Have you noticed how many people think they know how the platform works even though they have just joined? They look out into the environment here and see things like Trending authors or flagging accounts targeting some users and believe that they understand why and have an intuition as to what is right and wrong and how things should be, yet do not know how things are.
A large part of this is because we all assume ourselves somewhat proficient with Social media, after all, we have all been on Facebook for ten years and have used Youtube, Instagram and Twitter just as much. We come in here and say 'I know how this works' and act on learned habits rather than a process that treats this place as something different.
I think a lot of the less than useful Spam is because instead of understanding the platform, people engage like they would on Instagram and think follow for follow, and vote for vote shit is going to work for them. Others look at the content here and judge the authors without looking to all of the background behind or, time spent on site. They say, 'Hey, wtf, I do the same but get pennies (if that), this is unfair, what a scam.'
Yes, there are a lot of people and behaviours here that are much less helpful to the platform than others but, it is also not beneficial to judge without taking the time to understand how things operate, how it all comes together. For example, how many people want to get paid yet, have no idea how the pool or curation work? How many people are confused by the difference between SBD and STEEM? How many people are really interested in finding out? A lot less than you probably assume. These are basics and all of the information is readily available.
How many people come in here thinking they know what they are doing and are expecting themselves to be successful based on what they know, and when they find out who you know is more important, they say unfair? It is unfair isn't it? This should be a meritocracy where only valuable skills and content get rewarded, just like the real world... yeah, right.
The real world is not set up that way either and that is where we have all learned to behave. It is no wonder it is repeated here even though there are opportunities to fundamentally change the operating procedures of how we act but, like the people who arrive thinking they know how it all works, we don't change. Not until we have built enough understanding anyway, which takes time and effort.
There are complexities here that do not appear on other platforms, subtle nuances that affect how things move and if one isn't interested in becoming aware and learning about them, they are going to likely struggle and not understand why. This is defeating for even the most resilient, to suffer at the mercy of invisible hands.
This is why if you invite people onto the platform, it is your responsibility to teach them how it operates. If you do not know yourself, you and those you invite are likely in for a rough ride. It needn't be so of course, but it is probable as this environment acts differently to other social sites and can be a playground of learning. Treat it like Facebook or Instagram and get the results of Facebook and Instagram. I thought you wanted something different but, you aren't willing to do different?
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." ―Morpheus
If you open the door to Steemit and think it is blue, you are mistaken, it is a rabbit hole.
Just some thoughts.
[ a Steemit original ]
I am here for 8 months, met IRL people that are here from the early history of steemit and have even met ned and dan (them not me) and I still feel like I largely don't know how this joint is run. n00bs really have no idea what they are signing for. XD
I have met no one, it doesn't help either :P
Come to greece for holidays, I will hook you up and have some good lulz. You will hear some really amazing stories XD
Would love to :)
Thanks there is much more about steemit than just posting and upvoting. I think it's a good idea to sharpen the axe when you just entered steemit. People who have been here for long do know alot and they earn well as well.
There must be a reason why, and you just told us why.
Still learning more about steemit, thanks for this information.
Resteeming it for my colleagues to let this sink into their heads.
That's some food for tought. I noticed many people do "follow for follow, and vote for vote" and also many comments are not even related to the article. I try to follow only accounts i like and and the same for upvotes.
"when they find out who you know is more important", i can understand the relation with real life, but on steemit, i guess you're meaning about knowing whales or engaging in groups on steemit chat?
As far as getting to know how the platform works, i think it should be mandatory to read the FAQ first and answer a quizz/some questions before approval.
How would one know who to follow or who to like if you don't initially follow them to see what they offer? All the people on here it would be pretty hard to just happen upon a individual low on the totem pole enough without following them to make a determination. Some I clicked on their articles in the
beginning and choose to follow based on that one article and I haven't seen another thing from them
since. Others I stopped following because I seen to much of stuff I wasn't interested in, they were like those folks on FB you friend, they send you so much stuff you can't find your other friends anymore and others because they were like predators in the water looking for naive minnows to take advantage of, one in particular stands out writing about peace, joy and finding one's inner self and using Steemit to help the world prosper in, of all places, a world of anarchy, I guess I was temporarily blinded by his words of wisdom and that in a anarchist world vision it's every man for himself and he certainly proved that. Off the list he went. As far as your statement about a mandatory test to qualify one must ask themselves how many minnows does it take for a whale to grow, how many minnows does it take for them to sustain themselves, if every minnow was smart enough to out swim the whale the whale would starve.
I'm 2 months in, and I'm relatively happy with the way it's progressing, but I'm the first to admit that there's still some things I haven't quite worked out yet, and still some dynamics I still feel I need to tinker with.
And I consider myself to be quite technical and usually pick up things pretty quick.
