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RE: Meet Steem's #1 Author!

in #steemit7 years ago

I already knew about most of this and I know many people did. I'm glad you're bringing this up the way you did.

Whether or not these are voting abuse depends on everyone's individual opinion.

I still think the idea of vote cancelling brought up by @dantheman in the past should be looked at closer.

The idea is pretty simple, anyone who would want to cancel all the votes of someone could set up an option and cancel each of the people they want to cancel.

These cancelling votes would be anonymous.

We could set a % of our voting power to cancel someone else votes and this would be done automatically.

I love the idea. There could be some pitfall. First the @steemit Inc account shouldn't be allowed to use this function.

What would Smart Ballots and Kamikaze voters mean to Democracy?

Being an Anarchist, I like to work from first principles. If I assume the popular political theology is morally acceptable means of making decisions regarding what people may or may not do, then I would like to add a new voting system and means of fully “expressing ones vote” that I feel would truly capture a legitimate outcome.

In other words, if all people are equal and entitled equal weight to vote for what ever they want, for what ever reason they want to, then it should be possible to express your opinion as the exact opposite of someone else. This is a perfectly valid opinion and deserves as much respect as their opinion. After all, you could just as easily say that they are the one who is adopting an opinion opposite to your own. It is not possible to say who is positive and who is negative, they are merely reflections of equal value with no beginning and no end.

The act of negating someone else’s opinion does not require you to know their opinion, because you are free to change your opinion to counter theirs as fast as they can change their opinion. The outcome will always result in a net vote of 0.


If man does not have a right to counter balance another man in the political system, then the game is rigged. His right to cast a vote that expresses his wishes has been denied. He has been given a false choice rather than a free choice. After all, if you cannot express a vote that is exactly opposite of someone else, then that means not all opinions are on the table. It means that the people who get to decide the options are the rulers, not the voters.

Negative Voting and Steem

...there is currently no way to “down vote” an “up vote” and therefore, the system is unbalanced and subject to abuse.


What if instead of down voting a post, you could down vote a voter? When you down vote a voter you nullify their voting power with your own voting power. It is the moral equivalent of casting equal and opposite votes on every post without offending the posters.

Under such a system authors who vote for them selves and curators who vote robotically would be negated. Only those who vote responsibly would remain.

Origin of the Right to Vote and how the system denies this right

For each person who chooses to vote rather than negate there exists another person who was not negated. This means that there would still be a large body of voters whose opinions could be polled.

This body of individuals would be the least polarizing group. A group of people whom have been pre-filtered by the masses to be the closest group of representatives that could be found. Everyone that was eliminated was a “polar opposite” of someone else and thus represent the set of least representative. Those that remain are therefore “most representative” and their subsequent votes will be more in line with the masses opinion than any other group of representatives.


If you believe that voting is a fundamental right derived from our human nature, then you must also hold that negative voting is the most expressive means of casting a ballot and representing yourself.

All other definitions of the “right to vote” are a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government. However, this definition is in contradiction to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that government authority comes from voting. Therefore, government cannot have authority to define the source of its own authority. If you believe government gets to set rules on voting, then you believe voting isn’t a human right, but a government granted privilege that can be revoked. In other words, you believe that government authority is derived from some other source than the will of the people expressed through voting.

Let's restore the right to vote by allowing people to express their anti-representative and negate their vote.

The Politics of Negative Voting

People are irrational yet believe they are perfectly sane. They will take personal offense any time anyone attempts to expose the disconnect between reality and their own delusions. This isn’t a reason to abandon a system of negative voting, but rather a reason to implement it. Anything that forces people to come face to face with reality and stop hiding their violent tendencies behind an anonymous voting box will lead to a more civil society.


I don't agree that some blockchain mechanism that doesn't exist yet and has the potential to harm the value proposition of Steem is needed when there is already the ability for any Steem stakeholder to downvote the posts or comments. There are also scripts available to automatically downvote accounts' posts or comments. If you really care about the allocation of the reward pool, use your stake to downvote posts or comments you believe are overvalued.

