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RE: Examining Honey from a Different Perspective - Steemit Sock Puppetry Continues

in #steemit9 years ago

Liar! The solution is to stop pretending you like the content when you admitted it was bad!

"Who's turn is it to be on top?"You admitted @armen gave bad advice in his poker posts but the next day you continued to partake in your whale game of pile on!

You lost faith in the system smooth. Why should any of us believe in it if you don't!


This accusation is unfair and ridicuous. @smooth upvoted several comments which were critical of @armen and had been censored by flags (either by steemd or kushed). Although he has voted for @armen once besides this one that he took back, its completely absurd to try to label him as part of the "conspiracy" (assuming such a conspiracy exists and is something we should be concerned about)

I never voted for @armen's posts. That said, I do think poker content that isn't high level strategy based on game theory has value. I'd like to see someone better content in that genre than what armen is providing, in which I would vote for it. That is the solution IMO.

EDIT: I was mistaken. I thought I had blacklisted armen from my votes after evaluating the quality but that fell through the cracks. That was an error which has now been corrected.

I do think poker content that isn't high level strategy based on game theory has value.

I agree. I don't think good poker content has to be strategy (or advanced strategy if it is), but I do think if it purports to be strategy, it shouldn't have basic, egregious, absurd errors (for example, saying "this hand should be played this way regardless of stack sizes, game, table image, etc." Or "I'm right becuase (insert famous pro here) did this in a video ten years ago.

I've flagged @armens posts because I think they are overvalued, and will make steemit look ridiculous to literally every single member of the very wealthy and very active internet poker community.

Also, there are whales clearly flagging any reply to his posts that is critical or expresses disagreement, even if it is expressed respectufully.

Its one thing, IMO, to get paid too much to give crappy poker advice and make steem look foolish to every single serious poker player in christendom. Its a much worse thing to get paid too much to give crappy poker advice and make steemit look foolish and have pulpit where your benefactors are flagging anyone who presumes to express criticism or disagreement.

I'm not really into telling others how to vote, but IMO @armen's posts are far more deserving of a flag than this post. though i do not agree with the premise of this post, at least here I am free to express that disagreement in a respectful way.

I hope the whales will take a good hard think about flagging them.

Voting for perceived overvalue is absolutely valid, but I'd say writing or recruiting writers to do better content is even better, and by better content I don't necessarily mean more strategically accurate. It may be simply avoiding the most egregious errors, as you put it, and still addressing a mass audience of more casual players (of course having more of the accurate more-strategic content is great too, and we have @daut44 doing a good job with that).

There is no one other than @armen targeting the casual player as far as I know right now, so heavy flagging of his posts without there being anything better is essentially killing the category. It is your prerogative, but I would personally rather see them earn a moderate amount (at some extreme point I would flag too though) and serve to attract others looking to do the same thing (better).

I never voted for @armen's posts.

Your voting power is being used to do so - as it is also being used by steemed on many of these sock accounts. This is from @armen's latest post:

steemed 1,483,805,015 B 9.61% 17,846,341,587,042 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:18
itsascam 540,444,093 B 3.50% 16,596,368,090,896 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:21
smooth 0 B 0.00% 31,353,015,240,496 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:21
steemroller 43,412,005 B 0.28% 1,950,949,980,987 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:24
smooth.witness 0 B 0.00% 6,032,823,564,732 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:24
dashpaymag 3,425,422 B 0.02% 159,678,290,532 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:27
donaldtrump 1,567,240 B 0.01% 73,348,600,117 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:30
lovelace 1,256,025 B 0.01% 58,915,785,446 100% 2016-09-22T08:42:33

This as an error and has been corrected. See above.