Steemit Home Page Redesign Part 2
After reviewing all of your comments, direct messages, and chatter in discord here's part II.
Burning the midnight oil and thought I would complete out the request for Steemit Home Page Part 2
I wanted to take all comments into effect in this 2nd iteration for the home page for steemit. I received a large response from many high profile advocates in the community like @aggroed @themarkymark, @velimir, @fredrikaa and @fulltimegeek. I also received great constructive comments on how best to build the 2nd iteration wireframes from @brandonp, @geofftk, @fourfourfun, @dlew, and @venalbe just to name a few. I greatly appreciate the communities involvement to push forward my ux work to assist the community and the comments to not only better the design for steemit but to improve my skillset to meet the demands of the users that use the platform. Thank you!.
Comments on Iteration I
- Insert the sorting methods for feeds into the header
- Proportions for tiling of tags too wide and adjust alignment
- (Add) a smart sort for things I’m interested in to surface to the top (will add this as a featured in logged in)
- Establish additional ways to personalize the dashboard for the user
- Perhaps adjust the actual short post of the user feed ( we can do this once we explore the "blog" section )
- Remove cosmetic things like “beta” it deters new users
- Rework a pull down for personal stats: voting power, vote value, bandwidth, etc. (also will address in the "blog" view section )
Additional Comments
- Many different requests about 3rd Party Plugin metrics for posts, and how to display it. Make this content centric around posts as well as my blog section.
- Create in a preferences panel a way to turn on metrics for specific posts for advanced users vs standard users. When I really become engaged in posts and comments I want to know my metrics for them easily
- Allow a better dashboard for logged in users to access their page vs a general home page.
It has been brought to my attention about additional constructive features to place on pages outside of the home page as well as described above. I have a list of additional requests for fixes on other steemit pages.
Below is the newly revised version of "Logged Out New User Home Page"
Logged Out New User Home Page
Persona: I am a new user coming to Steemit for the first time. I have possibly been to Quora and Reddit before.
Logged In - Returning User Home Page
Persona: I am a current user. I am returning back to the home page after I have logged back on. This is my home page not my blog page.
Before I work towards part 3, for the actual visual aesthetic and design, I wanted everyone to take another round at the UI and provide comments, improvements, adjustments?
Some things to note. this is NOT the Blog page. I will address that in the next iteration coming in a few days.
This strictly is for a new user to the site, and second a returning user accessing the home page. Once I can establish enough of a style and pleasing approach here I can then start to rebuild the interior pages like blog, wallet, settings etc.
Did you MISS Part I of this redesign document? Did you want to check it out still?
To review Part 1 of this ongoing iteration story check it out here
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Check out some great Steemian Communities that I'm a part of as well.
@dtube / #dtube - gotta follow these guys for all new videos coming out everyday...
@adsactly / #adsactly - a great group of steemians paving the way for learning, educating, teaching, listening and talking humor.
@minnowsupport / #minnowsupport - a great discord server with great steemians helping everyone learn the platform by encouraging advocacy to all members new and veteran.
@thealliance / #thealliance - another great group to belong to. a good team to upvote and resteem your posts. Check these guys out as well.
@cryptoempire / #cryptoempire - a new community I found that is everything from on boarding to crypto chatter.
Very nice! Way to take the criticism and churn out an even more improved design. I love it!
YAWN... is this really the best that Hollywoods finest has to offer, i guess can't expect much from an exploiter, with no empathy who rinsed artist work for free. time waster. think he should try harder.

Much appreciation any new comments to improve would be much appreciated
Loving your work! These mock ups look great. I think that as with all GUI interface design, different users will want different things so keeping it as generic and flexible as possible is key.
