
Maybe if steemit can create some charity accounts for known organizations that they can handle. just an idea.

Yes or if the charities officially come on to Steem and make an account themselves (and verify it).

I really disagrer with this post my friend! I would suggest thst allowing registered, organised charities on steemit is a bad idea. Why is everyone so unwilling to trust the man in the street but ready to trust organisations that clearly don't provide the level of charity that they should be given the donations they recieve. I think people neef to give this some more thought!

The problem is we have had a lot of scammers on the platform and someone could easily take advantage.

I completely agree with you there @thecryptofiend (forgive me for getting your tag wrong earlier today) but the majority of registered charities in my opinion are scammers also. I replied to @joseph and made my feelings known, although not as eloquently as I would have liked and explained to him that I am currently working on my own charitable proposal and that to read his words feels like a slap in the face to me. I have identified some of these scammers myself and all I do is decide to walk away. We all have this ability. Perhaps my emotional response is muddying my view of this but I really don't think so.

I am one of the members that follow your work and although I may not comment and interact with you much I see that all of your articles are extremely well written and presented and I also see via my feed that you do a lot of work to support others and the platform itself so I know that your intentions are pure and I respect your point of view but I simply cannot agree that letting registered charities have a place on steemit is a good thing! To me it is the direct opposite!

I believe myself to be a man who is trying to become better. I will not say that I am a good man because I don'y honestly believe that I am. Maybe compared with the rest of humanity I could argue that I am but in my own self I know that there are a million things I need to do to improve myself. I would like to make a difference in the world I see around me and feel that with the idea I have come up with I can achieve that thanks to steemit and the community here and only because we have this platform. Without it I don't feel that someone like me would have this opportunity. I hope to make a post in the next couple of days to explain my intentions and I believe that I have found a way that does not follow the usual suspicious manner in which these things are usually done! I would urge you to have a look when I make the post and let me know your thoughts on it, not only because of the reaction to the post by @joseph but also because I do respect your input on such things as well as those of the other members here!

Hi @tonyr, you're raising a major issue when it come to bigger professional NGOs. One of our next blog posts should address this topic. When there is too much doubt our proposal will not be successful to establish charity on Steemit (please check our introduction post). Nobody wants to see money wasted. It's for the people who REALLY need it.

I agree that there are problems with established charities. Perhaps blockchain solutions can overcome them.

Perhaps you are right. My knowledge of these things is extremely limited so unfortunately I cannot make an informed comment! I hope you are right!

Thank you for the dialogue my friend and hope your day is going well!

its not just an my dear,its THE IDEA..nice one....voted and followed.