Every propositions has the potential to have some undesired effect.

There still some difference with what bot can do as these aren't anonymous like what was proposed by Dan.

I do use my stake to downvote some posts and comments.

I still think Dan's idea of vote cancelling has some interesting points. I don't know about the feasibility of implementing it but I still think this particular idea has some merits.

Hy teamsteem ,, happy to know you ,, regards from itikna09, great success greetings, do not forget the vost and his comments blog @ itikna09, follow me ,,,

While I'm coming around to the idea myself, I think it's potentially dangerous if there isn't substantial direct oversight, which might be hard.

Forgive me if I am ignorant, but wouldn't the suggestions above simply accomplish a similar (and theoretically, more user friendly) version of this function you noted?

"There are also scripts available to automatically downvote accounts' posts or comments."

Should using your own influence tokens to entirely counter someone else's influence tokens indiscriminately be user-friendly? I mention it as a possibility, not as a recommendation.

Indeed, you did. It seems to me that if we make it possible via script, it might as well be fully supported (or removed). Having it be partially controlled by a technical barrier to entry seems to me, at best, a half- or temporary-measure.

It's more about being correct or not. Planes aren't user-friendly but they can't be to accomplish what they are build to accomplish.

It is the right thing to do or the wrong thing to do?

I understand your concern. I think they is more ups than downs to this proposition and that's more of an educated guest on my part than a absolute truth.

@teamsteem thank you for your feedback here because it took a big leap of faith to write this post and share this with fear of everything going wrong in mind. With what you shared we have an outstanding discussion here and I enjoyed reading what @dantheman had to say in the articles you shared along with your quotes summarizing.

After months here as an author debating the need for negative voting and the 12 hour negative voting only period, I am now happy for it even if that means sometimes I am on the receiving end of the negative votes. We all should have the option to express our opinion and use our Steem Power to vote as we see fit even if others do not agree because each of us have the other option to vote the other way.

Read more about the history of this at Thank you to @celsius100 for helping me see this because I had not before the post.

I'd like to add a site helps you to dig deeper on your future works relevant to this. Here is a detail of mindhunter, you can see the top accounts offering him more reward. Hope you get my point.

I see that you had time to reply to @teemsteem but didn't had the time to reply to @alexvan? So you just ignore negative feedback ? This ain't the way a witness should behave

The original system of democracy was like this in ostracizing votes (canceling?). Hi friend! :)

I'm not sure I understand. But I can say vote cancelling was never implemented on Steem!

Hi Soulsista!

Yes, the original greek system of voting (democracy, not representative democracy like we have in these modern times) had a "downvote" if you will, vote called "ostracism." Ostracism. Not vote canceling, but outcast votes.

Oh now I remember hearing about that. I had totally forgotten though. That's pretty cool knowledge. Thanks for the link and sharing.

lol. Thought you could use my upvote! ha ha.

I quite liked that idea, but apparently it was very controversial. It would have been a much better approach to "the experiment" of several months past.

These cancelling votes would be anonymous.

This would be nice - is it possible on this blockchain? You could match up the exact time someone's votes were canceled with the exact time someone canceled the votes, match the amounts, and then it would lose anonymity.

That is something I wondered since Dan talked about it. It seems almost impossible but maybe there's something I'm not aware of.

In my last article I introduced the concept of smart ballots that would automatically vote the opposite of a person of your choosing while maintaining full secrecy of their vote. @dantheman [Source]

Thank you @teamsteem for your post and yes I do think having a downvote option would be a great solution for post like this and abuse

your welcome hahahaha

It is impossible for @dan's proposal to be more anonymous than sock-puppet accounts already provide, as @biophil has pointed out.

I'm not saying that it's possible, it seems counter-intuitive but Dan seemed to have hint at it being possible. He's Dan the main architect of this platform.

