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RE: How Steemit Taught Me Once Again That The Most Expensive Thing In The World Is Ignorance (I Was Going To Say "Stupidity" But I Refrained Myself)

in #steemit7 years ago

Great post @dragosroua.

I am impressed that you can move markets. And here I thought you were just another Steemian making your way through life on here.

Little did I know you were not only a Whale, but the Whale of all Whales since you can push the price down for months on end. That is impressive.

People do not want to take responsibility for things. I recall when BTS has the issue with Arise and many were calling on @stan to explain himself. I read on comment where someone even went so far as to say he worked all his life trying to make ends meet and he was tired of getting scammed.

Who told you to buy BTS?

So yes, I see the point of this post.

My view is we are going down because there are forces out there that can move markets down, especially one as small as crypto...and that is the banking establishment. They realize the threat posed by this and sent their henchmen, the governments and media, out to attack at every turn. Spreading FUD is effective as we see.

The challenge is that there is a lot more than just crypto going on...we see development all over the place which is going to revolutionize many businesses. Industries will ultimately be altered, if not upended, meaning the incumbents need to adapt. Some will, most wont.

The fact that people take such an approach as the comment you referenced shows why FUD is effective. If people took it upon themselves to learn what is going on, then they would have nothing to fear. The fact they are trying to blame someone shows that they are unwilling to take responsibility.


The challenge is that there is a lot more than just crypto going on...we see development all over the place which is going to revolutionize many businesses. Industries will ultimately be altered, if not upended, meaning the incumbents need to adapt. Some will, most wont.

I share the same feeling. Things are on a clear path and we crossed the "no return" point. Only many don't realize this and still think we can keep the status quo. There will be many bumps on this road, but the direction is good.

Thanks for the comment and support. And please,don't tell anyone I'm moving the markets down, ok?

And please,don't tell anyone I'm moving the markets down, ok?

I wont.

I knew the Reward Calculator you put on your app was more than it appeared.

I am not a coder but I could tell you put something in there that would send the price of STEEM and SBD down. The fact that the button is red shows all I need to know...very illuminati-ish.

When the button turns to blue, I know it will be time to buy....😁