Agreed! Flexible and modular I’d agree! Thing is we’d have to lock in a ui that all users would see. Customizable dashboards tend to always fail so we’d have to user test or build two ui’s and vote i think
Agreed. It’s starting to take shape which is great. It’s really difficult with such a diverse user group. Maybe voting on wire frames is the way forward!
eh i have a few design principles in place. Its always the case of People wanting Features for everything vs what should we control in the UI. So for me itll be if it makes it easier and doesnt require lots of dev time then it wins. if its a crazy feature bc of a pain point a user has then we address the pain point to figure out how to improve the ui to allow them to do what they want to do. People always come up with solutions but the problem is that most of the time they should be telling us about the problems and leave design and ux up to the solve :)
I hear you. People are great at articulating their suggested solutions but ask them for a requirement and they go blank. You seem to be doing really well here, so keep it up and let me know if I can help.
Got any chops in visual design? I could probably use a hand soon once i finalize iterations lmk
It really gives a cool look and make steemit blog more "easy". I guess new people will like steemit this way more, and having a less time to look everything up how things work. In my opinion
Eh a repository for onboarding sounds great! The question is what information helps a user best? That’s my long term mission is either finding all the good articles and compiling them together or rewriting the articles to build a library
Then I would say, mission complete. This is a great way to improve the library and make it easier for not only new people, but us steemians also.
The steemit concept is already easy for other blockchain terms, next move is make it more easy and less complex for the average Joe.
Lets make steemit mainstream and call all the creative people on this platform!
Great perspective!
You have been scouted by @promo-mentors. We are a community of new and veteran Steemians and we are always on the look out for promising authors.
I would like to invite you to our discord group
When you are there send me a message if you get lost! (My Discord name is the same as here on Steemit)
Awesome thanks for the reach out! I just joined
I like the favourite tags. I think a favourite users would be good too so you ensure that you see their posts.
I agree with this!
Favorited users. Agreed! Could be a tab that lives at the top. We’d have to build a machinist to favorite a user as well.
agreed there IS a BIG DISCONNECT in this platform for users to find other users easily, as well as read their content. I hate that i have to use the search tool to find people to read their content posted. I will surface this as well. I think on the blog page some of this will be addressed. Im still convinced that the home page for logged in isnt really where people land, they go to whats called the "blog" page to see their content. and there i believe we have some additional features to allow you to see other feeds ie favorited user feeds and possibly a widget that shows favorited users easily accessible for you to review. kind of like old school my space days when you could have your top 5 or top 10 lol
A foreign language filter would be good although would probably need users to nominate what language they are posting in unless it was fairly smart
there is a standard for localization at least on the games and websites i have worked on. For a language filter to be accurately added I am unsure of the implication on the platform it would have but its a great feature to have on the front end and in the header. I will add it. Great add on.
we really need more ways to filter content. content creators should be able to attach a 0-100 priority for posts. users should be able to choose how many posts from which users, tags, and priorities appear on the wall.
most importantly, users should have an average payout per post variable attached to them so its obvious which posts are getting paid more than they usually would, given the average.
For your first part, I’ll compromise on a favorites tab that you assign which users are favorites and you would see content from them.
Feature sets you listed may be too meticulous to impose as it goes against a simple interface like occums razor approach. Trying to keep it simple and easy to use but i think a favorites tab would solve your priority issue
At the post level that’s metrics at the blog level. I’m already on that for the next post. We’re still reworking the home page logged in. But agreed on that note
That looks great. Also can you make the Login/SignUp button more visible on the login page. I've noticed that when your phone have a small screen it is somehow compressed together with the other options. Anyway, I've made a suggestion to utopian, too bad they rejected it though lol
You are running into what’s known as a responsiveness issue. But great point! Once the build has gone through Enlight iterations I’ll provide a responsive mobile view! Great insight i missed that. But yes there should be an easy way in and out of the site. Thanks! Great observation. Making a note!
Happy to have chipped in. You know the internet - everyone has an opinion!
Thank you! Iteration 3 will be coming soon. Once i can get everyone me comments together
Cool! I like the idea of doing iterations based on feedback like this. Here are just some thoughts looking at your draft and also some points to share about my own opinion about the current UI.
