One of the most important electronic chips is named 555, is a chip widely used in many electronic applications, from counters, digital clocks or light sequencer.
I know you think it has nothing to do with your publication or the sense of reaching that number of followers, but like the analogy, the importance of the chip is 555 for its simplicity, its practical use and its presence in many circuits, Exactly the same thing that happens with your blog and with your profile that there is no doubt that it is a reference in Steemit.
From Aztec lands I send you my most sincere congratulations and you said goodbye wishing you the best week of your life.
I remember a chip called Beta A741, most likely an amplifier of something like that. You may be a bit too young to remember it, though :)
Sip el ua741 amplificador operacional de propósito general, recuerdo vagamente haberlo visto en algun diagrama cuando estudiaba electrónica y si no fue este fueron algunos genéricos o similares, tengo ya 35 años jajajaja gracias por lo de joven.