What do you think you are going to find in this post? Flags? Pool Rape? NSFW? No this post is about something else entirely and since we are a community, I think we should discuss communities. Nope, not talking about the ones that have been on the agenda for ages already, I am talking about yours.
Yes, Steemit is a large and very diverse community of people and there are massive benefits in getting involved, some of which I mentioned in an earlier post on investing into Steem but, it is a large community made of many communities and more will come and develop within.
There are the topic communities like the art, science, literature, philosophy and of course technical, development and cryptocurrencies. But, there are also regional communities that are based on language, culture or chat channels. These communities support each other in various ways however, some are more supportive than others.
What communities are you associated with? Is that too personal a question? How about this, when you look at their content, would you upvote it in good conscience? What about their comments? are you doing anything to help your community?
This is a very diverse platform and it is filled with all kinds of skills, skill levels and personalities, each with their own individual agenda but, there are definitely some cultural groupings that can be made. Culture is something that interests me and frustrates me as essentially, culture is a group of people acting on habit, regardless of whether that habit is useful or not.
Like many others, I get spam comments quickly after posting.
your information is good. I read it all.
thank for information dear
good post sir! keep it coming...!
You know the type of thing. By the way, the Sirs have been shifting to dears the last week or two. It is worse, not an improvement (unless you are my auntie).
The thing with this spam is it seems to be predominantly coming from a few communities only whereas from others, this barely appears. This tells me that it is a cultural thing of some kind and they think it is a good way to interact and engage. It is not good interaction, it is not engaging (other flag attractors). High levels of plagiarism also seem to come from certain communities too.
But, from these same communities where a lot of these things come, there are some brilliant content providers also who have real skills and talent but, they are getting buried beneath the nonsense of their own communities or being roped into vote4vote, follow4follow and upvote circles with Duster accounts.
I am not going to point fingers nor am I going to name names but, if you are from these communities and are interacting in this way, you are not only harming your own chances of success, you are also harming others in your community. Not just the Steemit community, the real world one in which you live.
I was chatting to someone from India yesterday who earns more from Steemit than his IRL salary. At the same time in a private message window, I was talking to a guy from Nigeria who was saying how work is difficult to come by and if he had a job, he would love to get married and have a child. Really, the numbers they are talking about aren't huge but, this isn't a charity service and will die a quick death if used as such only.
These communities though can benefit massively by people who are able to make a little extra here to inject into their local economies but, it seems that the ones that do achieve some kind of success at Steemit forget that they have this real world to live in too and take an 'every man for himself' approach.
But, if they actually spent some time working out how to develop good content, create a discord or steemit.chat channel and instead of thinking about making money as a group, thought about how to improve their small community interaction with the entire community, they would essentially in time make more money anyway. And, it would have been earned by building skills that will hopefully allow them to provide a more stable stream of quality content as it is this that will make their micro community valuable to the macro Steemit one.
The fear I have is that when the real "communities" come, these groups will be walled off and those quality producers within will have little chance of escape as their minds and opportunities drown under micro circle-jerks. That means they will have little chance to help in their real life communities either.
I am a big believer in selfishly helping the community. What this means is that by being an active, productive, supportive member of the community consistently, it will both help that community and help the individual.
No matter what community you are in, if you care about your future well-being, you should help develop the quality of its content and interactions. And, if you are doing relatively well here by being a valuable part of the Steemit community, for godsake help others in your community do similar. Obviously our individual capacity is limited but, it is easy to start helping one person.
Just find someone who has decent content or ideas and help them develop. Help their layout, their wording, get them to use grammarly or similar, show them how to reference, what tags may work, explain what are good comments and poor and whatever they need to do to be seen as valuable to the community, which means giving. It doesn't mean one must give money or even votes, just help them learn.
In the real world, I know a little about diversity. I grew up in a tiny all-white town, the son of an Indian background, Malaysian immigrant father, a blue-eyed blonde mother and now live in Finland and do not speak the language but have a Finnish/Australian daughter who herself has bright blue eyes. Even now people look at us at the shops if it is only her and I. What made my father's and my life a lot easier is our sense of community and our willingness to use our diversity to be part of it by helping it be its best.
Yes, many may benefit but do you know who benefits the most from a strong, healthy community, me. It is selfish. This is a community designed on giving but if everyone has the 'every man for himself' attitude, the community of Steemit collapses and when the community is gone, so to is the future potential. Community and success are at least for the foreseeable future, tied together.
There are so many ways to be a part of this community but a beggar will always be a beggar until the beggar starts earning by doing. No one need be a beggar at Steemit as there are so many avenues to build value. Sure, in the short term it isn't likely to pay the bills but, some people really have to start thinking longer here, especially when it comes to the communities they care about.
