When I worked on the Steemit project I was very much interested in a new feature they called Communities!
NOT A SMALL FEATURE it has taken many months and is still not yet live in a current HardFork. Something like Sub-reddit communities, I believe it will help STEEM scale to millions of users via interest groups!
And still, this is the most urgently awaited new feature to the STEEM blockchain besides SMT.
Because I am IMPATIENT by nature, I decided not to WAIT for Steemit Communities and I started 2 communities of my own in last 2 weeks.
ARTzone and WAfrica! @artzone and @wafrica
2800+ USERS ON ARTzone! OMG!
I can't believe it but it's because I got the right crew onboard! Lucky US!
When Steemit Communities becomes an option, I promise to move it to a real community and turn over the keys to the curators and moderators.
100+ USERS ON WAfrica in first day!
Another great crew onboard!
And again, when Steemit Communities becomes an option, I promise to move it to a real community and turn over the keys to the curators and moderators.
It is great initiative it really helps to improve quality of content on steemit as they are rewarded by you if they produce good content. I follow @artzone and @wafrica both of them and i believe that both these tag will be trending tag in future.
Thank you very much @surfyogi for your great influence on Africans and artists here on Steemit.
plz keep it up...That’s great! I would like you, ARTzone and WAFrica the simplest and another 10k followers. You definately should have a good crew aboard. one hundred followers in an exceedingly day. With this rate these guys get to 10k in an exceedingly few months, I mean each of them with Steemit comunity growing most. you must be example started. I’m glad I’m a part of comunity with people such as you @surfyogi.
i do not know about artzone or wafrica. can you explain it to me, or you have a discord for it.
These are new communities I have attempted to Kick-Start BEFORE StEEM communities becomes part of the website (like sub-reddits).
maybe this is interesting to try, whether you are the prime mover
Thank you sir, for knowing us.
I'm very impressive to see your gorgeous both communities. It most important build up steemit newcomer community and developing story to every minnows. You're such a great steemian here to grow to steemians skills and income. Nice you decided to shared @surfyogi.
That’s great! I wish you, ARTzone and WAFrica the best and another 10k followers. You definately must have a great crew onboard. 100 followers in a day. With this rate these guys get to 10k in a few months, I mean both of them with Steemit comunity growing so much. You should be example taken off. I’m glad I’m part of comunity with individuals like you @surfyogi. Following both @artzone and @wafrica.
Full respect
I definitely confirm you that, both tag communities grow very faster and very soon see massive follower list and more awesome blogs. You organized massive contest via #artzone and #wafrica wait to see same results. Both steemit pet communities awesome @surfyogi.
I have no idea how to deal with this level of success!
I will have to write the new book!
I'm one of those 2800 in the artzone community and it's a great community.
Steemit is much better with communities. I love it Thank you @surfyogi for this.
with communities!
thank you for your good concept of pet projects steem comunities @wafrica @artzone. Wafica the new project soon it will touch sky ,why did not you mention about the wafrica before ....it could have been growing exponentially by now.... These objects are only meant to help minnows grow...i had used the artzone tag alot of time and have also followed the same. It's great what you are doing on different community building activities.thsnks to for your good information and good thought..@surfyogi dear..
There are a considerable measure of good substance makers from Africa. I figure they simply should be found and sharpened. Your drive sir is extremely an awesome expansion to drawing out the best of the African individuals.
These objects are only meant to help minnows grow...i had used the artzone tag alot of time and have also followed the same....
Will soon find out about the wafrica....
Thanks @surfyogi for making these projects possible ...
That is staggering! I wish you ARTzone and WAFrica the best and another 10k followers. You certainly ought to have a mind blowing bunch locally accessible.
Wafica the new project soon it will touch sky ,why didnt you mention about the wafrica before ....it could have been growing exponentially by now....
Artzone is really working great and is making everyone to join in...
@surfyogi you have been working hard from the past 3-4 months on the project ...we can clearly see that....much appricited ... Thanks @surfyogi...
