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RE: Cutting my 'career' short on Steemit was not my intention

in #steemit8 years ago

A real shame. For me Steemit is a 5-7 year project. It was never about making $zillions from day one. The money making was a total bonus. Steemit and Steem hasn't even scratched the surface. Ask me in 2021 if I still believe in the technology. Can I suggest that you take time out do the things you want and come back at a later date. We will all still be here. Stephen


I agree. It's never been about short-term for me either.

I'm a little too-outspoken sometimes. I freely admit that and I suppose I knew that I risked the support I'd been getting, but I also felt it needed to be said.

I probably upset some people with my opinions, but hey, if someone can upset you by making observations, perhaps you knew, deep-down that the comments were right?

I'm keeping this account open, just not posting my writing on here. I need to concentrate more on writing my books anyway, I've been neglecting my characters.

I give you 2 weeks and you will be back. We'll be all here waiting with open arms. Stephen

I curate stories in #fiction and I'm not giving up on curating from this account. I'll still be here. I just won't put my writing up here.

It's a personal choice and one I'm saddened to make.