What I Love About Steemit!!!

in #steemit7 years ago


Let The Adventure Begin!

Hello all you wonderful Steemians out there! Today I want to go over all of the reasons I love this platform. I also intend for this post to be used to promote Steemit to all my Facebook fiends. I just hope that I am able to express how I feel about this wonderful Social Media platform, with the full credit it deserves, to everyone that may read this post!
I have only been on Steemit for about three weeks now, and it has already changed my life. Now I can see that my enthusiasm could be viewed as over the top, but for me my emotional response to this en-devour is completely valid. I promise that I am not hyping up any aspect of Steemit, just to promote the platform. I do not have to hype anything up, cause the platform speaks for itself. The concept of what is taking place here is absolutely mind blowing, and you find this out pretty fast when you learn what is actually going on here!

    • Now I am not going to go into how you get paid in this post, this is because I want to stay on topic. What I love about this revolutionary Social Media marvel! I will now list all my reasons!
      • The positive environment!
      • A very helpful community!
      • That everyone works together to make steemit a better place!
      • I'm learning how to communicate better!
      • Meeting new and wonderful people from around the world!
      • The act of creating something I care about!
      • Investing time and energy into something that can help many people!
      • Getting paid to express my opinion, ideas, and anything I feel like sharing!

          It Does Not Cost Anything To Join!!!

          Now this list is not everything that I love about steemit, but it gets to the main points of why I love doing this. That is right it does not cost anything at any time to join this amazing platform! Now I have been on Facebook for many years, and I have to say that it is depressing. As a matter of fact since I have been doing steemit, I really don't go on Facebook anymore and I feel better for it. For most of my time on Facebook I did not post really anything. I would share a whole lot of other peoples posts, but I never made something for myself. I saw no reason to, I did not need to promote myself for any reason. About a six months ago I finally made a post or two on face book, and they got a few likes. It felt kind of good, but really did not go anywhere. Then I saw a promotional video about steemit, and I checked it out. I signed up and a few days later I got started learning everything I could about this new concept in Social Media. This place blows Facebook out of the water! It pushes you to be better in all aspects of your life, and gives you the rare opportunity to make a good living just being yourself! This not a lie or con or ponzy scam, I would not be here doing this if it was. So to conclude all I ask really is just take a look, find out for yourself what is going on with this Social Media Platform. If you do the research yourself you will be using Steemit in a day or two, that is if you enjoy talking to wonderful people and making some money as well. OK well I hope you enjoyed my post about Steemit and if you are reading this post in Facebook I hope you come and check out this wonderful place!
          With Love: @Tiandao (Hevens Blade)
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          Yeah Steemit is really an adventurous and a great platform to be. I have also not been long on here but am already liking the place and will be introducing some few friends. As you said meeting new and wonderful people around the world is the greatest part which interests me
          by the way I will follow you hope you do same

          Good deal, and thank you for the reply. I will follow as well, and glad to have you here!

          Hey! I have tried sharing steemit post on FB and there was no image! Maybe I should try a couple of times more? However, it does not mean that we can't collectively decide to change Facebook. I'm pretty sure that there is a way to monetize posts on FB as well :)

          The thing is that The internet is like a doorway to heaven on Earth (or at east to a state of collective consciousness of a higher order of human interactions) ;) And heaven is not about containment but about share-ability. A change is the only one thing which is happening for 100% and so We just need to continue perfecting charge/ether/information distribution.

          Check out my profile! Thanks!

          Interesting idea for sure, I will check out your profile. thanks for the reply.

          rollin up to Steemit like

          lol right on!