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in #steemit6 years ago

Assalamualaikum kawan, malam ini gak tau mau nulis apa di lembaran steemit ini, tapi yang pasti aku menulis apa yang keluar dari otakku lalu aku salurkan di lembaran ini. Entah mengapa aku sudah buat aku steemit ini sudah lama, tapi aku tak pernah memposting satu artikel pun di hari hari yang aku lalui ini.
Entah karena aku malas atau gak ada bahan buat postingan. Jujur aku tidak paham dwngan kerja steemit ini. Aku melihat postingan diberandaku banyak sekali postingan yang mendapat ratusan upvote, bahkan postingan mereka yang trending sampai sampai dibayar hapir seribu dolar lebih. Aku merasa iri dengan postingan postingan yang trending itu, dalam hatiku bagaimana cara mereka membuat postingan yang begitu trending?

Aku berpikir sambil iri akan keuntungan yang diperoleh oleh mereka dari postingan yang trending itu? Apa mereka kah yang mengendalikan steemit ini? Hatiku bertanya tanya kok bisa hanya dengan satu postingan yang gak bermanfaat tapi bisa menghasilkan uang yang melimpah?

Untuk kalian yang sudah berjuang di steemit ini dalam mengumpulkan pundi pundi dolar, semoga apa yang kalian cita cita kan cepat terwujud.. Amiinn

Postingan yang aku postingkan ini mungkin tidak bermanfaat sama sekali, tapi bagiku ini adalah kekesalanku dan kemalasanku yang aku ungkap kan kepada kalian yang membaca ini, semoga kalian tidak keberatan membaca unek unek ku ini.

Sekian dari aku wassalamualaikum


          Please read it out

My friend's Assalamualaikum, tonight I do not know what to write on this sheet of steemit, but what I write must be what comes out of my brain then I share it on this sheet. I do not know why I made this steemit for a long time, but I never posted an article on the day I passed it.

Either because I am lazy or there is no material to post. Honestly I do not understand with this steemit work. I see my post posting many posts that got hundreds of upvote, even those posts who are trending to be paid thousand thousand more hapir. I feel jealous with the post is a trend, in my heart how they make a post that is so trendy?

I feel jealous with the benefits they get from the more trending posts? Do they control this steemit? My heart asks why just with one useless post but can make a lot of money?

For those of you who have fought in this steemit in collecting wallets of dollar wallets, hopefully what you aspire will quickly materialize .. Amiinn

Posts that I post may not be useful at all, but to me this is the pique and laziness that I declare to you who read this, hopefully you do not mind reading my post.

I apologize to you assalamualaikum


I upvote your post plzz visit my page and do follow me and upvote me on @abubakrbhatti
Need your support

I can understand your frustration. The people that you see so trendy have been here since the beginning and are now famous. At least more famous than me. I remember when I first started, sometimes no upvotes at all then here and there. Let me encourage you to keep going. As for me I have been here for about a year and a month, but I now see the value in posting something everyday. Try to increase your words. I have been using a site called, There I put my writing to see how many words I use. I try to be somewhere between 300 to 1000 words. I use the to see who is upvoting me and I make a list of who recently upvoted me. I try to go back and at least look at the writing of those who upvoted me and if I like it I upvote it hoping they would do the same the next time I write if they like what I wrote.

I found a book long a ago about how to write. The title is called, If You Can Talk, You Can Write. That did sound like something that I could grab on to. Since we all talk, then we can all write. So I tend to write like I would be talking to a friend. To me that was the key.

Now days I find a story in the little things. Don't write for the upvotes, but write for fun and because you like to write. When the people feel your writing then you will see something. It is hard and sometime the thing you just wrote feel like the best you could ever write and still nothing. Let me encourage to look for the next story. Look on the ground. Do you see a bug. Take a picture of it and write about it. Write what you thought about the bugs when you where a child and how you feel about this bug today. Write about what you might think that bug is thinking at that moment when you are looking at it and keep adding thoughts to it. Before you know it you have more than 300 words.

Let me encourage you that if you will write something everyday no matter if you get the upvotes or not it will pay in the end.

I know I will still be here trying to see what is the next thing I will write about and to make sure to write something everyday. Turn it into your little game that you always like to play. Also make sure to upvote and comment other people too as they may do the same for you.

Also try to save all your rewards you get into Steem Power. You want to do this continuously. I do believe that one of these days and it may take years that Steem will be $1000 a coin. So keep writing like it is worth that much even though as of today one Steem is worth less than $2. So I make sure to turn all my SBD into Steem then into Steem Power so my upvote is worth more.

I hope this helps and encourages you.