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RE: Screw Malicious Flagging: 1 Flag Vs 130+ Votes

in #steemit7 years ago

There are no guards, just local militia and they won't come out of their homes.


...cause otherwise monsters outside would eat them.

That's.... kinda anarchy for you.

Anarchy = being eaten by whale predators.

Well, it's a system where there is no governing authority to prevent certain behaviors, so people with more power or influence can do what they want, including eating you.

Aaaaah. Well now you made me scared. Do you think this will have long-term repercussions? What do you think we can do to solve this problem?

Yes, its a problem I believe will rot the system from inside out. Ability to flag should be earned or at least taken away from anyone miss-using it. The system is wrong as it encourages people to use flagging if they believe the votes are too high. In my opinion if people believe the votes are too high, upvote like crazy the posts you like. It has same effect on reward pool.

yeah, and when they flag the big earners, the reward pool gets redistributed back out to everyone else, including all the spam bots. doesn't solve any problems. Steemit should just implement the system of and 99% of the problem is solved right away.

Wait. I didn't know steemfollower had such an inner working. Why do you think it would solve the problem for Steemit?

It's right you want to say

Hello, @maksud01. I don't think you're expressing your ideas very well. You might want to put a little more effort in your self-expression skills. :P

I still don't understand how the bots quite work. I though about writing about them but the diversity of who uses them, how they work and why they work I have not quite grasped but I find it oddly fascinating. not sure about them at all. They really seem to stack the decks against us all. but this whole post/ blog / thread is very educational for us newbies / minnows.

This is why every online community, no matter how dedicated to a philosophy of decentralized self-governance or against restrictionism, will always implement some strict form of moderation. Which, of course, always goes swimmingly for the community. Moderators have never overstepped their bounds. Nope, hasn't ever happened.

the need for moderation is severely amplified in the case where there's monetary gains directly involved :(

don't get me wrong, corruption still exists on a platform that has karma that does nothing, but on a platform where you can SELL the karma you get? hoo boy, that's blood in the water

Which will only make it more attractive to be corrupt. The real problem lays in the lack of individual responsibility for one's own experience on the internet. And demanding that other's take charge of their experience. When the site steps in and implements some sort of fix to bad behavior they just wind up making more problems.

Look at @spirtualmax over here, he loses out on a big valuable post. Why? Because the site wanted to put a system in place to help curtail bad behavior, the flagging system. Is he going to be compensated by the site or the person who flagged his post? Of course not. But what happened? The community responded with their votes and their voices and this post far surpassed the one he lost.

The only way for people to have the community they want is to for everyone to step up. If everyone just passes off that responsibility to a few select people those few select people will never do as good a job or be less susceptible to corruption than a self regulated and personally responsible community.

That's pretty well said Mr. Kangoroo!

Thank you mr Max!
Cool cards, btw.

Great points!

Why thank you!

I think long term it is going to hurt the platform's success. They are made more powerful by this activity and that isn't going to wane any time soon.

I think you solve this problem

the only thing that stops bots is stuff that also hampers userfriendliness and functionality. we're talking about having to human-verify every time you comment or upvote :P

it's not pretty but it might NEED to be done if people are going to exploit the system

I am new here, don't know much about voting, rewards, or coding, but seems to me that the coding could be changed, pending community support, to change how downvotes work?

It seems to me downvoting someone into oblivion is not the point of enabling the down vote function. It was a tool intended to quash malicious content for sure, but not for punative retribution.

Here is what I am suggesting, love to hear your thoughts.
What if downvotes cost the person casting the downvote something, like a stake of their own reputation, or SBD, or something, like what if you only had one per day, and if you used it, there was a commision that voted on whether the content was malicious or not, deserving a down vote, or not.

You could code a means of annonymity into the voting, review, process.

So you down vote me, and it costs me $100.00, or whatever. I "appeal". It goes to a randomly selected group of Steemians, and they can review the material for themselves, and vote to either affirm my original post was "malicious, and deserving of down vote" or they can "overturn the down vote and loss of rewards".

The system could even have a cost to the down voter if they are overturned, like lost SBD or SP, or Reputation.

It could happen with annonymity if coders allowed.


I am not a coder, I have no idea, maybe there are some unforseen complications with this sugggestion.

Hey, votes are made by share holders, theres nothing wrong with a shareholder using their votes, this autoflag thing sure its bad but its fine, look spiritualmax made his money back and more so there is social workarounds to the problems caused by shareholders using their flags maliciously, all is well in the weird and wonderful world of steem.

all is not well if every incident has to be solved with a public complaint post :(

that's not what anyone wants to see all the time, it's not what this site is truly about

I don't see that working, I could see it become a tool for even more abuse of power.
However, I saw some great ideas already, am thinking of writing a post on how to prevent these things from happening.

One of the most promising ideas is to just make the flagger leave him motive in writting.

I am not a coder either but I like where that idea is going..seems logical .. therefore it will never work lol (that seems to be the norm these days. If it makes sense then nope! not happening. )