1- @sweetssj is a high profile in Steemit. No wonder people likes to pick on her to get noticed or whatever other reasons behind it.
2- it’s ok to lay out the fact. But taking personal assumption based on partial or incomplete info and start to criticize others may not seem to be fair.
3- everybody has their preference in upvoting, deciding whom to follow, and when to upvote. As long as it doesn’t break the rule, nobody else can judge.
- High profile people has higher responsibilities in this community, what she has contributed to the society is there for us to see. She inspires many people in joining the community and hanging in there with good content. She showcases a good example for many of us to look up to. We all wish that we can reach her level someday.
- Good discussion and dialogue is always welcomed, but not finger point or nonsense. Good conversation sparks better ideas and discipline.