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RE: My horrible first experience with Steemit & ideas on how to fix it.

in #steemit8 years ago

I'm glad you stuck around, too. My very first day on Steemit (a month ago tomorrow!), a high rep member flagged one of my comments on his post. It wasn't a spam comment. It was lengthy and detailed, and complimented his post and the ideas behind it. I replied back, asking why he flagged it, but he didn't answer me. I just assumed it was because he didn't want a new user commenting on his post for some reason.

After being upset and annoyed for a few days, during which time I kept reading, commenting, and posting anyway, I got over it, and kept Steeming on. It hasn't happened again, so far. I still wonder why he did it, though. I'm just not upset by it anymore. I've had far more positive experiences by sticking around here than that one negative one. If I'd given up the first day because of it, I'd have missed out on all the good things on Steemit.

You've got my follow, and my upvote. :)


I once accidentally flagged someone touching my screen wrong. :) Gald you stuck it out.