Well, it is conceivable that some code could be crafted to make anonymity, but presently, the most anonymous mechanism is sock-puppets, and even that, as @sherlockholmes has showed, isn't perfect.

People will always find a way to game this system, I think what we need are incentives that encourage the type of behavior we want to see.I would even suggest having a portion of the daily rewards delegated to real people that the community trusts to find abuses and use that Steem power accordingly.

I like this idea a lot.

We have to remove the economic (and time) penalty/opportunity cost of flagging and curating this site.

I spent several hours flagging child porn and plagiarism just 2 days ago, but I would have been much better off (from a personal perspective) if I'd spent that time authoring posts or replying to my commenters.

Hell, the people that do this for police stations have to be put on rotation so their minds don't explode. It's horrible work. Plus, I was probably doing something illegal by even being in the posts to flag it...more unrewarded risk.

Thank you for that service. It’s like you are wearing the cloak of invisibility and protecting us from evil!

decentralized blockchain technology means=

I am new to Steemit and just learning how it works. Based on your info, I guess I need to invest more into steem to have people falling over each other hoping for me to bless them with an upvote.

LOL @drbob1. I kinda agree with you.
Sorry @jerrybanfield and @teamsteem, but basically what you are saying here that if we learn how to abuse the system and cheat, then it may be okay, depending on how we look at it.

Of course, I am glad that @jerrybanfield brought the subject to light, but it is incredible that many others knew about it and nothing was done to make the system better for new users.

We, the new users, suffer so much because no big guys take the time to look at us, and in the rare occasion someone with decent SP votes for us, they use 1% of their votes. While here @mindhunter having possibly 3 friends beside himself voting his 2-words comments with full power.

If we want to become successful, All we hear is that we should write amazing posts. We shouldn't beg for money. We should work hard. We should be patient. We should and we should....
Yet, we never know what a good post is, since no one tells us whether our posts are good or they are just down right crappy. And here I see someone posting a picture of himself (He is not a hot or sexy girl even) or his cat and getting +20,000 a month. Not sure what I should say or how to describe my feelings. @jerrybanfield I guess you fit the sexy criteria in your boxers, that's why you got over $300 for that post?

Sorry, I don't mean to be sarcastic, or maybe I do a bit. But, really!?
I am afraid to try posting my picture in a bikini or something only to find that I made $0.01, just because I don't have rich followers. That will be devastating. I better not try it (sigh)

How can I convince such rich people to become my loyal friends like that? Anyone is interested in supporting me to grow so I can vote their comments last min and we all make big bucks? or maybe I should just do like @tamim. Just spend thousands to grow my SP and eventually get my money back with kisses on top?

I am kinda feeling sad and discouraged now. I always believed that hard work pays, but it's just so sad to see that cheating is being rewarded and on top of it, left alone to thrive.

Am I being too emotional here? Sorry, it just has been shocking news for me to read.

Thanks @jerrybanfield for sharing.

Rewards = Quality * Reach.

You are thinking it is this:

Rewards = Quality.

This is why Jerry can make money off of the post you refer to. It's a lot braver post. If I post that post, it only hits 1250 people. Jerry hits 10x that. He's performing for 10x the audience, math would suggest he get at least 10x the rewards.

The reason we all tell you to work harder, make good posts, etc is because that is the only way to succeed. Some abuse does not negate this.

Apologies for the post promotion, but I think this post I just wrote is aimed directly at you. I hope it helps:

Steemit, like Life, is a popularity contest

PS - Chances are good I would vote you more than .01 on your bikini post. You know, because of the implication.

Sunny - Implication.jpg

Hahaha. I love your (PS). Thank you for supporting myself esteem ;)

Yes, you are absolutely correct. Both Quality and Reach are very important. Quality bring reach again and again, while reach support quality more :)

Thanks for the suggestion. Sometimes promoting is important, because it is hard to figure out where to find the quality read.

Many Thanks again and happy to meet you and everyone else here :D

Don't forget to count the extra followers you get from each post as a "form of reward". Everyone you get could be that one who resteems you to the right people for a big upvote.

