Steemit & Cryptos: the Tide Has Turned...

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit & Cryptos: the Tide Has Turned...

In this video I discuss how it seems that the tide has turned and now the mainstream people are starting to find their way to Steemit, and starting to us crypto-currencies.

Recently, both a long time friend and my fiancee' joined, after almost a full year of me asking them to. I have also noticed a large group of new people on steemit that are not from the crypto currency crowd, and not from the conspiracy crowd.

I think that Steemit is on the verge of going from roughly 250K users to well over 1 million. The addition of people that are not computer or crypto savvy is a canary in the coal mine, signaling that a whole new group of people are about to join as well in my opinion.

I believe that with the adoption of the use of cryptos and platforms like Steemit, that the price of crypto currency is going to keep increasing and increasing rapidly. As people realize that cryptos are a more legitimate form of currency than Federal Reserve Notes the amount of crypto users will increase rapidly.

I still fear that a global digital currency much like or Ethereum, which is backed by Chase Bank among others and is designed to serve a corporate over structure itself will be the NWO digital only currency.

Enjoy My YouTube Video:

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  1. @BitChute:
  2. Vid.Me:

This was originally streamed live on my backup channel "Lulz Machine":

Links to Steemit Accounts Mentioned and Music

Accounts I mentioned in the film of new steemit users: @JustJasmine, @JakeSoares, and @RROR. Please go and follow these accounts!

Intro / Outro Music: "Bazaar" by YtCracker:

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  2. Titus Frost YouTube
  3. Lulz Machine YouTube
  4. Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
  5. FedBook: "The Lost Truth"
  6. "TitusFrost"
  7. My Vid.Me Channel
  8. My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
  9. TitusFrost
  10. BitChute
  11. Check out my book on OpenLibrary
  12. Read my Book The Lost Truth for Free online

The growth of steemit is no doubt picking up but it seems it is difficult for new users to bring in any meaningful income. Something needs to be done to keep users and not just onboard them.

Fully agree that the tide is turning and that the truthers should get control as far as they can of the content majority on Steemit. This will allow us to really support each other in a way that's mutually beneficial. Unfortunately, it's still really difficult to get views and upvotes for truther content at this point. I definitely appreciate all your support, but when I see typical content like this getting the big steam dollars relative to what well written truther articles get (and by the way, she is at a 47 ranking with just one post), I just think most people with any voting power on Steemit aren't interested in anything but cat pictures, recipes, and welcome to Steemit blurbs. Needless to say, somewhat discouraging at this point, so it's definitely time to get a lot more truthers on board.

I follow you on YouTube. I love your channel! I signed up for steemit to help support cryptocurrency.

In this YouTube link, SGT Report interviews Justin, founder of Bitshares, re Steemit and cryptocurrency.

I agree with you on building up SteemPower to be able to promote important research / independent journalism / etc.
I'm always looking to promote information that is omitted by the msm.
Steem on, my friend

Very good !!

It's only getting better and better for steemit in terms of growth. It will become huge in no time!

Yes, the crypto currency is rapidly gaining popularity. So, the number of people who want to earn money will also grow.

I think the next few years are going to be unbelievable in the Crypto arena.

Hi, Titus-Dean! After two months, I am finally beginning to tiptoe around Steemit just to get an understanding of what this is all about. Still haven't posted a piece, but then did anyone ever really expect the mountain to come to Mohammed? Having avoided all social media like the black death of the Dark Ages, having accidentally created a YouTube channel when I didn't know how to make the interactive form page go away, having run my mouth in the YouTube comments section so audaciously that trolls are now threatening to kill me, I now venture into Steemit. Whew! And I want to thank you for stimulating that leap off the precipice. When you asked your YouTube audience to turn in this direction, we trusted you enough to do that. Perhaps some of us trusted your judgment when we had too little knowledge about cryptocurrency to make an informed decision. And now we're here for a very important reason that has nothing to do with the trading value of "the Steem." (Is that how you say it?) The insanity of the age presses upon us with a certain urgency, prompting us to speak now or forever hold our peace. What if the time does come when exercising the right to express an opinion is a dangerous, life-threatening decision? What if we're already living in that time but fail to recognize the warning signs? What if we're in denial? If Seth Rich, Shawn/Sean Lucas, and Beranton Whisenant are shouting out from the grave and demanding that we the survivors of injustice (thus far) finish their sentences and publish their interrupted statements, we really have no choice. That work must be done. And if doing that work requires taking a course in cryptocurrency, then let the learning begin. Because ultimately, it's really not about the cryptocurrency or the earning power. (I have not said one word in the two months since I joined and my Steem $ has already lost value.) It's about sharing ideas and fighting for the right to do so in any arena that fosters that environment. So thank you, Titus-Dean, for bringing me here. I can only imagine that it may have been your "whale" vote that increased my little minnow Steem power before I ever opened my mouth. I perceive an ominous war against what the Steemit platform represents, and that is a war that we must win together or lose alone.