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RE: 5 Things That Never Would Have Happened To Me Without Steemit.

in #steemit9 years ago

Yes, I agree Steemit can be addicting. The things I get to read are fascinating, and the things I write are more raw and honest, more the "real me," using my authentic voice than I could write anywhere else. In other places, I have to watch what I say in order to please my family, friends, freelance writing clients, and fans of my novels. Here, I can be me without holding back, and it's wonderful.

Steemit paid for an expensive veterinarian bill for me, without me having to dip into my bill money or savings to pay it. And the first time I converted SD into Bitcoin and sold it for cash, I felt like such a cryptocurrency badass. :) I knew what Bitcoin was, but had never purchased any until I got with Steemit, and I've done it three times now. I've also converted some SD into SP, so I have an investment in this platform.

I'm excited about Steemit, and I love it. I'm glad other people are having similarly awesome experiences with it. Steem on!