** BIG NEWS ALERT** Coinbase now accepting votes for the next currency added, I think you know what to do!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Alrighty, so I usually just surf Facebook and Steemit but I have found myself surfing around all over today. This time on the dreaded twitter, someone who I follow copied a post and I saw this:

**EDIT GO HERE TO VOTE: ** https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc2fiKVGs8bBWSzUols16GjetJ0aWx4N1J10SP0NwhG6rdtfg/formResponse

Could you imagine if the next digital currency was STEEM? On COINBASE?! That would be amazing and would boost everything we are doing here to the world of digital currencies.

Maybe it was just coincidence that I saw it, but this is way too big to pass up! Here is how you vote:

Of course I went ahead and pushed that submit button!

You should too, this could be a huge step forward for STEEM and a huge boost in value to the currency, as well as the community. Think if Coinbase added STEEM, so many people would learn more about it, get active in it and put more into an already great community and currency.

I even took another step and Tweeted (although I rarely do) to Brian Armstrong, this way he knows I am serious about STEEM and the publicity can't hurt right?

Even though I feel I was doing all I could, I looked for more ways to spread the word. Then, I realized it... Retweet the voting poll! So that is exactly what I did:


Nice work!


FACEPALM I can't believe I didn't add that to the Original Post, I added it there at the top now! Thank you for that.

voted just STEEM , that should be enough ! STEEM ON!

, now will you check my first post , hope you enjoy it :)

This has already been posted and resteemed by someone else ! And I have already answered the survey on this other post , here's the link ! But I think the more this gets out the better ! Even if it's not used the exposer is great for steem ! https://steemit.com/steem/@joseph/coinbase-is-looking-for-the-next-coin-to-add-to-it-s-exchange-please-fill-this-form-for-steem

Awesome! Yes! I am stoked at this opportunity! I REALLY would LOVE to see STEEM be the next coinbase addition!

saw it there first too , but it shouldn't be a problem , everyone can comment on the news. already voted anyway.

Best of luck to you and your family and community !

Yes it's great information! 😉👍♨♨

Shared in fb..resteemed and followed.thanks for this post ;)

Hey thank you! I really appreciate the support.

Personally, if we all did this I think we would have an amazing chance at getting STEEM added to the coinbase listings.

From what I keep reading there are a lot of people voting for all kinds of coins, a lot of the big ones are alt coins that are funded by small groups and forums.

Steemit has a good chance I think because our base is full of members who support the community and back the product. Conversations and writing!

I hope to see more and more things in the future that will help out this awesome community!

Ditto. I hope all members will get to see this and vote, the higher chance Steem have.

I liked your version @timbo! I hope you keep posting anything that you want to - your take on any topic is original and valid, just like anybody else's original post.

Wow, thank you for your kind words.

you're welcome

Great idea, thanks for the post.

Anything to help out the amazing community!

Upvoted followed and resteemed!!!

Great job sharing this @timbo!

Just look out for the community. Glad I could be of help!

I would rather they list SBD since they have banking relationships setup. Ideally both but SBD would have the most utility.

I think listing Steem and not SBD should be more useful.

STEEM & Dogecoin ☺

I think they would both make great additions!

Common guys lets vote for STEEM. Whats the point of using Steemit without patronizing Steem cryptocurrency, right?

I 100% agree, I couldn't of said it better myself, this could make everything we are doing all the more valuable and profitable, not only for the community but for alt coins in general.

Personally, there are so many benefits to such a big name like Coinbase taking on an Alt coin like STEEM, not to mention the publicity Coinbase would get from introducing a Forum Based alt coin social media onto their listings.

Agree sir, I wish to see Steem as one of leading alt coins someday

Members need to see it ;)
Love your name. Pinagpala, arent we all?

Thanks kabayan :P

You're new?? Welcome here in Steemit..have fun!

Well we can just , get it to crash on the stock market :D , what's the worst that could happen.
I'm only joking here , I hope Steemit flourishes , stays true to its inception and makes the world a better place for everyone.

One more vote from me !

Thank you for helping out! This could be huge for all of us.


Thanks for sharing this.

Just doing my part to help out, thank you for voting!


Thank you for the votes and the support! Resteem this post so everyone can see it!

flagged as duplicate of https://steemit.com/steem/@joseph/coinbase-is-looking-for-the-next-coin-to-add-to-it-s-exchange-please-fill-this-form-for-steem

Note, I am actually strongly in favor of news/link posts that spark discussion but with that comes the responsibility to not duplicate existing stories or it becomes spam. Likewise voters have a responsibility to not vote for these duplicates.


I didn't say you copied it, I said it was a duplicate post, by subject matter. Posts that are primarily links to topical stories lose most of their value as duplicates.







so, he is supposed to know what everyone else has posted? Jesus, this place is a mess.

No, and I wouldn't flag someone below zero. There is no harm or "punishment" to him (reduced rep or otherwise), it just reduces the rewards for the duplication.

As I said if people are going to post on external news/announcements/events/links, I'm all for it, but the premise of that in terms of value is that the information be fresh.

I've got nothing, I am speechless.

There must have been 20 people who posted about bitcoin price, fake news, etc. Interesting time to take a stand for "freshness". I don't know what has gone wrong here, but something is terribly wrong.

I didn't see it. I can't be everywhere, and I'm not out on patrol being a police officer. I just vote and comment on what I see.

Okay, that is great. Just occasional policing and only the important issues. That sounds reasonable. Thank you for clarifying.


Forgive me, the things I said were out of line and I apologize.

I was attempting to bring more value to a community that I am fond of and boost the reason why people would continue to be here.

Your freedom to flag my post is your freedom so whatever, if you choose to use your power to ruin other people's hard work then fine. I can't control that.

Your flag caused me to find more friends. By trying to help the community, I was attacked by people like you who have nothing better to do with their time and for that I am livid. Who are you to attack someone like me when there are so many other places you could focus your energy for good.

Do us all a favor and stop ruining the community.

The post I made was original, valuable, and I even resteemed the other post because I felt this topic was something to get behind hence the reason I made my post to begin with.

If you can't be everywhere, then fine I get that, go somewhere you are needed. It isn't here.

This reasoning takes away the reason why I am here, to tell a good story, support a good community and to benefit from the work that I have put into this.

My post took me over an hour to create, and make. It IS VERY OBVIOUS that the other person did not do that and simply threw something together to shove it out there.

Someone like you who can easily see this yet still chooses to abuse their power and take away the point in posting.... on a social media platform..... you honestly do not have any idea what you are doing with your power. You are literally destroying the community your power comes from....