Apology To @mibenkito, Honest Whales, Investors, Witnesses And Steemit Community

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


All but one photo in this post was taken by Stellabelle at Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage

I'd like apologize to @mibenkito for publicly questioning the legitimacy of her blog.

In thinking several days about this, I learned that attempting to get personal answers in a public forum style is not the ideal method. I apologize if I caused @mibenkito any discomfort or unease. That was not my intention. Speaking one-on-one is the better route to finding answers to questions and I will be changing up my methods to uncover information from here on out.

As far as the @msgivings information, there's no need to retract any of it. That account may not have been AI, as many of you pointed out, but it was nonetheless fraudulent. That account was not run by a real blogger. It was manufactured and plagiarized, either by a person or an AI respinning article writer, or a combination of all of these. The point is that someone managed to siphon of a huge amount of the community's good will and funds. For people who care deeply about Steemit's reputation, this one account should really be a red flag in moving forward. Steemit is still a baby and it's not surprising that a number of individuals have discovered a way to game the system, and stripping it of it's potential to have a respected reputation.

When you steal from the community, you not only take money with you, you steal the community's reputation too.


The reason for my post was to inform people to be vigilant and to use their critical thinking skills. The method I used may have been flawed, but the intention was based in a desire to improve Steemit's reputation, value and ultimately its marketcap.

I think we can all get behind the common goal of wanting to see Steemit's marketcap go up.


But being a bunch of sheep will not bode well for Steemit's marketcap. Value is created by having a great product, blog posts and an intellectually challenging community. This is Steemit's true advantage over other platforms right now: there are a lot of highly intelligent people on Steemit.

When people trust the system, a great reputation follows. Value is not created by economically rewarding posts that are subpar and poorly written. This is fundamental to any business.

Without trust in a system, we have a platform that the outside world will scoff at, deride and continue to call a casino. But if we work together to create a high quality site with content that is equally high, and if we each operate based on transparency, we will see our investments, both in time and money, truly pay off. The choice is all of ours to make. Quality, transparency and reputation are all goals we can work together to achieve. And the majority of people are already doing this.

But we cannot let money blind us to the truth.


At the time when my AI post was flagged to death by a few whales/witnesses, I was at an ecovillage, doing an AMA about Steemit for the people who live there.


It's called Dancing Rabbit and it's one of the most successful ecovillages in the United States. It is the true definition of decentralized living. It began in 1993 and is still going strong. I know a few people who live there. I had communicated with @nathanbrown about a month ago, telling him about Steemit, and we came up with the idea that I could visit them and provide more in-depth answers to all the ecovillagers who were interested in writing and building out their marketplaces on Steemit. Nathan Brown is a respected leader in Dancing Rabbit and he's an expert in conflict resolution, business strategy and marketing. He's an excellent conflict resolution facilitator and very well respected in DR (Dancing Rabbit). I think Steemit could definitely benefit from his services.....@ned?

Image Source: http://www.livingasimplelife.com/nathan-mackenzie-brown-modern-homesteader-profiles/

In the morning when I met with a few of the villagers, @nathanbrown and @dolphindigest, I had to discuss the fact that my latest post was flagged to oblivion by a few of the powerful whales in Steemit. After Nathan had a chance to read over my post he said that I was approaching the issue from the wrong angle but that the flagging was over the top.

Instead of bringing up questionable accounts in public, things need to be resolved in groups, and include those who have significant stake in the success of the platform. We should not be silent when we discover suspicious activity, but we should work with others who care for the long-term health of Steemit. When Nathan was expressing his opinion about this, I could feel myself thinking, "But Steemit was supposed to be a place free of censorship, and a place where people can freely express themselves." It turns out that freely expressing one's thoughts, in their rawest form has a negative economic cost associated with it, especially when those who are in power might be the same ones who are actively engaging in not-so-transparent activity.

He then discussed how problems and issues are solved at Dancing Rabbit, and that a conflict resolution facilitator is brought in to resolve issues.


He also said that the primary stakeholders have to be working together and have some sense of unity if Steemit or any organization is going to flourish. Factions and factions within factions will splinter any community. If a fearful atmosphere develops where people are afraid to speak their minds in an honest way, the organization will fail. It will take time, but the environment will breed a population of sheep with a few powerful wolves controlling the resources.

The other important aspect of a healthy community is the ability of individuals to self-correct when they are wrong.

Admitting that one has made a mistake is a sign of a healthy, growing mind. It's a sign that one's ego is not in control of an organism. Like many people, I don't like it when I'm wrong, but it does happen. If there exists a group of individuals, all of whom think they are right all the time, it won't be too long before the fabric of such a group begins to dissolve. No one can be right all the time. Humans are not that sophisticated and advanced to be correct 100% of the time. We need to rely on each other for feedback and then self-correct.


I was committed since day one to creating posts that pushed the boundaries. I didn't always succeed, but I learned every day what is good writing because people on here and elsewhere tell me. But high quality was my number one priority. I wanted people to associate high quality, engaging writing with my name. I never want someone to associate me with mediocre, subpar work. I also want people to know that I will speak the truth, as I see it, even if a small group of whales/witnesses try to censor me.

I refuse to be some kind of shill or lily-livered fake writer. That's not my destiny. It should not be yours either.

