And the king sent out the wise men to bring back all the knowledge of the world. Many moons went by until they returned. When they arrived to the palace with long lines of scribes carrying books, the king said: no! Fuck no! I'm not going to read all that shit...make it shorter.
So the wisemen convened. And toiled long months before they came to the king with a single phrase. It was: this too shall pass.
The king said: you fucking morons! Everybody knows that ending, give me something i can work with, something real, something that actually does some work!
The wise men were stumped. Their sophist-ication had been complete. They had lost the magic of the verdant herb. The creative power of a blooming flower and a bumbling bee. They had been asked for wisdom and returned with a prescription for endurance... the sky grew dim.
In the morning, the wise men left their academy for the palace. On the way they stopped for espresso -- which is always a good idea. While there a young girl of the kingdom showed up with the morning sun blazing in her hair and cakes of honey. She presented her offering to the master and said: thank you! Your teachings have guided me towards the light and now i have found plenty. Thank you! Thank you Master!
The Master smiled and said: thank you child. If only attaining happiness and plenty was as easy as you make it look.
The girl said: it is Master! You told me to study hard and to apply myself, which i did, and now i am reaping the rewards.
Go on, said the Master...
It's simple, said the girl: You get what you give
The Master smiled. The other wisemen smiled too. And looked at each other like -- did you see that fucking touchdown!!??!
Off to the palace they went. Spoke to the king. He was ecstatic and particularly generous that day 'cause ol' King was no fool... Yadda yadda yadda...They all got fat sacks of gold and loaded paper wallets, new burner android cell phones, killer sunglasses and pre-paid visas and the week off.
Cheers, from thedamus
Please comment often!
As your name implies, when inspiration strikes it can be mighty.
I will look for your posts O flatulent one kenobi :P
You should get a profile image. I just realized you're also the robocoin dude!
...getting there
Ha! I just realized your the iPad at the beach dude!