in #steemit7 years ago


This is a quick update - we have started looking at developing


Steem Songs

Our aim is to create a platform where anyone can browse music as a fan, or upload their own music as an artist.

As with Shapeshift, once you've chosen which songs or albums you want to download you'll be provided with a memo. After sending your Steem to @steemsongs with the memo provided, you will be sent an instant download link.

We will provide you with more information as we get a chance to add development and work out the specifics. The aim will be to provide the best value for artists and create interest for Steem currency outside of traditional power ups.

If you are a developer working within Steem and would like to help us move this product forward then find me on as @thisisbenbrick.


There are 2 pages

This is great and I sure look forward to be welcomed to the HOME page and hear the tune in the background. Thanks for sharing and namaste :)

I am so excited about this, its exactly what i have been waiting for this is perfect

Congratulations @thisisbenbrick!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 5 with 450 upvotes
  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 603,32

Hello @thisisbenbrick

This is an amazing idea 💡 . It shows that you are an artist at heart. Thinking up things like this requires some level of dedication.

Followed You. Shared on Facebook


Thank you, @ogochukwu , you share this posting on your FB status, so I can know this information. :)

I am glad you saw it Hanto, Steemians like @thisisbenbrick needs to be encouraged

Wow! splendid initiative. I can't wait to jum on the bandwagon.

So will I get paid for my original music like itunes, apple music etc. when people download or listen to my songs? I'm an independent artist and I got curious about this project. How do we get paid, as Steem dollars?

Yes that is the idea!, hope this get to work :D

Really diggin' this idea! Please keep me posted on the progress. I would love to start using it!

Re-steemed and followed!

Sounds great. I've been looking for ways to spend my Steem.

BTW Do you have the steemsongs account registered? The link doesn't work.

This is awesome. I can't wait to upload all of my music once the service is functional.

Great idea. Thank you for your efforts!

Sounds revolutionary and unique. A platform to have and share music.

Good here I leave this link to see if I can help with this thanks and sorry for the inconvenience

Blockchain Napster? :)
I can't wait!

Nice initiative! Hope you get it all worked out well

I like where this going wow!

Amazing!!... this is definitely what i have dream about!... Cant wait! :D :D :D

Another great idea, resteeming!

This sounds interesting!

Wow. this is awesome! :D

Is this something to which we can subscribe to email updates/sign up or anything yet?

Great idea. It will make Steemit more i.teresting

I look forward to finding out more about this.

Brilliant idea. I look forward learning more about it!

Yes!! We need this...can't wait til this is rolled out :D

This is cool! Following you now!

Phenomenal idea - looking forward to this. Will definitely be posting some of my music up there.

Full steem ahead!

I'd hate for ASCAP to not get their multiple layer of cuts! (sarcasm)

WEll, this seems fantastic,cant to see it in action!

Fantastic idea. I believe that there is some incredible talent here that would usually not get seen. Sounds awesome..

nice creativity man!!!! followed you!

This is gonna be so cool

This is a great idea! Please keep us updated.. :)

This sounds awesome, as a musician I'd be fully behind this and I know many many artists and fans would totally love this! Looking forward to this!! Following and Resteeming!

Waw, its so coll., i Like it!!!

This will be awesome. You will just have to make sure that it is their original content .

Thanks for the update !

great post2 white.jpg

I am subbing and definitely following this, don't get my hope up and not deliver! Being a investor in Steemit, and a record label owner, this makes me super excited. Streaming services make it almost impossible making a decent living for smaller artist.

Bookmarked, gonna follow this post. Seems interesting. I can also contribute on this if I can. Please keep us posted with the specifics. :)

This is a wonderful idea!

Sounds like a great idea! I know many artists here on Steemit would love this kind of interaction. Looking forward to this!

You guys should contact and collaborate with a company in Vancouver called skioMusic

Love love love the idea. Definitely going to contribute my own stuff

can't wait to see this project rolling ahead...Fantastic and creative!

There are 2 pages