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RE: Accusing Someone Online About Their Emotional State Mirrors Your Own

in #steemit7 years ago

I think what you are saying can be accurate but is not all the time. Sometimes people do really write angry posts and it is ok to point this out. But if you feel attacked then perhaps the issues could be on both sides. I always try and back up and realize they whatever I write that is my opinion since I am putting it out there is open for scrutiny. If someone disagrees I explain myself. If they act badly I simply move on because what they are seeking at that point is energy. I simply move on rather than try to psychoanalyze them. It is too difficult and has no real payoff for either of us. The bottom line is never let anyone steal your joy and you fully control that. Have a great day and keep your chip up.


tend to mirror the emotion of the person making the accusation. and unless you feel like engaging in a mindless internet post war for your own personal amusement - you're better off just ignoring the post and carrying on. or if they did provide some type of substantial constructive criticism of your article -positive or otherwise- then it wouldn't hurt to're essentially saying the same thing. i think what the focus is of the post (and correct me if im wrong @kyriacos) is that replies that show emotion are useless, and