Come so far, still a long way to go.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

WK1 - 52.8
WK2 - 56.7
WK3 - 58.6
WK4 - 60
WK5 - 61.5
WK6 - 62.7
WK7 - 63.2
WK11 ----64.2
WK14 --- 65.2
WK18 ---- 66
WK26 --------67

These numbers are the progression of my reputation. Does this mean something? I am not sure. The reputation is built based on votes and the voters reputation. The higher they are, the more significant. It is meant to be an indicator of quality but the way it is built seems more about popularity. This doesn't matter of course but the FAQ does say reputation, reputation, reputation and how important it is to getting traction.

My Reputation puts me in position # 383 and my post rewards put me at #437 (from Personally, I think this is pretty good considering I am a sweat equity provider only so far and came in at the tail end of January. My average earnings per post are around 12 per post and I have posted 643 original posts. (These numbers came from The reward was of course bumped by the initial hf19 boom but now average about 5.

I estimate my average word count around 800 words per post with some being close to 2000, most around 1000 and others like photography posts a few hundred (for example, my previous photography post was 500 words). To put that in perspective, that works out to 510,000 words in about 6 months. To visualize it, a 400 page novel is around 100,000 words. This means I have written text for over five, 400 page novels. Sheeeez.

I am writing this just after my Rep ticked over to 67 as a review and reminder of what I do and how willing I am to do it. I obviously enjoy doing this enough to spend every day for a half year sitting and writing and would love it if one day in the future I could dedicate even more time to it but, I am nowhere near financially ready enough for that.

This is why Steemit is brilliant in many regards for long-form writers. They can practice and see how much they enjoy writing, get peer feedback and maybe even earn a little on the side of a day job, while all the time working towards a plunge into a new career. I know there are several that have made the move to live or come close to live off Steemit alone like @teamsteem posted about and you have to think that it is pretty incredible that it is possible. There are many more that are able to supplement and provide much needed income for themselves and family all over the world. All with a minimum of middlemen and a decentralized system. It truly is amazing.

I have no illusions though and do not put hope in living off Steem for me but, I am happy for those that have found a way out of the 9-5 world and into the 24/7 world instead. To take that step is not easy and the ball can stop rolling at anytime so it is a risk and should be applauded for either the level of bravery or stupidity. It is not an easy life I am sure but I feel that it would be a rewarding one for those that provide what is valuable to the community.

I throw up ideas from time to time on Steemit development, sometimes I am critical of some aspects or how some are using it or gaming it but, all in all, I am quite grateful to have the opportunity to be here. Where else can I write at this level, connect at this level and get paid something for it? Plus, where else does what I get paid for my writing have the chance to hit the moon?

This is why I really hope that others here will see the long-term value in the Steem blockchain and Steemit platform and drop the idea of 'a quick buck' as that attitude is likely to kill any future and any massive Steem prices. Taken somewhat seriously and with time (or money) invested into producing and backing quality content, this site could become a serious platform that solves real world issues we will increasingly face when it comes to unemployment, poverty and life satisfaction. Or, it will crash and burn in a pile of memes and cat videos.... Either or.

Anyway, if anyone does take the time to read this, I just wanted to write a personal review and mention my gratitude at having an outlet for my mind. Thanks :)

Oh, I figure looking at the compounding shape my reputation seems to be taking, 68 is about 16 weeks away. At the current average, that is three and a half novels or about 380,000 more words....sigh

[ a Steemit original ]


A very well done @tarazkp :cP

I too am quite obsessed about reputation (of the earned variety). ^_^

I have also pondered the purpose - and I think that I have it figured out (though welcome others to correct and/or further my understanding).

The purpose of reputation is not to add weight to your vote. Reputation acts upon reputation - and reputation alone.

As such,I liken reputation scores to represent both your attack and defense stat.

If a low reputation user votes on your post you will hardly feel the reputation shift. Its like throwing toasted marshmallows at a guy clad in heavy armor.

Conversely if a much higher reputation user votes on your post you will most certainly feel it - like a guy clad in heavy armor stepping on a toasted marshmallow.

However there is something else to consider. Reputation maximums are undergoing inflation by their very nature.

There are a couple of ways to speed up your progress. One way is to "hang out" with high reputation users. Engage in circular voting practices and the sort.

Another way is to adjust your content creation with high reputation users in mind - and then approach them about how your content compliments theirs.

Although in my opinion I think you're doing great and that focusing upon the next +1 may actually detract from your overall Steemit experience. :c)

How many dice can I roll? :)

Reputation itself means very little to me. What i did fibd interesting was that my ranks were surprisingly close together. What I also found was that my per post earning average was well below those around me. It seems I am a workhorse. This is good for me to visualise what how much I am willing to do to do something I enjoy and find personally valuable. It definitely isn't the money.

Fyi the one up from me had over double the average, the one down 20 times the average.

As many as you feel comfortable rolling. ;c)

I garnered the mistaken opinion that reputation was the primary focus of your post - when it was 'earnings on reputation' that you were aiming at.

I quickly learnt that the quantity that one puts out is more of a determining factor of success than quality - that and the number and quality of followers that one accrues over time.

Oh... and self-upvoting. That certainly increases success also - perversely so.

Other factors pale by comparison.

As such one thing that I would suggest is to take another look at those two users that you mentioned - and try to identify the variables at play:

  • Their reputation
  • Their Steem Power
  • Their Number of Followers
  • Their Subject Matter (and quality and style) of posts
  • Their Commenting Habits (are they following certain users around?)
  • Their Curating Habits (likewise)

I suspect that looking at these alone may provide clues as to where you might be going "wrong". :c)

I personally can only speculate as to what you shall find... but I do suspect that the behavioral variables shall set them apart from you in some fashion or other - and you can either emulate or take the higher, poorer, path (as I am doing ;cP).

Always look forward to reading your posts. The bright spot in my small home feed 😊

It means a lot to hear things like that. Part of the reward to be sure. Thank you.

It does go slower and slower and slower, that reputation thing... I've stopped trying to figure out how it works.

As you know, I've reflected on much same things..."all these words" we write; I haven't authored near as many posts as you, but about the same length in general. And it really does make me hope and wish that Steemit... or at least a significant part of the community... will continue to value and produce content of merit and interest. I'd just as well just head over to Farcebook for my cat video fixes...

It seems people are trying to mimic other sites here. They have a pattern of behaviour that is well trained and a pattern of supporting that behaviour too.

Hey @tarazkp,
congratulations to your 67 Reputation :) Keep going like this and I'm positive that the 68 will get reached in less than 16 weeks ;)

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)

Much appreciated, thank you.

I found this story quite motivating, even enlightening!
You have a new follower!

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment :)

I am still learning what all of this means. I do appreciate reading and learning from others. Up-voted and Followed

The reputation itself means little in my opinion, much the same as in real life. What is important is understanding how it is all connected to what you do.

Great Shot. Which lens you use?

12-40 2.8 Olympus.

Wow! Thank you for the information :)