Wait. What? You get followers as a form of reward? Do tell...

I just mean that every follower you get is going to increase the expected value of all your future posts. So even if your payout isn't that great, if you got more followers, you "earned" future rewards.

Will keep that in mind.

Thanks again :D

Thank you for breaking up my reply feed with something that doesn't annoy me.

I read a post asking the users to justify "Why SteemIt isn't a Waste of Time"

SteemIt isn't "sold" as anything. It is a platform where people can earn Steem from "Stake based voting" meaning the more stake you have the more your vote matters. Some users write marketing type pieces which are just their own opinions.

There is no promise of quality content although the topic comes up a lot.

There is no promise of earning.. comes up a lot.

No agreed upon marketing plan.

Anything you read that lead you to believe differently was just someone's opinion. @whatsup

The greater the risk you are willing to take the stronger your faith in your opinion and the greater your resulting profit or loss will be. @dantheman [source]

The money/Steem people are making on Steem is money that is coming from the investors. You are right about that. To make Steem people have to convince other people they should "pay" you for the work you've done.

People abusing the system are destroying the value of the currency they are trying to get their hands on. There need to be at least 51% people looking to spread valuable content for Steem to be worth something.

I agree 100% people who are just "printing money" are destroying its value... and thus steem it still only at $1 and change...

I'm unclear on why you quoted my post here. Is that is response to me?

The vision was, is people shouldn't be able to be bad actors because there are others of the same size that have flags to fix the problems. The system has all of the tools built into it to fix the problems. If you are concerned about the problem... Why not just deal with it.

I quoted your post cause it's a nice thought that seemed fitting as it describe Steem pretty well. People shouldn't feel entitled to anything more than "Stake based voting" reward system, all the rest is someone's opinion pretty much.

Thank you for the clarification.

The money that was mined before Steemit even existed, as most Steem was, isn't from investors, but from those that were 'insiders' and who were able to control the code that permitted mining.

There are investors in Steem, like @snowflake, for example, who did not mine their large stakes in Steem.

Most of the Steem in existence today, isn't doled out as upvotes, as upvotes don't draw from your personal holdings, but rather the rewards pool, was mined before Steemit even existed. The value of your upvote is BASED on your holdings, but does not draw on them.

Steem is not produced by upvotes. Votes merely disburse the Steem that is created otherwise, through a different mechanism, and supplied to the rewards pool.

For this reason, when @mindhunter buys votes from @snowflake, he draws down the rewards pool from which we all are paid rewards, in proportion to the value of the upvotes we receive.

In other words, those scams mean more for the scammers, and less for the rest of the authors. They get more Steem, and we get less, because they draw down the pool and leave less in it for us to split.

I know all of this. You also misunderstood some stuff. If no investors ever bought any Steem then the price of Steem would be 0$. The price of Steem comes from investors.

I could re-start a Bitcoin blockchain from 0, if nobody mine any, no matter if I hold thousands of them, they will be worth 0$.

I know about the reward pool and how it work. I was here in May of 2016 and I've been spending 40 hours a week on Steem ever since...

No investors will buy any Steem unless Steemit will grow, so the platform needs to be able to resist scams.

Satoshi did exactly that, and whoever he/they is, he's got a lot of BTC now. There are no 'dividends' from hodling BTC, and no use case beyond it's original novelty, unlike Steem, which is driven by Steemit.

I know you are one of the old guard. I know you are dedicated to making Steemit become a platform capable of crushing Fakebook. I don't know why you consider my comment to be aimed at ONLY you, as my response to you was intended to extend the information to the wider audience that will read them here.

I just think that making sure that people have the information I included will help them to understand better how Steemit works. Most people, I think, still don't know that the votes they receive don't come out of the upvoters personal holdings, but out of the rewards pool, and that's an important distinction - particularly as vote sellers aren't selling their money, but the common resource we all depend on for rewards.

Good points.

I don't consider myself from the old guard but more like an early adopter.

