
Reputation for you 17, reputation for me 59... Know why? I don't spam comment and bot post like you do ;) Why not try being real for a minute and leave a REAL comment. You didn't even read the post I made from my observation of your obviously "copy and pasted" reply... Don't worry I do not down vote people, but others will if you keep this up, which obviously they have, because you start at 25 reputation ;) and you are at 17. That means people have down voted you for this very same thing before... You are just not learning!

So, what should I do ?

If you are a real person, and you want to earn more. Read the post, and ask a question or engage with us. See what I am doing right now. I am giving you advice and talking to you, not just replying with a short response that, no offense, appears to most as "copy and pasted". I do not down vote people, I tend to think I am a pretty nice guy. But spam like posts/replies don't add value here! Add your own charting, tell me how you believe, or in some way add to the conversation. People tend to forget this is more than just how many comments can I make. Look at the best posts on steem, the engagement on them is HUGE! Your goal should be to create a post and replies that engage people. If your English is holding you back, ask for help! We all would be more than happy to help any Steemian that wants to learn to earn more!

I personally want to learn more calm stemiit I do not know many ways because it is still new here ,, and every person experiences up and its way I always apply in real life arena ...

Judging on how you went from 17 reputation just a mere day ago to now 9 shows me you are not listening... See how you spam post the same comment again and again! ;) No bueno!!! Have fun going to negative reputation and earning nothing here!

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why can go down but I do not do it anymore I have heard what you north right .. how to fix it again

Because the replies are still there. Go delete them and apologize to them with a real reply that adds to their conversation. Actually show them you read their post, they might even take back their down votes if you did that. Since you made those replies and they are still active (7 days posts are active) anyone can downvote them. And all someone has to do is click on your comments like I did to see you have been spamming. If you want to fix it go delete those replies and make new ones telling them you are sorry and actually add something as I have suggested to you already.

start later I will make a real comment about their posts, terumata once I apologize to my teacher who would like to teach me without expecting reward ... I'm sorry I'll fix his fore

sorry I did it to participate it,

Fixing it will take time, you need to go back to the people you did this to and explain you are changing and be sincere. This platform does not tolerate copy-and-paste spam! If you really do wish to be taken serious as I told you before try making real replies. READ their post and add something. If someone is talking about a butterfly then add an interesting fact or a story from your childhood about butterflies. For example if someone posted about pizza for me that would bring back a lot of childhood memories of eating pizza with my family. I could reply with:

Reminds me of the times I used to go with my dad to grab a slice after school.

It didn't take a long reply, it took a sincere one. It would be very hard to continue to copy-and-paste that reply since most people are not talking about pizza everyday. Just throw some thought into your replies..

thank you really already want ajarin me, do not know anymore have to apologize how to start it ,, if I commented the other way that you say can ??