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RE: Apology To @mibenkito, Honest Whales, Investors, Witnesses And Steemit Community

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I had to discuss the fact that my latest post was flagged to oblivion by a few of the powerful whales in Steemit. After Nathan had a chance to read over my post he said that I was approaching the issue from the wrong angle but that the flagging was over the top.

I missed a lot of what happened. Who has a rep high enough to make your ( @stellabelle's ) posts invisible?

Also whether a bot was involved in this case or not we need to discuss it because it is only a matter of time before it happens.

If a bot makes good quality content that people like and it is honest about being written by a bot is that a cause for concern? Obviously I can understand someone getting upset if they are being accused of being a bot and they are not but that is a different matter.

If most people think the use of bots for voting is OK then why is it a problem if they are writing content as well?

I'm not sure it is for me but I understand that other's may feel strongly about this issue. I think I will need to think more about this though. My immediate gut reaction to voting bots was negative but I have softened my stance on them as I have come to realise how difficult it can be to keep up with voting.

The thing is sooner or later someone will make an effective writing bot and with ever improving technology it may actually be hard to distinguish from a human writer.

I refuse to be some kind of shill or lily-livered fake writer. That's not my destiny. It should not be yours either.

You shouldn't and I don't think you have been outright offensive or trolling ever, indeed you have always been polite, courteous and helpful to all so I am puzzled by all of this.

Anyone who thinks you are working or acting against Steemit is obviously mistaken.

Anyway feel free to message me if you want to talk. I'm going to be going to bed soon as is 3.30 am here but I'll be around tomorrow afternoon and early evening UK time.


whales with a ton of steempower can flag my posts to death and collapse them.

I thought it required higher reputation though?