Excellent post, thank you for this explanation.

Best easy explanation for how the reward pool works yet and very clearly defines how high powered self-voting decreases others' rewards (even if it is only a few cents from each user, the impact across the board is significant). And I think the investor issue is what should be pushing for a solution here, people don't invest in companies where they know abusing the company's infrastructure is tolerated, unless they plan on abusing it as well.

Your comments are right on the mark. I have many times posted on this matter, and when my posts and comments reached witnesses and devs, and they deigned to respond, the responses were simply "we don't agree.", rather than substantive expositions of their disagreement, or ended up being some prompting that has resulted in Steemit being forked, i.e. Calibrae.

"...@mindhunter having possibly 3 friends"

@mindhunter was outed as buying @snowflake's votes, and @snowflake as controlling the other accounts also doing the upvoting.

You are not being too emotional, but rather being discouraged at this kind of manipulation is exactly what the white paper states is the reason for downvotes and flags to exist at all.

It is sad that mere lucre has turned out to be a cryptic Steemit-killer, yet, unless there is a significant revolution in how our votes are weighted, it is inevitable IMHO that a Sybil attack will, sooner or later, be undertaken to control the witnesses, and those whose (mostly mined) stakes will be purchased to do this will become millionaires - in some other currency than Steem, which will insulate them entirely from the consequences of the platform being taken over.

Steemit is marketed as 'decentralized', but, since wealth is perhaps the most centralizable thing of all, and Steemit is simply able to be bought, with enough wealth directed at the largest stakes, Steemit is not decentralized at all. Steemit is no more decentralized than any stock corporation controlled by investors.

Only equal votes, or votes weighted by reputation - the judgement of the community as to the value of the account holder - might be able to actually be decentralized. Money is the most centralizing of power mechanisms, as we see in the world around us today.

Dear @valued-customer, Thank you for approving my comment and thank you for your comment on it.
These information are amazing revelations for me. My age experience in terms of cryptocurrency and steemit is not more than 3 months. Yet I am finding so many mind blowing info everyday I get deeper in the issue.

I totally agree with you. We all say this platform or that cryptocurrency are decentralized and its our way to freedom of speech and fair chances, but in actuality, those who monopolize the platforms and cryptocurrencies by voting/mining or other means are actually centralizing it from within. Very subtle but dangerous. Because in the outside it still looks the gate to dream-land but in the inside, it is actually the gate to grim-land.

Lets hope steemit will not end up like that and will retain the benign foundations and good intentions that was built upon.

Many thanks again for sharing and for your support :)

Thanks for summing up, far more eloquently, my thoughts to. I have only been on here for 5/6 days, posting, so can hardly be qualified to comment. - But I will anyway ! lol
'We' you ( and me, and many others I would think), see this as a as 'cheating' strategy -other see as fair playing of the system.
The moral issue of 'cheating' and 'fair play', is something that can be worked out, in a free market place - which this is.
I'm sure there is a way to. - I just cant figure it yet!... but I have set my grey matter onto the conundrum.
What is obvious, is that, just like in society today - those at the top with ' the power', will not relinquish it.
Those are the same people without the same moral compass as ourselves - the ones who think it's fair play.
So, somehow it behooves the 'moral compass crew' to work within the system here, to promote other equally 'moral contributors'. (not content of posting), but the INTENT of the posting.

For example, I just wrote a game of thrones episode 'spoiler' - I thought it was pretty funny actually, but no one on steemit seemed to think so . Oh well.

While not deserving of up votes, if it really is that bad ( which isn't -goddamn it, it ). But lets suppose it really is that bad (which it isn't - did I mention that?).

But, if it is, by popular vote, so be it. - It means it's shit - but the INTENT of posting, was to make people laugh (and get some money for my efforts).
The power houses are not going to change the way things are - it suits them handsomely - but if there are enough 'of us' people headed in a different moral direction, with the will to pursue different ends, (and numbers to also)....well that's free markets in action , right?