I don't know if this is rant or advice but, I am hoping that everyone will start thinking about all of the circles they interact with and how they can best connect them to the larger community. There is so much opportunity, it would be a shame to lose it and it would be a shame to be cut off from the possibility.
Umm... the end. <<< This makes it a rant.
[ a Steemit original ]
Hahaha nice point. People spam because they didn't read FAQ. If they want to be the quality contentor they can't.
Good post sir, keep it coming!
Sorry couldn't help myself:)
yes i like very much dear.i follow you now.
I also couldn't help myself :)
lol. looks like you have already found some Finns around :)
I am in the midst of onboarding a few more also so hopefully you guys can grow the Finnish community. It is pretty small at the moment.
Go Finland, perkele. I'm really new here and have followed pretty much any Finn i see.
I’m from Finland. Umm, so I’m not but I live close. (Australia).
Ps. Good post bro I like and follow my steemit friend. Same as @farq, I couldn’t resist @tarazkp Forgive your older brother. :)
I added @sulimur to your post about it... but will add here also :)
I am following all Finnish people I see around, I'm from Kainuu))
so 2 more to follow. ty ty
Kyllä kyllä)
Can I join? I own a Tikka or three. That counts for something right?
I feel one of the things that steemit is lacking, in the community sense, is being able to create your own feeds based on tags you like, etc.
I'm used to the reddit experience, where you subscribe to a "subreddit", and you get a "front page" feed of all your subscribed subreddits.
On steemit you can really only go for new, trending, and hot posts that give you those posts across the whole platform, or you can narrow it down to one tag but you have to manually do that on an ad hoc basis.
On reddit i just go to reddit.com and i get a list of posts across all subreditts i've subscribed to, sorted by hot/top, etc.. This pretty much means 90% of my actions on there are restricted to the communities that i've chosen to be a part of - some of them are quite large... This is what steemit needs...
I think it is on the way or, someone will develop it or an app/plugin. There is such a need for a whole range of customisations and the beauty is, anyone can do it (with coding skills). Essentially, anyone can make a front end here.
yeah - it's something that's pretty simple in the grand scheme of things, but it would make a huge difference. I find it quite hard to find new content... If you go for trending you just read whatever the heavy hitters are writing about.....
I tend to check out who people I follow follow. @tarazkp suggested it and it seems to work. I’ve found some interesting people and then latch onto them and engage.
If you go to your picture and dropdown menu the first thing is Feed. That is a feed of only the people you follow. I have found that helpful.
yes but that restricts you to individuals you've chosen to follow.
if you can subscribe to a topic, or a community, then you'll get a feed of posts relating to the topic or community that you're interested in - regardless of who the author is.
this way you'll find other authors that you're interested in.
I agree completely. I would like to be able to send a private message sometimes, too. Hopefully the people who know how to do these things are working on developing them.
Private messages aren't as easy. Being a blockchain, by nature it's all there for all to see. The best that you might get is a solution that uses private keys to encrypt a message.
Thanks for saying what you shouldn’t have to. There are always people who try to get away with whatever they can. Being vigilant is everyone’s responsibility. While we wait for the next infiltration could you upvote and follow me? I follow you Sir. Good post. 🐓🐓
You know, I am fairly new here but from what I have seen, there is alot of talk about communities and community building. I love the idea of being able to sow into a group...but....the more I read about communities the more I feel like we are some how expected to join one. Is it possible to belong to several communities? If we find ourselves reading something brand new to us that we have never read before, is it possible to join that new community also? Is it also possible to do some sort of branding, where as you are recognized no matter where you post? So you can help out where ever you go?Just an idea 🙃
In my opinion yes, the more the merrier but, I am a social butterfly of sorts. Some people find it difficult to flick from one to anther. Yes, it is also possible to add value without being in any community at all and instead be a wandering connector of sorts. It really is individual.
I do love the versitility. The ability to move freely. I think like you, I am a social butterfly. Haha I love people and love to see what they are all into!
I agree with @farq that the 'substeemit' idea is much needed. It would help a lot with the likes of resteems. I'm finding currently that some of the people I follow for their content, let their blog get bogged down by resteems of content that isn't very noteworthy. I support that they are trying to bring people out and they are helping by resteeming, resteeming content that isn't worthy of reading just makes me want to unfollow the original person and I don't get to see their great content.
I love the diversity here, it reminds me that we are all equal and seeing everyones walks of life is magnificent. It's this reaon and many more that makes Steemit great. It's just a shame that we are seeing people that believe that begging for upvotes and essentially money (because that is all it is, if you wouldn't stand on the street with a piece of cardboard and your plastic cup, why would you do it here with your posts?) is a successful way to connect with people. Add value to peoples lives and don't expect value back, just do it because it makes you feel good.
