STREEM - An Idea for a Music Streaming Service on the Steem Blockchain

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Right now the Steem blockchain has one publicly available app - Steemit. Soon we will have two more in the form of Busy and SteemConnect.

The more apps that we have utilising the Steem ecosystem the greater the potential utility will be for Steem and the more our Steem and Steem Power will be worth.

I am not a programmer or developer but I did think of an idea which I would love community input on as per my old Ideasfactory post. Please let me know what you think.

The Idea: "STREEM" - A Music Streaming App on the Steem Blockchain

Possible alternative names: STREEMPLAY, STEEMPLAY, STREEMER

This is how it could work:

Listening to more than 10% of a song for "free" upvotes it by the percentage you listened too.

There would be a minimum threshold of vote value for you to listen for free e.g. one Steem cent per full song - this is more than the maximum Spotify pays on their subscription royalties ( a max of about $0.0084 per song SOURCE).

When your vote falls below the threshold your "free" listening runs out. You could also set personal limits or timers on this so as not to deplete your voting power beyond a certain point.

Alternatively you can buy timed credits or a monthly subscription with Steem Dollars which are then distributed to the artists according to how much you listen to their music.

The app could be created/developed by the Steemit team/they could pay for a 3rd party to develop it, or alternatively someone in the community with the appropriate skills could take it on as a project which they could fund through donations and post upvotes (obviously that would be more difficult).

Why it Adds value to Steem:

  • People like listening to music.
  • This would allow them to pay for music using Steem/Steem Dollars.
  • They could also listen for free and the more SP they have the more they could listen to for free. This could be considered a perk of powering up and encourage people to do so hence increasing the demand for Steem.

Why it helps Artists:

  • Even the minimum 1 cent threshold for upvote based "free" listening is more than top artists get per track on services like Spotify. In theory they could earn significantly more than on such services.
  • Further there is the potential to earn a lot more either via subscriptions or upvotes.
  • The money goes straight to the artists with no middleman.

Why it helps me as the listener :

  • The money goes to the artist rather than a middleman.
  • I get a new way of using my Steem and Steem Dollars.
  • One less thing to pay for with fiat currency.
  • As a Steem Power holder this increases the value of my SP.


What do you think? Would you use a service like this? Would you modify it in someway?

Are you a musician who is fed up of the current streaming royalties?

Are you a developer who would be interested in making something like this?

Please give me your opinions in the comments below.

Thank you for reading.

If you like my work please follow me and check out my blog - @thecryptofiend

All uncredited photos are taken from my personal Thinkstock Photography account. More information can be provided on request.

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This is an awesome concept, good job! I hope we can see it come to life!

Thanks me too:)

Paging @cob . Anyone who wants to work on this should talk to him first.

I don't know @cob - would be great if the community could start working on this.

What have they done with muse? I still have shares.... :)

You and me both. MUSE would be a starting point, at least, for anyone else who wanted to take on this project.

We would love to be able to distribute our podcast with a Steem blockchain app. I wonder if this idea could also be used by podcasters.

The great thing about the blockchain is that we can replicate almost every service that is already on the web and just make it better.

Exactly and you can cut out the middleman to a great extent. Even if the app developer charged a small fee (e.g. for the app itself to pay for development) more of your money would be going to the actual artists. They could even in theory set their own pricing.

Streemr? I like the idea a lot. :)

Thanks. It may work better without the last "e" .

I believe @thirstyrecords is working on something like this ;)

Lol yes keep me posted. Would you like me to pass on any devs that might be interested on to yourselves?

Hi @thecryptofiend,

We are currently talking to developers both here on Steemit and off-site.

Thanks for your offer! We appreciate the support!

Kind regards,

Thirsty Records
A Blockchain Based Music Service

OK cool like I said keep me posted. I am always interested in new developments.

Right now the Steem blockchain has one publicly available app - Steemit. Soon we will have two more in the form of Busy and SteemConnect.

well, there is #eSteem application as well.
I like streemer more...
I would be interested creating such app, but as you said funding project needs proper ways and it is quite big and long term project, which I am sure would benefit platform a lot...Hope to see some initiative from developers. I have a lot of ideas about applications on top of Steem, if only I could get more time.... :D

Yes. I think the other problem as someone pointed out to me is a lack of developers who are familiar with graphene.

Yes, this would be a fantastic idea for music seekers and an excellent way for artists to promote - and more importantly, to earn from - their content. And I do believe this would greatly contribute to the value of STEEM.

Now the trick is, finding the right developers to make it viable. I would support a project like this, small as my support may be. Matching contributions from larger accounts would be nice.

Thanks yes. I would definitely support it too but my pockets are not very deep either (at least not yet - there is always hope lol). Thank you for commenting.

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Awesome awesome idea! Live Streeming would be great to do live radio shows etc.

Thanks yes it would be awesome.

I think this is an amazing idea. I'd be all over this if it would come to fruition.

Fantastic:) Right now I think @senseiteekay is working on something like this already with thirstyrecords. If I had the coding expertise I would make a start on it myself. Keep an ear out for new developments as it may well happen.

So excited for the future of musicians on the blockchain. Ears and eyes peeled!

You read my mind :) I like Streem

Is it possible to combine blockchain technology with bittorrent technology? I don't know much about blockchain tech, but it seems conserving storage would be a good idea since they just keep increasing in size. However bittorrent works perfectly for fast media streaming.

