One of the reasons people are leaving is because decided to take away the edit, delete, and reply features. All these features worked fine until recently, they were disabled by the team to keep the content around for SEO.
If you cannot edit, cannot delete, cannot get votes, and cannot get replies, then what the hell is the point of leaving your articles here instead of reddit or facebook? Even they allow users to delete their posts and leave. This is basically stealing, and people smart enough to blog for a living aren't falling for it.
If gives full control back to the users before the competition arrives there might be a chance to save it. If nothing changes, users will just migrate to somewhere that treats them better.
Not sure what you're talking about. I can edit and reply... we're replying right now in fact! As for delete, well... everything's stored in the blockchain from what I understand. That includes any steem transactions based on a post... seems like delete would be rather problematic in that sense.
I'm not sure what you are talking about? Those features have not been taken away.
Seriously? Go try to fix a broken picture link or email address in one of your old posts, or try to delete a comment after a reply or vote has been attached. These things worked fine previously, and have been disabled.
If you don't care that's fine, but most people do care who gets control over their content. It's just not worth an average of 6 cents per post to leave here forever.
One you start getting rude people's desire to help you diminishes. Your original response was unclear and like I said I have not had any of the issues you are claiming to have. It seems I am not the only one. Best of luck.
How was that rude? I gave you instructions on how to verify the disabled features.
If that rustles your jimmies, perhaps you are overly sensitive because you are so heavily invested.
It is interesting to note that the only pushback and arguments I have gotten about these user friendly feature removals always seems to come from high balance accounts defending the platform. If these same high balance accounts would fight for user rights and a better user experience, the steem price might not be under a quarter.
It came across as rude whether you see it that way or not.
That's exactly my point. I am unaware of any removals and have not encountered the issues which you are describing. Editing of posts after 24 hours was not previously allowed but it is possible now (up to 30 days). Perhaps that is the problem you are running into?
I would consider this rude too. I have tried to help others as much as possible and those "higher value accounts" are doing as much as they can. This automatic assumption that they are not is sheer ignorance.
I could ask you what you have done besides complaining? Sometimes look at yourself before blaming others for problems.
Further it might help others and yourself if you actually took some screenshots of the issues you are having and made a post about them. That way people might understand what you are talking about.