The sickness of late 20th century/21st century thinking, is that gaming a system belies intelligence thought- which it does, of sorts - But it embodies all the short sighted awareness, and social responsibility of your average T-rex, who is in particularly bad mood.

If I am missing something blindingly obvious, please let me know - Like I say I'm still getting to grips with the whole thing.

(and check out my game of thrones post! if it's something you watch it - it is tongue in cheek, silly funny - honest) :)

"I thought it was pretty funny actually, but no one on steemit seemed to think so . Oh well."

It's probably just because you don't have the followers. Don't take it so hard. You may appreciate this post I wrote (apologies for self-promotion, but it's relevant):

Steemit, like Life, is a popularity contest

Your followers are your visibility. Posting quality content with few followers is like buying a billboard on a cornfield highway in Kansas with a population density of 8 people per square mile.

I can't check out your post, unfortunately, as I would spoiler myself out of this season.

Any system that can be gamed will be gamed ,and when good voluntarily restricts itself, evil games much better. In compound interest terms, like Steem, that means "evil" makes a ton more rewards.

We may be morally best-served by removing all community norms and rules, but I fear what that might turn Steemit into (Bitconnect?)

It's OK, I didn't take it hard - in slightest- (it was for dramatic effect)

Take a look - it's not remotely a spoiler - I promise. - that was just a headline grabber !

While I agree with all your points.

It's a cross I seem to have to bear, in life - to always try to find the exception to the rule. - Or failing that, change the rules...
Both a talent and a curse, throughout my working life.
(with the exception- rules of war gaming - that would be silly - it's 'only' a game)


I like the advertising for the game of throne spoiler and the work of the gray matter. I need to work out my little gray cells too. I can hear them hum and bum in my head. Poor little things got fried after the electrical shock of the above mentioned information. LOL
Thank you all :)

yeah - a bit crafty, that one ! lmao

One of the reasons your post seemed not to be liked by people is because they never saw it.

Only those that saw it had an opportunity to judge it, and this a huge problem for new accounts, particularly lately, as the number of votes available to minnows was decreased by 400%.

One way to better ascertain whether your post was judged by those that saw it at all, is to compare views to upvotes. If you got 4 votes out of 4 views, you're batting 1000.

It's OK, I wasn't really that concerned, to be honest -
I was just using as an example. - I'm very new here, and realize it takes work and effort . (which was the point I was making about people being rewarded, for neither.)
I have some thoughts on that subject, but just letting them ferment at the moment ( and still trying to get a grip on the whole process of steemit)

We never get a grip, AFAIK lol

As for fermenting, that's the only way to get a potent brew! However, unless you reckon Everclear is what you want (great fuel, but makes for a short night out drinking) it might be better to release the Kraken when the motivation hits.

YMMV. It's all on you! lol

oh, followed !

Thanks! I look forward to being schooled at your earliest convenience =)

patience is a much overlooked quality lol

@theleapingkoala thank you for sharing with us here because I think what you share is how many of us are feeling and you had the courage to share it! It is up to us to decide as a community how to best work together because the more we reward a great effort, the more we will all come out ahead. At the same time, investors expect to earn a return on investment. How do we balance out needing to reward authors, especially those working the most at the bottom with the lowest reward, with the need for investors to feel holding Steem Power is worth it? I will create a new post on this and include what you have shared here in the discussion!

@jerrybanfield Thank you very much for your prompt reply and for planning to share my opinion and even upvoting it instead of flagging it ;)
I love constructive discussion and I would love to read more interesting posts and discuss them.
I have been planning to make helping people my business but I am very new to all the social media platforms. Steemit is the first public platform I actually used to do blogging and interacting and I like it a lot.
As long as there are different people, there will always be abuse of systems/ideas no matter how good they are. That is inevitable. But it is up to us (people who want to make a positive difference) to do what we can.