If I am browsing Trending, looking at my own blog, or reading someone else's article, where do I find my "Feed" in your UI? A current lack to the steem UI, imo, is the fact that the feed is probably the most used tab for content discovery but still it doesn't have a button that actually tells a user that's what it is (apart from the House you see with the text "Feed" once you click your image) the other way to get to your feed is hidden behind the steemit, beta logo, which is confusing. Is it intuitive that the steemit logo would take you to your Home Feed? Wouldn't most new users expect that to take you to some kind of front page? I don't unserstand why there isn't a button called "My feed" together with "My Wallet" and "My blog" in the links tab on the right.
I think the tags in your draft takes up too much space and receives too much attention. But I do like the idea of "favourite tags". How about an option to "filter by tags" where you have the list of tags as usual (which a search tag funtion as well to help you find different tags and quickly see how many posts have been made with that tag) where you can check a box to only display posts made with that tag also in your feed. (Let's say I follow a lot of science people on steemit as well as just contacts in general, how can I quickly browse the science content posted only by the people I follow?)
Part 1
Agreed i had an issue not understanding that “my feed” wasn’t a tab. It felt disconnective. I haven’t started revising the “blog” page yet but agreed i would want “my feed” to be a tab in the home page. For me having used Steemit for 60 days the tabs have little value. That said as a user we should make them usable. I think to your point if we add in a my feed tab or use that one as the default logged in user tab we solve that problem. I think I’d also want your feedback on what tabs we should really have that assist the user to discover content.? For me hot and trending are similar. Perhaps the tabs should read
My feed | trending | discover | onboarding
Something that illustrates to a user they want to access the content. I think a smart filter of whatever you upvote could be a new sort as well like “curated” if it was smart enough to data sort articles i like.
Part 2
This is a cool feature. We could do that. It’d be a series of selections and toggles. I agree the tags take up a fair amount of space and should be hidden in a collapsible accordion or something only exposing the tags you have favorited.
For example i think i could select science from tags then check a box either (see all) or (favorites) assuming my favorites have tagged their content science, i would then have a cta button that allows me to filter the my feed list to favorites science.
I’ll work this feature in. We’d create a widget in the tags section that allows you to sort based on tag and favorites.
the logo should take you to the Home Page that we are working on now as a logged in user. not to the blog page. but your point is right. the default once i select the logo should be home page > default "my feed" not trending etc.
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade for newcomers in the following category:Congratulations @theuxyeti!
I also upvoted your post to increase its reward
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Thanks for the upvote and support! I love meeting new ppl everyday! Give a follow! And thank you
@theuxyeti, I really like your ideas, and design. One additional thing I wish I could do (and maybe this will be addressed later) is I wish I had an option to turn my feed off, allow only certain profiles in my feed, or have it full on as it is now. As I understand it, my feed activity impacts my bandwidth usage. Is this correct? So far, the only way I have found to limit my feed activity is to mute or unfollow people. Is that the only way? Since bandwidth exceeded limits are a great concern for new users I believe there needs to be a lot more education / information available in the FAQ about best practices on bandwidth preservation. It is extremely frustrating for new users to try to figure this out, and then not be able to do anything about it because of the active restriction.
@mitneb Curation Trail Project Daily Report for 15 FEB 2018. I'm following you now, too! Thanks for sharing this on PYPT.My bandwidth is currently severely restricted, but I've managed to upvote and resteem this article as one of my daily post promotions for the @mitneb Curation Trail Project. It will be featured in the
So collectively it seems there is a demand for a feature that allows you to create a favorites. or favorite say 20 users. Once i do this i can then select a Favorites tab that will then be a feed of the people youve favorited. Now this isnt really a solve to bandwidth conflicts it does however allow you to follow a curated tab of followers you want to view differently then the full feed. I hope this is a happy compromise. As for the bandwidth conflict. I too had an issue in the beginning, so perhaps there should be a help section with a request to amp my bandwidth etc. I thought about this as if perhaps a user receives a greater bandwidth as a new user but then perhaps much is wasted and unused due to user fall out. that said perhaps there is a request ticket location to ask for upped usage and then that would automate additional steem for the true advocates. that was my thought at least.
