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RE: Turn Your Steemit Writing into an Ebook in 7 Days, Part 2, Fiction or Nonfiction

in #steemit8 years ago

I make money selling both fiction and non-fiction books (I have a pseudonym for each). It is MUCH easier to make money from the start with non-fiction, and you don't even have to market it much, if at all. I have non-fiction books that I've NEVER marketed that make me a consistent income each month. Fiction is harder. You DO have to market it, and develop a loyal audience. It takes more time and effort, and longer to make money, but the rewards can be greater over the long-term. Ideally, an independent freelance writing career would involve both at the beginning, so you could make money off the non-fiction, while you build up your fiction audience.


Informative and real. Thank you for your erudite perspective. I prefer to let my fancy flow, but truth is truth. Writing is just for shits and giggles.

I agree with your assessment completely. I do, however, know several working authors who insist fiction is the way to go. They say once you get up past 8 or 10 novels, the income begins to grow and becomes dependable.