You Need to see these: Ethereum Foundation Skype Chat regarding ETC

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Not sure who posted these (for obvious reasons they need to remain anonymous) but these are well worth reading.  Not only are these chats potentially incriminating but it does show how disorganised and uprofessionally the foundation is currently working.  

I'm not sure how long these will stay up so look at them now if you can.

There is a lot of material - I'll try posting the screenshots but I'll also include the link so people can check them out themselves.

Thanks to @whalepanda on twitter for passing on the links:


This is the least exciting leak ever. So one EF dev is gonna sell his ETC and another speculates that the vestigial chain won't have any value?

Are there actual leaks that say anything that matters?

Sounds like you have a lot invested in ETH. I understand. I did too. I think the issue is the way they are talking more than anything they sound pretty desperate. Also they are implying that they will attempt to crash the market price of ETC. I suppose it depends on what you find interesting.

Thanks. I think we should be grateful for the leaker but they will need to keep their identity secret because as these conversations show there is already a kind of witch hunt going on in the foundation. God only knows how they (foundation) are reacting now.

It is quite likely that the original poster has gotten kicked out of the Skype group so we probably won't be getting any more leaks on the current situation with ETC volume going to an ATH.

Would love to be a fly on the wall to that.