I certainly affirm you that, both label groups become speedier and soon observe huge adherent rundown and more great websites. You sorted out enormous challenge by means of #artzone and #wafrica hold up to see same outcomes. Both steemit pet groups marvelous @surfyogi.
Hello @surfyogi
Yes you are an impatient man and that's well explained by your hunger to do good. You notice lots of good contents coming from this region and you, being a kind man, are moved to help out. At this point in time, Most West Africans don't come into steemit as investors but this will change soon, especially with respect to Nigeria. Positive experiences of our bloggers here will have chain effect on the masses in near future and this is going draw lots of investors in to this platform.
Thank you @surfyogi. Thanks for your support in the build up to STEEMUP OWERRI MEGA MEETUP by @euronation community.
@eurogee, the founder of @euronation community
Definitely will. I’m glad to be part of @artzone and @wafrica comunity. I definately wish the best to both. There is only one thing guaranteed in steemit comunity. And that’s growth! I love steemit! You @surfyogi do an amazing work for this comunity!
I really value your opin, thanks!
Wafica the new task soon it will touch sky ,why didn't you specify about the Wafrica previously. It could have been developing exponentially by now. Artzone is extremely working extraordinary and is making everybody to participate.@surfyogi you have been buckling down from the previous 3-4 months on the undertaking. We can plainly observe thaT. Much appreciated @surfyogi
I have many role models and great examples!
thanks to @misrori for our automation and inspiration, and I dedicate my great works to @ackza and his selfless examples!
U have some great points!
I think u should chat me up on steem.chat
Steemit is much better with coommunities.i like it..
This would really be amazing, the wafrica logo tells all the story and details alone sir,
It's not happened before on the blockchain, I think it would be great experience,
I agree it’s history on many levels! Thanks @ned!
After looking at the account and what it does I told the artists in artguildph to use the tag as it is helping the hungry artists so to speak.I didn't know that artzone is a project of yours. We have a lot of artists in the Philippines who are struggling and I saw the account @artzone leaving comments and encouraging the artists to use the tag #artzone.
It's great what you are doing on different community building activities.
It's admirable that you got impatient an did this but willing to turn it over once the Communities features are rolled out.
I am so happy to see great reception I just want to make history mon!
Way to take charge and lead @surfyogi
I am SURE you will succeed in this ENORMOUS task for the "COMMUNITIES".
Let’s do this!
I got tired of waiting around!
Great job you are doing sir @surfyogi. The #wafrica project will go a long way helping African community. I'm one of those that got on board on the first day. Thanks for having us at heart
I Am so happy to have your witness, thankyou!
Yeah! I got to know about @wafrica when the account commented on @naijapidgin community account. A Nigerian community account used by Nigerians to express themselves in a language other than English.
We have a whatsapp and telegram community of over 100 people. We're still growing as we are coming up with interactive and fun topics. You may want to check it out.
@surfyogi you're doing a great job for Nigerians, Africa and the entire steem community.
Keep it up!
Nice to know u
Great comment
That's nice initiative @surfyogi. Interesting to read early morning here today. You follow up both community parties surely will show high development. For example look at #artzone. Much talented blogs crating there. and can learn something from it. In fact I can keep hope #wafrica also the will get same result.
Hey Surf, indeed these are great pet projects. You have been an impactor of people and a believer in the ideals.
I wish us luck in these projects.
How can I be of help?
@NairaDaddy Creator of @Air-Clinic Community of over 1200members globally & believer in the future of blockchain technology.
Hey U GOT my attention.
I recommend getting all the MDs together in a community to talk healing?
Medicinal ethics and medicine without boundaries?
discord.. We hold daily health discussions on a given health topic and our health experts dissect the topic for the general public to understand.Thanks Surf for the suggestions. We are doing a lot of that on @AIR-CLINIC's
For now, its mostly online with a couple of offline medical outreaches we have carried out. In due time, we believe that we can have a full-blown offline facility that we can manage to touch lives with the help of this blockchain.
