
grats! She's cute. She single?

Still have yet to see a picture where you are not smiling

Lol no lol

@fulltimegeek she said yes! Hah! Any chance you can delegate me back a chunk again? I’m ramping up so many community things and would love to promote them

One minute, you're turning 41 and not sharing birthday cake, the next you're proposing.

Man, I'd call this a mid-life crisis, but you're not quite at mid-life and generally getting married is a happy occasion. So, I'll just say, congratulations. Do you have a date set? Or is this going to be one of them indefinite engagement dealies? :)

It’ll be soon ... less then 6 months. Stay tuned

Congratulations on the proposal, I wish you the very best with your futures together.

Seems like you had a super weekend. :)

It was pretty awesome . Thank you d!

Wow! Congratulations buddy :)
Wishing you all the best!

Thanks my friend! Truly thankful

Congratulations. She's beautiful indeed.

Thanks my friend!


Thanks Blair! Totally stoked

very cool @theuxyeti! You clean up nice, and she's lovely! :P

Congratulations and make sure you take plenty of wedding pics and share here! :)

Hah wedding is a ways away but thanks for the vote of confidence about cleaning up nicely lol

Congratulations! I have to ask, is she Canadian? No it's not a joke :) She just looks like someone I know!

No Swedish lol

Honestly, I'll have to find a picture of my friend and show you. Your fiance is her doppelganger :)

Congratulations again!

Congratulations :)

Coming from you man I’m truly thankful! It’s been 41 yrs and never made this move but it’s time! Thank you for your kind words and the add my friend!


Congratulations @theuxyeti

Ty dude! Great weekend! Good fun out, Palm Springs is a great place

hey - congrats!!!! this is amazing!! :)

yes, she said yes. im very happy