I don't see why not. Only the transactions need to take place on the blockchain. The actual information and media can be stored on a separate server. Bitorrent also uses the Peer 2 Peer system so would be a good match. Also Storj is a project that marries blockchain and storage.

Just as a curiosity. Some time ago I worked on similar idea with even large part of app already done.
It's doable. There are however issues re licenses and distribution. Blockchain isn't great for large data. I work on a solution for this :)

distribution comes with time and marketing, about licenses - I would be interested to know more, if you can provide any links or share your experience...I think major part of development of such app would be legalization or licensing part.

I don't want to reveal details. However, as to license issues - the real problem is in the fact that there is no good license scheme for things "deposited" in blockchain. It's because there is no way to remove anything from bc thus no action upon infringement can be made. This leads to whole bunch of legal issues in both developing (shielding creator) and running such bc. Especially nodes can be exposed to legal risks. Actually I have a scheme that solves some issues in this respect, but it requires further development.

I don't think you should hold music itself on blockchain, only hash of its origin should suffice to confirm the owner. And yes it is interesting to solve these type challenges to connect blockchain more with real world solutions.

Sure you can hold only a hash. But this way opens also a wide array of possible abuses (linking to top hits, taking fees for non playable media and many more; most can be mitigated, but still no ideal solution). Keeping data in chain or in chain-like structure layered on chain provides paradoxically means to evade accusations from top labels - this way one can safeguard own creation in best way possible.
So, again, no good solution solving all issues, either with storing hash or full data.
Connecting bc to real world solution is still far from being realistic and reliable - in large scale of course. Because bc has inherent drawbacks that block wide adoption.

Cool. Please let me know more:)

I gotta say I really like the novel concept that Steem enables here. An interface much like Bandcamp's but incorporating your idea to upvote for every play would be my vision. The music may have to be stored centrally. Or perhaps on a system like @faddat is working on.

One possible caveat is the limit to the amount of vote power each account has. Voting strength may need to be able to be manually capped by the user or simply vary automatically by Steem account stake (Steem Power).

Another caveat is the limitations of the Steem blockchain to posts. You can't upvote a post multiple times, so paying for multiple plays from the same user may be tricky or impossible. There's also the 24 hour + extension then 30 day payout schedule.

Great points.

One possible caveat is the limit to the amount of vote power each account has. Voting strength may need to be able to be manually capped by the user or simply vary automatically by Steem account stake (Steem Power).

Yes I suggested have the ability to set some limits to prevent over draining accounts. This would need to fine tuned.

Another caveat is the limitations of the Steem blockchain to posts. You can't upvote a post multiple times, so paying for multiple plays from the same user may be tricky or impossible. There's also the 24 hour + extension then 30 day payout schedule.

Yes perhaps there are some ways around this. For example each play could appear as a new post - obviously this could be problematic from a storage perspective though. I don't think the time issues will be too much of a problem though.

I like your train of thought. Please continue to expand on this idea. You seem like a smart person. Be a doer, I really like your dream. However dreams only go so far, you must act. The time is now. Good luck. Upvoted.

Thank you. I don't have the skills myself but I am working on a number of things to bring the right people together (with a number of other members of the community). The problem is time and resources both of which are limited for us all. Thanks for your support.

i'll following it with attention ;)

Cool. Tom (donkeypong) mentioned someone who was quite far along on a similar project. Hopefully they are still around and we can get in touch. Even if they are too disillusioned with doing something like this they could be valuable to our community in general.

good idea and i agree with helping the artist directly then these big labels which just ranking in the fiat money, i find it unfair to the artist.

Yes and most artists now get pretty much next to nothing except from live performances.

Beat street steem

I'm not so keen on it if you are suggesting it as a name.

awesome let me know if someone starts this I want to help! :)

OK. I hope someone does:)

A sound byte for your service I placed in Creative Commons...

That's pretty cool, thanks! It sounds like "Future Sound of London". Did you make the music for it yourself from scratch?

I created the musical part on my Korg Microarranger and dubbed in my voice on Audacity (sound editor).

"Future Sound of London"

is an interesting comment! Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you. It was very cool. Are you posting your music here?

I posted a couple of things, but did not get much interest from the cetaceans, if you know what I mean.

Here is an expanded version:

OK cool I will take a listen:)

This is a great idea. Musicians need more services to reach music consumers and get rewarded without middlemen taking a big cut. Thats why I started Open Mic, so Steemit musicians can get their music out there and get paid.

Thanks it would be great if the Steemit team could back it. If we can get as many people as possible sharing this and talking about this we can show them that how popular this would be.

I'll promote it on the Open Mic post for you and resteeming

Thank you that is very kind:)

Done! Thanks for thinking outside the box. I love this idea and it would go a long way to helping Steemit gain more mainstream acceptance.

You're welcome. I only wish I had the skills and resources to do it myself. My worry is that nobody will take it up and somebody else will do it with another blockchain.

Great idea! The same would be awesome for audio books. Offer a service like Audible.

Thanks yes. Absolutely. It would be just as easy to do it for audiobooks. For that matter the same model could be used for videos/movies too.

Wow...this is very, very, very good @thecryptofiend! I have two music procjets with my friend. The your great idea can will help us, and help many others musicians too! Thanks so much! Reestemit! (;

Thanks. If we get this you could put your music on there:)

This is brilliant. I love seeing ways to practically apply the coolness of the steem blockchain, and blockchain in general.

Damn good idea: very well thought out. As a bonus, the regular listener would get some curation rewards for listening if (s)he has enough voting power.

Yes potentially. Thanks for your input:)