The Event
When I first thought about making this event I thought that it was going to be like the previous times I've given food to people on the streets with my church. But this experience was entirely different. The event was divided in two days because it was a lot of food to be made and delivered on the same day in total we delivered 78 meals to people in need.
Sadly due to a zero hour that caused severe public transport problems,protests, firefights and barricades on several streets of Caracas: @fakj94 @mufasatoldyou @slidex could not participate physically on the event. But they helped a lot with the logistics of the event and I'm grateful to have them on the team!
The event itself began on Wednesday 19/07/2017 and we were only three people delivering food on the streets.myself. @daniconejito, my friend Diego and
We started our quest with a typical tropical welcome, a tropical monsoon, it hit the city and heavy rains was to be expected all day long, boy did it rain. It poured for about 5 hours straight and we managed to get to @daniconejito 's house when it had just started raining at around 10:30 AM. There we made all the food for that day, and we begin delivering it at 3 Pm when the rain had stopped.
From left to right @thatmemeguy @daniconejito Diego (not yet on steemit)
We finished at 6 PM after a long afternoon of searching for people in need under the rain.

2nd day
The second day of the event was friday 21/07/2017 @siersod @josmary @thatmemeguy and Diego began packing the food pretty early at 10 Am and we left at 1 Pm, this time we learned that in order to preserve the heat in the food we should pack it and give it as fast as possible. We began giving the food just around lunchtime and then something incredible happened.
We saw a group of 5 people gathered outside a church, that day the church offered free soup for everyone, and they seemed to have been left out. We went and offered them food, they were happy to accept it and then the 5th guy went inside the church and told other people: 3,4,5,10,15... And then a crowd of around 15+ people gathered around us asking us for food. They were so many that on those 5 minutes we delivered 29 meals. It was a shocking experience but also a revealing one, the hunger in Venezuela is real.
That afternoon we finished in one hour, we gave all those 41 steem-meals in less than 70 minutes. With 35 meals of the first day it makes a total of 78 meals!
I am really thankful with the community of steemit! Without you it wouldn't have been possible.
Excelente iniciativa!
Gracias Efra! Estuvo brutal! Ya la version en ESP la saco @siersod
Are we still being able to give? Are you going to do this again soon?
We are planning on making it at least one time a month if it gets enough upvotes! And yes we are taking donations! Please do specify in the memo with the #foodforvenezuela
Thanks a lot Gunni! It will be put to good use! The next event will be on the early days of september
You're welcome. But, I have to tell you this. I at one point in my life was homeless and by the grace of God I was rescued. I don't see how in the world that people can escape the street. You can't get cleaned up to find a job, you have no address, you have no where to keep food if you find it. People think you chose to be on the street. But, it only, for me lasted 6 to 8 months and I was picking out of dumpsters and so I am fully aware of what hunger can do to a person. I can't stand even knowing of the numbers of people in Venezuela who are suffering. I can't bear it, but I am not rich and basically at the bottom of the pool, but I will help with what little I can. If everybody did the same there would be no hunger.
THAAAANKS!, Thanks you a lot! We are changing lifes thanks to supports like yours, not many lifes but some of them are getting a easier day. Sorry my english, it's not my main language but I had the need to thank you.