Much appreciation from me to you! Cheers!
I also believe it will help STEEM scale to millions of users via interest groups!
And i use the #artzone tag, or the #wafrica tag.I think this two tag very helpfull for me. Thanks for sharing @surfyogi
This is amazing and one of the bestest gestures towards this community, you are doing great for the upliftment of art and got people with particular communities, they must be loving you immensely, I myself have been using #artzone for few of my posts, and would definitely use #Wafrica, you are encouraging hell lot of people and I am one among too, keep doing the kind work, you will surely get the kind returns from God
I think I missed something here. I'm very familiar with @artzone but I don't know what @wafrica is all about? Any links?
Please have a look around; you are on a list of people I plan to invite as curators but someone missed the first invites!
I'd regard it a great privilege to work as a curator for @wafrica. I will do my research. Thank you
will use them in my posts as well... Good luck mate2800+ users in past 2 weeks is a great job and good startup @surfyogi and it is not a easy task either.... i have see a lot of tags @artzone
I have a dream!
May all your dreams and wishes come true... amen 😊
This is so amazing
I love your initiatives and people love them too because of how prospective they are if used.
I'm a follower of both and i have benefitted from them. All i say is thank you @surfyogi for #wafrica #artzone, both are really going places
These articles are just intended to help minnows grow...i had utilized the #artzone label a lot of time and have additionally taken after the same @surfyogi
@wafrica @artzone This is a very big project, Hope this project will increase the number of more users. As it is expected in a much larger scale project, a lot of users will manage their operations here. Hopefully you will be very successful in this big project and many users will help you to succeed.
There are a lot of good content creators from Africa. I guess they just need to be discovered and honed. Your initiative sir is really a great addition to bringing out the best of the African people.
These communities are definitely going to soar. Imagine what it would be like in 2 months from now. Great work dear.
I agree, they will be OFF THE CHART doing so well!
This is awesome! Both communities will go a long way in helping minnows. Thanks @surfyogi for your selfless service here, you are an inspiration.
Great community projects! This is what separates this platform from others, the good that can be done.
thats great intention while lot of more active users make running the community.
i really like your system of work.........and i appreciate all of your community bond.....i hope they will earn their dream very soon....best of luck.....
I'm not a Africa. So how can i use #wafrica tag? Have you any suggestions?What's title posts follow them?
However your huge support highly appreciated for ever steemians. Thank you forever.@surfyogi, I'll follow @artzone and @wafrica soon. Both of projects gives up really helpful for grow minnows very faster.
Awesome work my friend..
We can always count on you to help newbies like me.
I'm a regular user of the artzone tag , it's awesome
There are a lot of good content creators from Africa. I guess they just need to be discovered and honed. Your initiative sir is really a great addition to bringing out the best of the African people.
We have a considerable measure of specialists in the Philippines who are battling and I saw the record @artzone leaving remarks and urging the craftsmen to utilize the tag #artzone.
In the wake of taking a gander at the record and what it does I advised the specialists in artguildph to utilize the tag as it is assisting the ravenous craftsmen so with speaking.
It's really nice, the project is doing very good, ,,,,,,,,,///////////
Congrats sir! You are doing well :) Can I ıse these tags even I'm not from Africa?
Please try to refer your interest to the tag itself somehow?
This is simply all I ask; please be relevant.
Because I love vuvuzela :) just joking, good luck!

These are great projects and thanks for kick starting it to further reach out to more people in the west.
The way you people just work to promote and uplift us is really worth appreciating. The most difficult part being educating the masses who just don't know anything about it...
artzone is really helping out the community here . hope WAFrica will do the same ,you people are trying your best to make steemit a better community
Wow! I am really not surprised with the success of artzone and wafrica because you are one who has been at the forefront of things and well admired for your heart of gold. I think we just started, the number is hitting astronomical propensity. Thank you for being there for us, we appreciate.
very beautiful @wafrica