Thanks for following and thanks for the comments. Redesign III coming tonight if i can complete it
I follow and resteem a lot because it is the only way I have figured out to manage my curation activity, and then go back to the articles to build my daily reports from. I would really love to see separate tabs for my published articles and my resteems. That would be amazing, and so much more useful than the current single stream of activity. When I visit someone's blog I want to see what they are writing, not what they are resteeming. I've actually been posting my own writings on my Discord Server so I can find them again without having to sift through my own resteems.
Thanks for caring, listening and working on improvements.
Cheers!@theuxyeti, I like your idea of the ability to pay for additional bandwidth. I would suggest that a person must have a minimum reputation score of say 35 or 40 before being permitted to do this. I'd really like to see some better and more easily accessible information about bandwidth so that new people like myself can understand it, and make more strategic use of activity choices.
PLEASE move promoted posts into the regular feed - if there was a built in way to advertise that users actually look at it would benefit us all 🍻
I think the sorting tabs need a rework. Could be a bigger problem then a band aid fix. The band aid would be to sort tabs based on tagging and introduce new sorts, the long term would be to build new curated tabs
Really a noble endeavor you got here.
I certainly think this page is needing a redesign, and I don't think Steemit Inc. is going to do it anytime soon. heheh.
Cheers mate good luck.
I think surfacing user issues with the platform is a wonderful place to provide FREE USER TESTING for steemit. By creating a discussion with new design we can absorb the overall user base and Steemit can chart all of this.
For me it’s a good case study to build on and build relationships and possibly a niche in the Steemit community plus it’s really fun for me tooSo it was Proposed in a @mspwaves radio show with @aggroed providing a push for me to step in and use my current career path as Sr Dir in ux / ui to pitch a redesign to establish a presence in the community. That’s the original plan lol!
I think you're doing a very smart thing Yeti... you'll grow big on here, I have faith in you.
thanks. yea its been fun, and i meet tons of great people. Im amazed at how many people are taking the time to write about what woudl be great features to add or the pain points they have.
The Trending page should not be upfront.
This is so misleading for new users.
"What, how come, I just make some Cents, while everybody makes thousands of dollars!"
Make it new or promoted.
This is tough issue. Yes, the Trending filter is discouraging to minnows.
On the other hand, Trending generally shows quality content. Promoted is useless except to take some SBD out of the hands of minnows. New is extremely useful on narrow tags but doesn’t look great for All.
So the advantages of Trending (All) are that (1) a prospect sees good content, (2) a prospect sees that it’s possible to make money. On the other hand, it’s misleading to think you can make that level anytime soon and the use of the $ sign is misleading.
(Side note: Add a change to the $ sign since it’s not US dollars and it’s not even SBD.)
Maybe I hate vlogs too much, to see good contend on the trending page:)
Vlogs are like banners ads to me... I don’t see them.
For ads I have ublock and ABP.
Hmm, filter for dtube, maybe I could add this to it :)
A filter for the minimum number of words and or type of files embedded in the post.
on some sites .. Trending would show quality content. It doesn't on Steemit. I agree it should not be shown to new users. It can be very off putting when trying to onboard people.
New is not great but better than nothing.
So the two issues it seems ppl are getting hung up on are
Sounds like the information shown in each tab is a conflict. Perhaps we innovate to come up with a better set of tabs that relate to users. This can occur by a better metatag system. Perhaps an “onboard” tag and tab to assist new users for example
YES! I've been thinking about tabs. There is no reason at all that we have to stick with the 4 that were set forth in the original design. The community has matured since then. I need to get my thoughts written down.
To that end, I posted an idea on how to expand your effort in a way that can help the community come together. We'll see if there is a maturity level among the whales to do what is best for the community (which will also be best for their own wealth).
I hope this is in line with how you want to proceed:
Thanks again for the amazing work you are doing!
Agreed trending may not be the default for the feed once you land there. Kind of always depends on the sorting method. Any ideas what the feed should default to as the new user then?
Not really.
Hot is just the same.
Promoted also, just a bit better.
