I'm going to be posting a lot more regularly soon and as well as getting more engaged overall in the platform with others. Right now I''m really focusing on the big picture structure of my blog, how to best use and benefit from Steemit overall, and ensuring I'm not just posting for the sake of posting and everything I put up always meets a high standard I'd expect from others I follow.
I'm not holding myself to the idea that what I post has to necessarily be long and technical, but at the very least I'll try to generalize what I'm saying into some sort of small takeaway or useful insight from my story.
I've adopted Steve Job's philosophy of simply not selling junk with regards to what stories I publish, comments I make, and upvotes I give out etc.
I have a little bit of catatonic paralysis with posting because I haven't found that balance yet just starting out here recently. I figure that as I just sit down and engage more in ways that I meaningfully can add useful input to a story/discussion that better I'll get at not being overly anxious about it.
It doesn't help that Steemit itself encourages programmatic and sterile activity rather than organic discussion among its users with how curation rewards and points are earned overall..not sure what the answer is to that is at this point but it definitely confused me when I was starting out.
I'm confident that it is worth to put a lot of time into networking through the platform. Learning and engaging in areas of interest with other users/bloggers is quite exciting and i look forward to all the opportunities that open through it.
In any case, I think the focus right now for must is about putting thought to action and making engagement in the platform highly productive, consistent, habit, and efficient.
Also random thought before ending this - do you have any posts on the minnow support project I could read more about....as well as any other communities you would recommend getting into?
All the best ~
I think you are doing everything right, just need to worry less about paralysis by analysis and start doing more. The internet has a permanent memory but a short attention span. Plenty of time to test, adjust and adapt, with minor mistakes forgotten for the most part, soon enough.
You can learn more about Minnow Support by joining the discord: https://discord.gg/kNxM7T6
Digging around in @minnowsupport, and via other peoples posts with the tags #minnowsupport or #minnowsupportproject
And soon on the two websites we are wrapping up this week, one of which is
(MSP Web Home)
and the other is
(home of the MSP Waves Radio Network)http://minnowsupportproject.org http://mspwaves.com
I don't really do any other communities. MSP is the largest steemit discord and probably the largest steemit subcommunity, actually, with over 3000 members. It keeps me plenty busy enough.
Sounds good, thanks for the feedback and extra detail on it I'll give it a look.
You won't be sorry. :D