Another great post buddy, hope you are having a nice day.
Fantastic post @Tarazkp ....for what its worth I resteemed it. I gotta tell ya man, I can produce the content, and me and a few like-minded on steemit have connected, but I still don't fully grasp what it is I can do to increase my worth and success here. Is it a matter of copious amounts of content regardless of quality? Is it less content/ high quality? Is the networking more or less important than the content? I will keep going down the steemit road, bouncing off the guardrails until I get it. You and galen have been good "mentors".
I think it is a combination effort. I have spent a lot of time developing my own content but also things like this where I try to help in different ways. I don't use dicord much, but Steemit.chat is a good place to connect and get to know people.
Interesting post.. I was wondering this issue aswell. There is alot of fake positivism on here. Obviously because of the tokenized insentive. But how can we fix these things?
I mean the first thing you wanna do on this platform is earn a following, and earn some tokens. But that's not the way. You will have to enjoy it and create something worthwhile for others to earn something.
So, yeah I guess.. toxic communities just keep excisting ;)
I belong to a steemitachievers community on the steemit platform. Yes, I agree with this statement "I am a big believer in selfishly helping the community. What this means is that by being an active, productive, supportive member of the community consistently, it will both help that community and help the individual."
Everyone in the subcommunity has a role to the community to improve the group by giving their best contribution thru sharing quality contents, upvoting and commenting.
I found this post a very informative! I'm upvoting this one hope others will check this out.
Have a great day ahead @tarazkp
You're right. I am very cozy, people are commenting to make money.
(beautiful writing, beautiful photograph, nice sharing, etc.)
This community is full of real people and original content, but as you say, they are a group, an interaction. Hopefully those spam commenters will change their mind now.
this is touching some really important gears of steemit. cultural diff`s and language barriers. which means general popularity of steemit.
number of original users.
and you offered solution too. i would just reverse it.
people shouldnt work on adapting local communities to what steemit is now.
they should make local communities growing and selfsustainable by making quality content on local language.
Theres a lot of excellent artist, bloggers, scientists and thinkers whose work is delivered to Steemit after being filtered by translation. It would serve better to promote Steemit in their local communities, in a way that people can understand it, engage and grow.
it would also mean that authors should give focus on things that matters in their communities.
Oh, I didn't mean it had to be in English. There is plenty of great localised language content. @ocd have been doing an international curation edition for a few months now also. But, even then, the quality of the content matters.
There comes a time when you need to clean up who you are following. I often times don’t see posts from people that I enjoy what they post. They may have posted something worth while so I followed. Then just random pictures with little to no words.
I’m no big content creater by any means. I post about my life and my experiences. Frankly I don’t have a ton of time to spend on steemit so when I do I want to make it worth while. Time to clean up a bit.
I am very sorry sir, but I'm afraid I can't help but upvote and resteem.
That in Bertrand Russell's voice (Bertrand Russell giving very sound advice to future generations):
I don’t often reply with images, or with motivational (mythical)
clap-trapquotes but this IMHO describes the whole situation.Indeed sire, you are very correct. The communities within steemit play a huge part in the make or break of any of its members. I was lucky to find a group immediately I joined steemit, where experienced members take out time to share their knowledge with newbies and even inexperienced older members. I have learnt much and I still am.
Then again, content providers can be locked up within the walls of their community even now. Some content providers still do not see steemit as a large community, they see it as a large market place, where they can sell their selves, no matter how fake or shallow that self maybe.
When I posted regularly on facebook, I had no one to guard my hands but I endeavoured to always be me. So why not be the same here.
I always tell those who I share tutorials with in the steemit group am in, to interact. Look for people and content that interest you, build lasting relationships not for voting value but for real community value which is connecting.
I could go on and on about how things are hard in my country but complaining solves nothing. Taking action and making a difference in your community, no matter how little, will go a long way, in taking one where one wants to go.
Communities are not one man shows but a collaboration of skills, knowledge, passion, character and faith. With strong communities, we can have healthy minds and with healthy minds, we can have growth in our lives.
I think I have to stop here. This feels like a rant to me. Let me come and be going as we say in Nigeria... Lol.
I have never met you @tarazkp or even had a dm with you (and I am sorry but I can't phantom steemit chat; maybe we can do discord. My username there is the same as my steemit user name) But have we not had interactions over weeks now? Have you not shared some of you with me as I have shared some of me with you? Peace @tarazkp
It is a mad mad world :-)
Much love and light, keep up your positive input, I like it a lot ♡
Nice post. Thumbs up!