I hope this doesnt sound like begging, but I invite you to visit and please check some of the posts (I haven't been writing much lately until I figure out how steemit work) but I have been trying to share any payout from my posts with other minnows. It would be great if you would upvote these posts from time to time to increase the pool of rewards I could share. Of course, if you feel like doing it.

Thanks again @jerrybanfield and @cryptoninja for upvoting my comment :)

Hi @theleapingkoala,

I also responded to you below, but you sound like a great candidate to join the Minnow Support Group and the PAL discord. Great group of over 5000 people who help with everything from post promotion to proofreading, and lots of chat and other programs.

They have a variety of services like the minnow-upvote bots that will help you bump up your posts a little bit, at least enough to get into the Hot category on more obscure topics. A lot of us delegate SP to the MSP bot to help with this process (I put all my new liquid rewards there, beyond what I need to maintain a vote slider).

I strongly recommend you check it out. Here's an outdated (can skip Streemian) checklist for joining.

Hi @lexiconical
I am honored that you think I am a great candidate to join the Minnow support group. Thank you very much for your trust and upvote.
I would love to join and make a good difference in Steemians' experience with steemit (especially minnows of course)

I will definitely look into it to join.
Many thanks again :D

We'd love to see you in the chat, which doesn't even require joining.

Hopefully this link works (You may need to download Discord):

Sure @theleapingkoala I upvoted a few of your recent posts. Would you submit your best new posts on the newest upvotable posts in the comments because that will help me feature them every two days and send more readers your way?

@jerrybanfield, Thank you very much for your support and the offer to submit my post in the upvotable.

Many Thanks indeed :D

I am sure you will agree @jerrybanfield, that effort alone does not imbue content with value. The content is valued by the subjective worth of the ideas and entertainment value, and hard work to produce and format it properly can greatly increase this value.

Upvoted, even if it may ease your frustration only partly. :)

Hahaha, Sorry for being grumpy :P

Thanks you very much @jaki01 and everyone else for your upvotes and comments.
Beside the fact that making money is awesome, being upvoted by you makes me feel happy because it means my voice has been heard by several important figures on steemit.

So yes, I feel less frustrated now ;)

Thank you all very much again :D
(I know my upvote is worth little, it is just to show my appreciation :D)

I seriously need your help! Please I want you to coach me .

This is an extremely interesting and valuable contribution, thank you.

"First the @steemit Inc account shouldn't be allowed to use this function."

This could be prevented with a special exception in the code witnesses run after a fork, correct? At first I thought we might need to take "someone's word" for it, but I'm hoping not.

While there is a special reason to preclude @steemit from so doing, in addition to the fact the the stake @steemit holds was mostly mined, I feel fairly strongly that the mined stakes - which are most of the Steem in existence today - should also be considered in light of the fact of how Steemit didn't even exist when the mining was mostly done.

There are wheels within wheels. While those of us on the edge of the wheel are largely unable to even perceive the turnings of the inner wheels, they impact us to unfathomable degree.

You make good points. Unfortunately, those who do not review the Bitcoin Talk history thread here probably know not of what you speak:

Me too. Thanks.

me three btw :p

"...The outcome will always result in a net vote of 0."

This is only true when only two people are involved, who always act against one another, which is a demonstrably false proposition.

"...If man does not have a right to counter balance another man in the political system, then the game is rigged."

And this is exactly the present case, where VP is an expression of how much wealth you have. My meager holdings are incapable of impacting the actions of those with greater wealth, and I have NO SAY potential to me from my downvotes or flags in disagreements with those, like @dan, that mined immense stakes of SP before Steemit even existed, or, like @snowflake, just bought larger stakes than I can.

I don't consider my, or your opinion, more valuable because you, or I, have more money, and our votes shouldn't either.

I reckon that weighting of VP should be based on the value of our opinions, or be equal in weight. Reputation, were it not gamable through self-votes, would be an excellent weighting mechanism for VP, as it represents the confidence of the community in one's opinions.

I enjoy seeing how this game plays out :) I'm against down voting--isn't it better to comment one's own opinion and then upvote yourself? XD