Steemit - Social Media for Grown Ups?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


No, it’s not. Yes, it is!

When I first came here I thought to myself „Steemit sucks”. I didn’t have the same appeal as facebook, twitter or instagram. It didn’t hook me like the other pages did and for a long time I thought this bad, but now I see things differently. It’s actually the opposite now.

I don’t like facebook as my wall is filled with a constant flow of useless info. I don’t like twitter, I never have, as a few small tweets aren’t enough to make any real statements. These tweets can be taken out of context very easily and time has shown twitter can seriously ruin the reputation of more famous people. Instagram isn't also that great, it’s not a serious place to have conversations nor share pictures (the files are simply too small). All these mainstream social media places are built on instant and continuous mindless information. It’s making us crazy - constantly checking if there’s something interesting on your wall when there hardly ever is.

Facebook is great for keeping contact with close friends, relatives and connections. The only thing I like about facebook is messenger and my dedicated profile page. Otherwise, my feed is 99% useless as people tend to share totally meaningless things a lot.

Steemit is more content based and it’s aimed at engaging with the world, not just friends. It’s not about the quantity of mindless stuff you post, but what you post. Serious thoughts tend to get serious backing by the community and start long debates in the comments. You could make the claim that money makes us spammers – pump out more content. But at the same time as quality is more valued I have no problem with it when people work on getting better at creating valuable content that’s entertaining and thoughtful.

I must confess, I’m kinda like a spammer too. I’ve made a deal with myself to post 4 times a day, but a lot times I don’t have new photos to share as work takes up most of my time. Luckily I haven’t seen any increase in income from doing that which makes me reconsider my actions. Pictures are beautiful, but are they that valuable the second time around? I should select my best and only share that from now on, maybe talk through my thoughtprocess in creating my images etc. The point is to increase the quality instead of quantity.

No spam, no ads, no excessive memes, vines or other viral content. Just a network built on ideas and quality. That's what I would look for in a social media platform. Doesn't sound that exciting? Well, guess I'm simply a grown-up. Let the small and big kids stick with facebook and co :P

What are your thoughts of Steemit so far?

How does it differentiate from other platforms for you?

My photography gear:

Camera: Pentax K-50
Lenses: DA*50-135 / DA-L 18-55 WR / Cosinon 1.8 50mm
Flash: Yongnuo YN660
Tripod: Zomei Q555

You can find me on:

Questions are welcome!
Upvote, comment, resteem and follow if you like!
Have a great day!


I agree with you .

Probably a "more social" Medium?

Someone sees it like I do.
Content control is a very big issue. Controlling what you see from others and what you send. I think this is really important and Steemit offers that on a much larger scale. (➕ the curation is also there 😉)
I like how you can use a mix of characters and font size and the interaction of image and texts too.
The content control here is just over the top and the security too 😘 😘 😘
I just recently joined and I like it wella

I agree with you that Steemit will soon replace other social networks. As soon as I signed up here, I go on facebook just to check messages. I don't like in other social networks appeared to fall a lot of advertising.I hope that with Steemit this will not happen

I agree with you. I am more concern about quantity then quality. My best wishes to you. @sulev. Voted.

totalmente de acuerdo, ya ni reviso mi cuenta de facebook :S

"post 4 times a day," hah. I am fine if I even manage to do 1-a-day. :D

But Steemit is on its baby steps. There are less than 1 million users here and active users number is even smaller. Imagine if every of your facebook friends joins steamit say in 5 years. Then eventually Steemit will look as flooded as your facebook wall today.

It's already a bit flooded, but atleast not with random crap. And even if my friends would join, that doesn't mean I should follow them for no reason other than them being my friend. I guess you could make the case you can also curate your facebook feed by unfollowing a lot of friends that tend to only post shit on a constant basis. BUT fb also shows a lot of "X person commented on Y" and "X liked that" etc kind of posts that are totally useless.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment