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RE: Spread the love and support the growth of Steemit

in #steemit9 years ago

Very well written and i love the artwork! I'm excited about steemit motivating people to share their passions especially with there being the possibility of gaining monetarily too.

I remember in a Noam Chompsky documentary he had a friend that sifted through newspaper articles, sending him cut outs of those diamonds in the rough. Simply searching and curating these gems are a service in themselves.


My friend shared a great quote from him a couple of hours ago (spooky) about student debt and making people efficient components of the consumer economy.

Got to love synchronicity! I'm a fan of chompsky, even if i don't always agree, he always has good points and makes me think.
Manufacturing consent is a great documentary of his to watch, very applicable to current issues.

Thanks for the link. I started watching Manufacturing consent last night, still go a bit to go though- may have to have it on whilst doing the housework!

I'll try and catch it, thanks for the suggestion. Actually I'll definitely watch it, you seem passionate about it!

I'd love to hear what you think. I still love his phrasing of, "physical oppression is to a dictatorship, while propaganda is to a democracy. "

My top top recommendation is Maybe Logic; life and times of Robert Anton Wilson. He's my favorite author as well. You can find the movie in full online too!

I've mentioned you in my latest art piece, on my current post.