it's sad to see that people have to live like this, but it also raise the question for me what is the cause ? no social benefits ? addiction ? how to prevent this from happening again to others ?
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it's sad to see that people have to live like this, but it also raise the question for me what is the cause ? no social benefits ? addiction ? how to prevent this from happening again to others ?
Well, what do you do if you go bankrupt? Or if the mines close down? Or if you lose your right arm and you have no savings, or if you have had a stroke, or if you were killed in a car accident and left nothing for your widow and the 5 kids, or, or, or. The fact is my bro that times are tough in our country and the un-employed outnumber the employed. The poor will always be with us! But we try to make things better.
i've bin through bankrupt my self the past 4 years , but we have welfare / social security here , and a law that protects people up to a certain limit when they are unable to pay bills . We are now able to make a fresh start again taking small steps again. We have a system / law that if you are in debt because of bad luck (sick , victim of fraud etc) and not on purpose because you kept shopping :) , the court will put you under surveillance for 3 years at least where you have to show that you are able to take care of things and work , you will get minimum wage , and the rest of the money is saved for debts pay off. after those 3 years if you behaved correctly you get a clean slate i think it's called in English, meaning all debts gone.
We will pray that all will work out just fine for you!
Hi @stresskiller, guess what, I have learn't how to reply to messages. (don't laugh). Sad to hear about your situation and we trust that you have now been restored. We will pray for you guys! Blessings. Stephen
we are fine Ste phen , no worries
By your actions of helping me, I know that you are better than fine Sir Mick. But know that you are in our prayers.