It is difficult for many in two basic ways. Often the technical ignore the social aspect, and The Social ignore the technical requirements. This is a hybrid system that requires learning in both.
This short piece of advice is something I think if more people really took to heart, would do much, much better here. At the same time though, I think that even knowing this, many will not succeed because most people are just not good at getting into a side of things that they're not familiar with. Something I would like to know from you Taraz, is, how do you manage to produce some much content? I mean, I know you describe yourself as a "continual writer", hehe, but isn't it exhausting? Your stuff is good. It must be mentally tiring.
It is 330am and I will get up again at 7. Does that answer your question? :)
Yes, it is tiring at times but I enjoy it. during the day I run my consultancy, and if I have a spare moment write a little. In the evening I spend time with my daughter and wife and after they go to bed, I write.
I see that there is a lot of potential here so in the short-term, I can burn a little more candle than normal. It has been 8 months relatively steady like this so far and I have survived. ( I have been here a year)
Two questions.
When do you sleep
As a percentage, how much of your sp would you say is your investment, and how much was earnt on the platform? Of course if you don't want to answer you can just pretend you never read this question. I'm just curious as to the ongoing earning potential.
I'm not sure sure of anything empirical -but I feel like there are a lot more of 'please upvote and follows'.
..or maybe I'm getting more sensitive to it...
feel free to pass this around ...
Your thought is real sir. @steemit is far more complex that the way it looks. To make a reasonable impact here, you must be ready to learn. This is not a platform for Mr know-all.
Thank you sir!
Totally I agree with you. Most newbie people in this platform give a comment like a spam. Always same words to all these posts.
I love your words.
So, in an attempt to truly dive down and understand the depths of the rabbit hole, I've undertaken a 10 day task... The first post of which I wrote about you... =)
Please do go check it out:
3 Artists/Writers Worthy of your (and my) Follow
It seems that users that go into it like they know nothing are the ones that end up being most successful since they keep an open mind to learning. I still feel like I learn something new everyday here.
Wow I really thought about this, see, you're right Facebook and Twitter will forever be different from here, because on here one earns, and to do that, you have to be extra hardworking to earn every penny here, there is notthing free in life, so patience and conststency is the virtue
It's just how we should go on in life. Give people value and expect nothing in return.
The universe has its own way of looking out for the people who add value to other peoples lives.
In the short time I've spent here, I've always kept an open mind, and had the zeal to learn and grow, because I've got long term goals. Though when I joined, it was for the money, That thought changed, and I can actually say, I'm having fun here now . If people are willing to keep their head down and learn, engage, ask the right questions, they'll do better.
Nothing wrong with wanting to make some money here, it is actually a good thing in my opinion as if serious, one will learn what it really takes.
It's not about the value of content it's about the volume of content. It takes quite a variety of food to feed the ecosystem of a ocean.
I'm still learning, been here since July and still don't fully understand curation
There is lots of information but, vote on the content you enjoy :)
Finding what sustains you, eating junk food can kill you faster.
I have seen a few people delete the content from there posts and put up a final post like, "I tried and steemit fail me" after a month on the platform with as you said no investment in learning what it is. It is very complicated but worth the time its taken me to learn the basics.
I have used this analogy when describing steemit before, I think its very apt for steemit. lol.
Yeah, many people 'try' without understanding the effort it takes. I learned to drive, how come I am not a Formula One pilot?
Haha so true.
I do understand what you are saying and have a lot of experience in social media but this is ALL new but very exciting and I am absolutely going to dig in and learn and take advantage of the fact that so many don't!
It took me 3 months to learn how it really works and I am still learning. Whenever I think that I understood everything I discover something new.
Thats what I noticed when I introduce Steemit to someone. The most people think that it is very similar to other social medias and that you can share anything and get followers. But the more time you spend here the more you learn. Many users give up quickly and leave when they notice the difference.
If we see Steemit as a future job and investment our attitudes will change.
Only when you open your eyes to what you don't know.
I've been here less than 2 months but I thought I knew most of the important day-to-day things I should do, but just today I learned that if you power down too much and your SP goes to 0 you get locked out of the system, and you have to get someone else to transfer some SBD or SP to you.
Live and learn :)
SP is your stake in the platform and even though not much is needed for bandwidth, many don't realise 'some' is needed. with zero, you can't make a transaction at all :)
I believe that Steemit one of those things about which the more you know, the more you realize that you know very little. Thus, beginners are not to blame for their ignorance, it's on more experienced Steemians to help them out by publishing informative articles about the platform functionalities and by being a good example. Cheers! : )
It is a two way street of course and requires both the new and the old to negotiate terms. No one is entitles to anything here as it is a free market. But, for maximal value for all, free doesn't mean 'all for one, fuck the rest' :)
I'm still rather new here. And when I joined I did indeed expect a Facebook/twitter kind of mix. (Luckily even my action on those are not how the normal people use it so go me). But quite soon I realized that this wasn't the fact. So I decided to do some research into the rabbit hole.
