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RE: NEW IDEA FOR STEEMIT: Let's Open Our Own Bars!

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I see this thread is already steemin'.... (and people are already drinking?)

'Gotta say, I Absolute LOVE this idea! =)

I would like to see a separate space with imagery from a bar to set the mood and perhaps even music (on/off provided, steemit radio?) Multiple chats open in the same window, a disco bulb, direct links to purchase food and perhaps even drinks with Steem/BTC, virtual or IRL. There could be a side section for drinkers to talk drinks, potheads to talk kush.

Hmmm... I guess this is turning more and more into a chatroom. Is there any way that we could make it feel more intimate and more like if we were all sitting in the same room?

I'm guessing a chat would be hard to keep up with during some hours. Could end up scrolling real fast.

Anyway, thanks for bringing this up and let's hope some developers join the conversation as well! =)


yeah, it's just a brainstorming idea, coming out of a need to decompress and have fun. I am not sure about the bar idea, but it would definitely be a reason for people to stay, I think

by the way, what do you want to drink? Today, I am serving free virtual drinks.

Oh I'm not mr fancy pants, I'd settle for a beer. Or a just some rum and coke (the liquid kind)

Ahh.... Nice. Sooo... do you run a tab?

Okok... Let me give you everything that's ...uh... in my pocket and we'll just call it square, right?


There you go

I guess tabs would be made and then your wallet would be deducted. It would be a way for Steemit to stay alive, like an internal market.....Instead of cashing out our SBD, we could use them to buy drinks and have fun at our favorite bars! And there would of course be many bars to choose from....The bartherapist would be a real job with real paying customers.

Could certainly be one way. I guess I'm not quite there so far myself, moneywise. But sure. (could be a real cheap shack I guess)