It seems that anything above 100 megabytes or so won't upload to, which is fine but I wish I'd been told beforehand of this apparent technological limit, I'd have re-downloaded my content in 480 and not 720. It will take some time therefore to back up the literary content I field; several hundred videos between that and the occult general material.
After this is done I'll be able to upload all new content, in downgraded form, here to Dtube as well as to Youtube and Bitchute.
Since Steemit blocks you from uploading more than once ever 5 minutes it will take me approximately two months to catch up on my content. While I wish this was waived for those who had a significant amount of backup, it seems alright I suppose. I just wish the site was not geared towards "advanced or beyond advanced" tech users.
Since tomorrow I am going to be part of the Minds conference I won't be uploading then but everything is set up for the 7th and beyond, for about a half dozen titles a day.
Remember, Steemit is still in beta. I think you made the right move coming here though. Be patient and start uploading :)
DTube is not a particularly reliant platform for archiving stuff. It's rather for introducing new material, so it reaches maximum viewers here after it's properly tagged - and after 7 days earns a payout in Steem Dollars.
Currently I use SteemIt more for text content. We're back to the good ol' days of barebone writing.
I also had trouble with Dtube, even though my videos are extremely short, but I might try going with 720p or 480p. I also watched a video that said Firefox was better for uploading there, but I have only tried it with Chromium browsers.
Any questions about Steemit I'll be happy to fill you in on, Welcome to steemit!!!
This is a great post by @dwinblood to walk you thru the basics
This is probably the most relevant paragraph.
The rules are decentralized and on the blockchain. This is also a disadvantage because rule can't be over-ridden to make an exception.
Another downside right now on dtube, I hope this doesn't scare you away because I'm big fan of steem and your channel:
tl;dr: Some % of the rewards from each video go to storage cost of the video itself. They plan to change this but as of now the rewards a video has gathered after 7 days determines the "guaranteed storage time".
"I have recently created the @dtube account. This account will be used to collect 25% of the DTube author rewards. 10% of these fees will be used to pay for long-term storage of the files on IPFS Store. The rate is $0.044 per GB per month. So, for example, let's say you upload a 100MB video, that earns $10 rewards, then $0.25 will go to @nannal and ensure data redundancy for ~57 months. Once this time is passed, users will need to either pay themselves (crypto accepted of course) to keep the files being seeded, or seed it themselves directly on their own PC and connection."
Though I think there could be possibilities to get around this.