After a while I thought I knew hot it worked... I thought I knew...
Until I joined the chat and people starting to point out "Newbie go do research".
To what I full confidence obviously would say "I did my research man! I know my stuff"
That would be countered with "Boy.... you know nothing.... trust me... do some more research"
The amount of layers this community has is incredible... Extremely complex and even more interesting
People engaging in chat early on here do not know how lucky they are :)
I was in the woods for 6 months or more...
The layers are brilliant fun to play with.
Reminds me of the proverb: A blind man sat behind a pile of stones and thought nobody could see him.
Extremely lucky. I learned a lot from chat (from being told to go research, links to certain posts, or just simple quick answers if the veterans were in a good mood)
Don't know how long it would have taken me if there would have been no chat... I probably wouldn't be doing half as well as I am doing now.
They most certainly are, and still learning more every day. Loving this platform so far.
I get the sense you've had a "last straw" moment with this :) I must confess, when I first arrived on Steemit I was totally clueless! Just like you said, I treated it the same way as I would Instagram or YouTube because it's all I knew, but then I hit that Bandwidth issue and I thats when I realised that this platform is an entirely different animal.
In many ways I'm very lucky, the person who invited me here has been very informative and supportive with this, so while the learning curve is steep, it isn't insurmountable at least. I guess you could say that I have "woken up" to the reality of the system now and so my strategy has changed to reflect that. I think anyone coming here to get rich quick needs to wake up as well (and fast) because they are being foolish!
Over time I have come to see the same names posting multiple times a day and with "questionable" content, such as photos or wallpapers that they themselves have not taken, they are simply popular photos they found on Google uploaded in hopes of drawing in more followers who will all upvote. I compare them to those people on YouTube who rip-off popular / trending videos and then upload them to their own channel just to get the views and the likes.
Unfortunately, I think when you have any platform that offers the possibility of income such as YouTube and Steemit then it will always attract the "treasure hunters." But I'm hoping that won't happen on here as I'm really starting to get the feel of the place; admittedly with a heck of a lot more to learn :)
It is in the early stages still and there is still a lot to work on and learn for all. This means more opportunity so don't get to used to the way it is now either, it can change with any hardfork. exciting :)
Sound advice :)
That "who you know" thing would be less fair if everyone were inaccsessible, but most people here are very open and helpful because thats the point. This platform is about creating actual relationships , and being yourself, and that is what appeals to me. Theres some inner personal work we all have to do to be confident we can build relationships with people we might be very different from...but its so worth it because it brings positivity to other aspects of life as well, even if the money isnt happening yet. And that positivity snowballs and helps you succeed. So yeah the relationships are everything but not in a hob-nobby superficial way. At least not in my experience here! :) Fake doesnt work very well at steemit!
What I love here that regardless of stake, you will still see the whales and the small fish interacting in different ways. Even @ned, @dan and the dev team roams around from time to time.
This is one of my favourite things here and hopefully it will be preserved in the future.
I think this is a historical door. i really like it. its is awesome......!! keep it up... I am new here so please follow me and i do follow you..
Please forgive my IQ ~ I did not understand haha.
Amar bale poree tor ey lekha
I am agree with you. Most of the new users is spammers. Their main target is money.😡
if the main target is money, they are acting in the wrong way to get it.
Yes, They are acting in a wrong way.
Amazing photography sir. Wonderful post ☺😍☺😍😍😍
Truly a rabbit hole. So many of my opinions and expectations have been dashed. It is definitely not facebook, this steemit. The means and ways by which people get by is so subtle that sometimes you think you have figured it out only to see someone pull a trick out the hat.
I have thank the various groups that I have joined on discord for making it easy for me to meet people and exchange ideas. though I am not making money, I am glad because steemit is not the end, you just might need my skills outside steemit. Lol.
I encourage anyone I meet to participate, interact, and expect nothing and hope for everything. Peace
If just showing up fails to get people the attention they think they deserve, it might help them later in life if they decide to start a business. There are many people who think because they hung out a shingle that people should be coming in droves. This is a cheaper and easier way of learning that lesson. Success often takes hard work and nothing in life is free.
Nobody invited me. I came myself. I try to learn by myself, I read a lot.
Thank you for the post, good man. Any information is useful to me if it enhances the understanding of the platform
To me its still a minefield. I have no idea what i'm doing, but surely i will learn. Just want to read good posts and interact and feel glad to be a human being interacting with wonderful diverse people from accross the globe.
Good post. If you are playing poker and you don't know who the sucker at the table is, you are the sucker.