ushahidi, and was created partly out of simple frustration with dropped internet connections and power outages in the city. After a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, BRCK has now manufactured and shipped more than 1,000 units to 45 countries, many of them in emerging markets, and is catching up on the backlog of orders.

Awesome to uplift you're Steem compadres. Keep advocating!

A great work done for the community by steemit. We need to expand it as much as we can so people know how much it is useful and helping.

Welcome to steemit :)

nice , see tj? I invited this guy to check u out! and that sexy girl from italy @azzurra92

and i just sent @xpency 3SBD a little more than $4 for 4 people he just singed up and whose accounts are online, as soon, as other peopel get their accounts onlinee ll send him the rest of the money and its gonna be pretty hard for me to kep track of all the peopel so ima just send the extra money to give tem as bonsues, like whenever u see they are online, so i dont send $1 in SBD to peopel who justs ingup and never use t, unles u thin they will use it, but ima just trust Tj with the money for the bonues haha dude sorry i typed this all to u @stackin i was talkin to @tj4real haha but im glad u coluld get a peak into my process here of helpings teemiit grow will givingw ork to people wo really need it, we canreallly balance teh world out with steemit

Thanks for the support @ackza. I will be distributing the the SBD based on their second post they make on the platform. I will want us all to follow them and give them the love that you showed my by upvoting their introduction post and other post so that they will be motivated to do more. I have plans on buying a camera very soon @ackza so prepare to see more beautiful Ghanaian pictures. I will post every single picture that i take so that all of you guys will love it. Right now my phone camera is too blurry so i dont even use it to take much pictures. Project support all Africans will continue even when we are bringing in 1million people because you will be extra 10million rich @ackza. God will truely reward you for all you have been doing. You made me stand on my feet on this platform. You really have a Good heart for Africans and everybody.

u should still use ur camera phonre, its not bad, it will look fine! i love letting every device serve a purpose and get the MOST out of things and clothes objects etc i reuse things till they beak then kkeep usiing them!
if its the one uve been using its fine just use it!!!! practice with it!!! but yes u will get better camera but u can still take more photos now AND checkk out internet of people cooin this redtooth like bluetooth but connecting phone to phone decenralized internet seems good with gotena we can make free wifi mesh networks!!!

ii but yes i will continue the project with 1 million people cuz ill have 10 million by then ill start buying inexpensive smartphones for people who want o join and post! we will buy lots of fiber optic cables and wifi repeaters witth solar panels an start creating internet backbones for more areas and u will have your ow internet sservice company ISP powered by steemit

Go for Africa steemit!

This is so amazing! What else can this industry do. Simply brings everyone together!

#steemfam #steemit !

You know right. i now have so many wonderful friends around the world. And the best aspect is i learn from them and also know how they think. So we are real friends

I completely agree! Its much easier to find the circle of people you need to succeed.

Got new friend from Canada!

Once I watched an interview with one of the creators of Steem and he said they hoped Steamit will become the banking system in Africa one day. And why not, it's brilliant! Good luck man! Sub and up :)

I hope it goes better (a lot better) than the Zetacoin stuff years ago

Thanks man. Thats the vision we want to carry along. Am doing my part by spreading the word here like fire. Steemit will be the bank of Africa

Oh it seems that you are always giving out your helping hands to the people around you and bring them to Steemit. That's really great! Wish you can build a new community here

Thank you.thats really the aim. Wearecoming in big but the problem is the account approval takes quite along time for some people. Some of those that i invited to the platform havent actually received their approval letter and its been more than 3days now. But all the same its worth the wait

Yes, Steemit is really spreading like a wildfire. Our HK community is growing too. Three days is not too much, some people have waited for a week for their verification.
Maybe after our community have grown big enough in the future, we can have some collaboration

Welcome :) I hope your all steemit life is good :)

Wellcome to steemit @tj4real And congratulations on a journey and fun in steemit and welcome to join my friends .... hopefully today is a good day for you and us all

Thank you @walcot.My joy can not be expressed. Am so thankful to you all

You are Wellcome My friends.......!followed

More people to steemit!You are wellcome!

Welocome to steemit community

THank you crisgojar

Wow my friend u hv come so far i m new here so just want to know how to get successful on steemit like u r can you give me some tips and all the people here can tell freely i need advise thanks!

great work tj :) we should invite more people to this site,so that they can earn more.

Welcome to the communauty guys. Steem is a global community. You will find here all the support you need to make Steem Africa a success. Congratulation for making it.

They look GANGSTA! :)

Really. They are all fun people to be with.

Welcome Welcome Welcome!! :)

Welcome boys :)

Welcome back

Great work spreading the word about Steemit in Africa!


Im from Zimbabwe representing Africa all the way :)

Awesome post! I too need to get more South Sudanese involved. Glad you're putting in the work. Keep it up man.

@tj4real I am glad I resteemed this post and promoted it....
U have made $1,500 u now have more money than me TJ!

i am crying tears of joy right now! this is a sign from God, we are blessed, you must use this money wisely, I think you know that

I am serious when I say we can ERADICATE poverty huner and homelessness in African continent!

do you all believe me now!! I KNOW u believed me @tj4real I KNOW you had faith and we MUST continue! You can use steempower to help africans with your upvotes now! you are free to do what you wiish with this money but Iknow you will do something amazing with it!

we can give you suggestions on how to ensure that the community sees you sppent this on so mch good they they will HAVE to keep supporting you!

and the bes thing is noone had to

you are so kind @tj4real, i hope i can do it too to people around me

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