Last Thursday was one of the worst days of my life.

It was the day I got my work ID renewed. My work ID is a little plastic card that lets me get into certain buildings. It also lets me log into my work computer, which is necessary for my job. Renewing the ID is a necessary part of the nature of my workplace.
It is also one of the worst things that can happen in this workplace.
I arrived at the ID office at 8AM, and they finally got around to me at about 5PM. Meanwhile, I saw entire crowds of people moved through the assembly line. Traffic was particularly bad because a recent computer glitch had locked most people's ID cards. And these people were given priority. I was not called until every last one of them had the problem fixed.
I don't have much to complain about (I was still getting paid, after all), but I had not taken the good advice of my coworkers to bring a long book with me to pass the time. I only had my phone.
So, for most of the day, I was on Steemit.
Talk about good luck.
Steemit Evolves

Little did I realize, as I came into work that day, that something big was happening in the Steemit world.
If I'm being honest with myself, I must confess that I have had a healthy amount of skepticism toward Steemit, even at the beginning. Most days, what was happening here seemed too good to be true, and I kept wondering when the whole ecosystem would collapse, though I was happy to be making a few bucks here and there, on the way down.
And yet, despite my skepticism, the entire thing has persisted. Steemit has not died, even during those times when I can't tell what is holding it up. Perhaps I simply didn't understand enough about Steemit's particular blockchain, or what was going on behind the scenes.
But when, as I sat down in the waiting room, almost sure I would never be called into the ID Badge office, I saw Ned's freshly published post---a post about a new implementation of the Steem currency.
He was calling them "Smart Media Tokens", or SMTs.
Now, Steemit's biggest roadblock (which is common to all new social media platforms) is adoption. We have to convince people to use the platform. And while Steemit adoption has been increasing at a healthy pace, it hasn't really struck a nerve...yet.
The announcement of SMT's basically turns this problem on its head: if we can't bring people to Steemit, then we shall bring Steemit to the places they already are.
SMT's, in summary, are a way of Steemitizing any media site. They take the existing Steem blockchain and infrastructure, and they give it to anyone who wants to create their own Steemit. Sites like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, any news site, and even personal blogs, could hereby adopt the Steemit model of people paying creators with upvotes, and being rewarded for their curation.
That. Is. Mind blowing.

The arduous task of winning converts to Steemit is now a non-issue. We instead can now tell people to stay where they are. Or not say anything at all, and instead just put the Steemit features in places they are already looking.
It is an elegant solution, and one that could potentially be a killer app, both for Steemit and for blockchain currency in general. It is only missing one thing:
Endorsement by any of the major media sites.
Seriously, SMTs only need to be adopted by one of the already popular sites---like Facebook or Youtube or even a common news site like the New York Times---and once people get a taste of it there, it will quickly spread to all the others. That is my prediction.
I can see now why the developers have been working so hard, and so covertly, on this project. I wish them the best, because it will still take a huge amount of luck to get this thing off the ground. But if it does, then the dividends will be incalculable.
Are you all as excited as I am?
I am beyond excited because I know this will bring more people to a already wonderful growing platform and I'm excited to see Steem rise up high
It's a shame we have to wait until 2018 to see it implemented.
Gives us time to rack up on Steem and become rich during 2018, I see it that way
pretty awesome story...Excellent
Steem's a nice story.Great wiring experience.
100% like and resteem@talanhorne
thanks for your this post . excellent writing .thanks@talanhorne
Have a nice day
Great post. Thanks for sharing .
Upvote Resteem
@talanhorne - Omg this is an excellent post which helps me to understand what is SMT Sir. Love it & nice you decided to share your experiences Sir <3
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
amigo #resteemia at your service
excellent review about smt. nice post :) @talanhorne
'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'
MinnowsPower listed your post "Smart Media Tokens - A Crypto-enthusiast's Perspective" as one of the top 5 upvoted and commented posts of the day...!!! @talanhorne
Exceptional article about SMT token and excellent review about it...!!!
100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower
MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid
One small UpVote of Yours build MinnowsPower and MinnowsPower will Not Forget Your Support...!!!
renewing id again and again that's must be tiring man but the smt's made your day atleast !!
mind blowing stuff this is for sure but how it will be implemented it would be a thing to look out for :)
we all are hell excited as you as SMT will have positive impact
Upvote/Resteemwonderful of this article. thanks for experience @talanhorne
"So, for most of the day, I was on Steemit." Sounds like your day whasn't that bad xD
I doubt a company like FB/Youtube would add such a thing. But maybe a news site, or a similar kind of media platform would. Which could produce a quick chain-reaction :D
And the chain reaction is what counts, because once one major site starts to benefit from Steemitization, all the major sites will want to experiment with it.
if it get popular enough i cannot even imagine the prices of steem will be i am excited too
Half of the problem is solved there !!
No more words.....
My dear friend....
Wel done and perfect work...
Cheers~~~~~Hey @talanhorne
I'm super excited! I think it's great steemit is pushing out into the world, and I'm struggling to think of any huge problems with it.. in the interest of skepticism I'd like to figure out if there are any though.
Great post..although I'm sorry you had to deal with all that bureaucratic bungling!
Thanks for your sympathy.
The only problem I've ever had with the idea of Steem is the fact that it is an inflationary currency. It has no fixed cap like Bitcoin does. That made me worry that it would not be able to compete.
And yeah, Steem can't do what Bitcoin does. It can't be a better version of Bitcoin. But it can be the best possible version of Steem. And SMTs are a good example of what can be done with an inflationary cryptocurrency.
You got the point very well! Yeah this is mind-blowing :D That news blows my small mind and now I am a robot :D Ha ha ha :D This is a great upgrade and we can see STEEM at ETH place or above due to this upgrade!@talanhorne,
Great post
I hadnt realised the extent or possibilities with this before reading your post. You are the first peson that I've come across with this info.
Thank you. I'm excited to see this next phase of Steemit put into action.
I was a little confused. This explains it better. thank you!
Nice crypto updates
this is great job sir, i am agree with you,,,.
yes, I am also excited about the news.. I think Steemit is the best thing happens to in recent past. Hope it will stood up to it expectations..
cool posts, and great ...greetings from me @talanhorne
Amazing toughts on the subject. + follow
Wel done and perfect work...
Cheers~~~~Nice post with very useful tips about crypo by @talanhorne