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RE: Steemit - Value is Subjective

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Everybody who has ever clicked on a flag should know how it's meant to be used since there is a pop-up with a description written in perfect English. For the ones who don't know still:

Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. Some common reasons to flag:
Disagreement on rewards
Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
Intentional miscategorized content or Spam

Thus "disagreement on rewards" is a generally admitted reason for flagging. It's more a 'downvote' than a flag actually...
I totally agree with you that flags should not been abused. Nothing shoud ever be abused.
But this is like if you asked to forbit knifes at home since they could be used as a weapon... The tool itself is not the problem. The weapon doesn't make the murderer. It's the people and their mind.
I fully agree with you on the dream of a world full of good people. But that's not the reality, not even in a self-governed world without censorship. I would even say that in a world where everybody's voice is worth something, we will have to deal especially with problems like these...
One thing might make you happy: in the long term people who don't play according to the general rules, won't succeed here. Just focus on your stuff, be a role model for these bad people.

I leave you with that quote:
How people treat you is their karma, how you respond is yours.

Steem on :-)


Thank you for your comment. I understand that it's a downvote, and that it used to actually be called a downvote instead of a flag, but it doesn't change the passive aggressive tendency it has when used. Chastising someone's rewards or reputation is like fining them for speeding. I think that analogy fits this better, rather than your knife analogy, because the tool is the problem. You can create a safety knife that doesn't cut people, and only cuts a specific thing.

Also, the world is filled with good people. We're everywhere. If you choose to be good, then the world is good.

Fully agree with your last statement. You get what you give.

Give goodness and the world shall become good!

Don´t even ingnore them, then they will get bored....:)

Check out my latest post if you want. It´s about being Robing Hood in self-governed environments. Actually our conversation inspired me to write it. So thanks! ;)

I'll check it out now.