Maybe promoted, because there SBD gets burned..
Or something new, the median posts of last day? Randomly selected..
Does Facebook have a front page? :)
One does see it only once.. ;)
It should be in order of use based on the analytics or based on most used
Power to you! Love the refinements :) Maybe instead of MOST FAVORITE TAGS, MY FAVORITE TAGS?
Yea good catch that’s a typo
Woot, useful recommendation! :)
That`s good............ I think a favourite users would be good too so you ensure that you see their posts.
I thought about this, this could be a great tab and used requently agreed!
I'm really loving the minimalist look of this theme, but I think it might be a bit too monochrome. You're working with a lot of shades of gray (pun intended), it might become a bit tiring for the eyes.
Other than that, I like the structure you've put in.
its a wireframe for now... meaning strip away ALL cosmetics and color. Lets focus on placement, functionality and features. once we can determine that approach the visual design phase will be next. but great observations. haha. nice pun ! :)
I like this very much. All the best with your efforts. Very nice.
hey mate, thanks for the response. Awesome :)
@theuxyeti if you want, I can also send you a design in picture format... but my main question is, will it make any real difference? Is it just for fun or a concept that will actually turn into reality...?
whats picture format? like a PSD? these are wireframes currently. I am posting to create a user study for feature sets and pain points from other steemit users. This is an integral part in developing a new steemit proposal for new UI. Of course its makes a difference. By hearing the voice of 100's of steemians and their angst about the platform I am creating a place for the voice to be heard. Many veteran steemians have already commented on the build so far with constructive criticism to allow me to continue building a new UI that can most definitely be implemented in future updates to come. For me as a designer and educator its most definitely fun, but into reality... Its already happening my friend. We are voicing the conflicts with the current UI. This is free user testing at the prime level cheap with the users, and as i continue to refine the UI in new wireframes to final itll get closer and closer to a final pitch. At that point some assistance in Creative Cloud would be great and if youd like to assist that part of the phase with me id be happy to compensate you a portion of the post once we get there, assuming you can take my wireframe vision to the next level. Happy to share responsibilities in this community or do it all on my own. let me know thanks for your comment.
How about a search funtion that doesn’t take me to a google search. Is your new search function going to do that? If so, great. . If not, can that be applied. A search function that takes me right to a user is important as well. If you have that awesome. If not, can it be added. Thanks.
yes i was on this as well. In my mock up designs i explain that the search do this
Search: "Search for a keyword or phrase or user"
that would be ideally the function. I know that search tools can be a big pain in the ass. So I definitely would like a better search tool, but for steemit corporate i couldnt tell you. Id be willing to bet that the search thing is big bucks to redesign the back end. but agreed i will add this in .
And that's why Steem Inc is "STINC". . . they have big bucks and what they choose to do with it, couldn't tell ya. . . i appreciate your response and your efforts to make the platform better. Thank you.
Interesting.. looking forward to the 3rd design.
Thank you for your support!
Well done man.
Again thank you lol
That looks awsome and clean.
Humbly grateful for your support! Thanks for leaving a comment
Cudos on your endeavour!! It's coming along real well. Sure a heluva lot to consider. Wow!
You're effort is appreciated 💚🖤❤
Thank you! Part 3 will be coming Friday / Saturday
i would like to use your favorite tags @theuxyeti can i
Very nice
Thank you!
Just a heads up, Thank you STEEMIANS. the feedback both positive and constructive has been immensely helpful. I have been working on the revise again on this. and cant wait to tackle the BLOG page next... Seems that is where the real dashboard for Logged In Steem users want to be. That is really where they should be. Anyway i appreciate your comments, keep them coming. they are really helpful for me as i continue to rebuild the UI for my pitch and proposal. thank you so much
Anymore feedback before i work on the revise for part III. Finally overcoming this flu bug and getting outta NyQuil drowsy mode and want to keep cranking away at this iterative process for you guys! But I’d love all additional comments if you have them before part III
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That`s good............ I think a favourite users would be good too so you ensure that you see their posts.....