Normal Is Not Natural

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm often asked if I'm growing my hair out. This shows how backwards we think. Hair grows naturally. You don't do anything. It just happens.

You do something artificial to stop a natural process when you cut it. Growing it is natural. Cutting is unnatural. It may be normal. It may be socially acceptable, but it is unnatural.

Many things we consider normal are not natural. Teaching your kids is natural, but not normal. School is normal, but not natural. For most of human history, children learned from their parents in the home. It's only been the past couple of hundred years, that children were sent to someone else for their education. School is normal, but not natural. People think that school is natural and not school (we call it unschooling) is unnatural.

Breastfeeding a baby is natural, but not normal. At least, not normal enough. For most of human history, babies were fed by the breast. It was normal, it was natural. Then, formula was developed, and suddenly, it was the new normal. But, that did not make it natural. It's artificial. People now think that

Artificial is not wrong. It's not evil, but it's also not natural. Something was done to make something natural artificial. My face shaved, is not natural, even though I spent decades shaving it to meet corporate standards. For some reason, running a blade across my face every morning was considered normal.

I'm hoping, that natural becomes the new normal.


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