Until Steemit Inc. has created some kind of robust system to detect fraudulent accounts, it's my belief that the reputation-destroying activity of some people will continue on.

I went to Dancing Rabbit with the intention of doing an AMA about Steemit, but it turned out that the community of Dancing Rabbit was the one who ended up giving me guidance, helping me to see some new solutions for Steemit.

Here's the owner of the Gnome Dome, Kyle, and this is where I slept while at Dancing Rabbit. You can rent this place through Airbnb: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/5720642?sug=51

Here's Kyle as he gave me a tour of his dome that he built with his own hands:

Thanks to Nathan Brown and Vic.

Gavin Andresen's latest Twitter post is pretty fitting:

I wish our brains were better at separating "I disapprove" from "Untrue"
And our hearts were better at loving people who tell hard truths


It is okay, and I'm glad that we have finally cleared things out. Actually I did not think so much about it, so just take it easy. Steemit is a great place for everyone to express their viewpoints, to share their interests and passions. It is a great community and I feel more connected with other members day by day. I've met so many lovely friends on Steemit, and I hope that after this, you are a friend of mine too. Cheers!!!

ah, good. Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you can accept my apology! Thank you.

Great to see you to right as rain.
Amazing how honesty and responsibility solves almost anything!

I'm a little disappointed that it was flagged to oblivion, especially by the whales. While I agree that it could have been resolved differently, I did post a couple of lengthy responses as a way to help resolve any conflict.
Communities need leaders - and we have many - but sometimes those leaders need guidance too - or at the very least, another perspective. Censorship is not the way - but objective third parties might be. Glad to see you're back and I love these photos! I've never heard of ecovillages before - at least not a functioning one. I'm looking forward to reading more about Dancing Rabbit.

I also felt that the flagging to oblivion was wrong. There are some serious issues obviously going on underneath that no one knows about. Thanks for defending me. As I mentioned, I had left to go to the ecovillage and I was not even aware that the whales/witnesses had flagged me to oblivioin. It wasn't until late at night that I came to know that they had taken vengeance on me. My entire trip to the ecovillage was made uneasy because I couldn't see how I would be promoting Steemit after having been censored. It made no sense actually.

@nathanbrown and @dolphindigest are here on Steemit and they live there! I'd love for them to start writing more in depth about Dancing Rabbit. It's a fascinating place. And those people know how to resolve conflict and work together. It was eye-opening how they always have facilitators to help with conflicts.

I've always had great experiences meeting people from my online communities. It's always a joy to match words to a face, or laugh, or true humor. Something about being in the presence of another's aura. It must have been a great experience for you.

I was honestly surprised and pretty disheartened by the responses to your post. It kind of had mob mentality, snowball effect, which didn't seem right for anyone involved, especially when you were clearly stating an opinion. I'm not sure that I would have posted an apology but rather let sleeping dogs lie, but I appreciate you all the more for doing it and being a great example of grace under adversity.

you always get the gifs right.

This is a fantastic post, all around. This community is very fortunate to have you.

thanks for saying that.

Thank you @stellabelle! I really enjoyed this post. It couldn't have been better!

In my humble not important opinion, a good writer is marked by the ability to be introspective, open-minded, obviously technically sound, but more importantly in touch with their humanity, since most writing is about humans in some way. You tick all those boxes, and even when you stumble a little like in that last situation with @mibenkito, you do a double-down of looking inward and finding the lesson in the experience. Cutting through our own ego like that is no easy task, but you haven't struck me as someone opposed to difficult, soul-maturing tasks.

How boring life and even existence if we couldn't make any mistakes from which we can grow. The trick is always in how its handled, and you handle things like an adult, an artist, and a human first and foremost. Your fans got your back, at least this one does!

ah, thanks. Without feedback it really is difficult to know what is going on. Everyone has a struggle, and mine is that I view myself as an isolated person. When I get attacked, I am rattled. I rarely flag people unless they are violently abusive, so when I get flagged, it's really upsetting to me. It also does indicate that I struck a nerve in some powerful people. Getting flagged by those in power indicates to me that I am revealing something uncomfortable, something that might be based in truth. I noticed that Dan did not flag me, neither did Ned. The truth has a habit of coming out eventually. Karma is a bitch.

Here, here, to the loners and the isolated. Keeping homo-sapiens human since -250,000 bc

No need to apologies @stellabelle - we are all learning here! Rebels are required to question this ninja mined state. I'm sorry I don't follow you, but I don't follow anyone on Steemit, but we do have a similar amount of posts :-) Keep writing away pleeeease! @mindhunter

Yes, honesty and authenticity are the gold, even with the risk of error. Being human is the true strenght of steemit, not being a half-arsed PC content farm! Write on!

I agree with you, Stella! The people who steal from us should be punished in a way or another, or they will keep doing that!

Well, you may have been wrong about the AI issue and a real person being behind the account, but you're right about curating and the reputation of the platform. A few bad actors with a large amount of Steem Power can certainly destroy the credibility of Steemit.

yes, it can happen under our noses and if we are blinded by gold coins raining down on our heads, we'll all soon be rolling around in a puddle of our own mud and filth. Critical thinking is a must-have in all communities. Without it, it will rot.

Shine on ..... Steem on Sis-Star. You know what they say about opinions? Dancing Rabbit sounds amazing. We need more communities like that.

I learned a lot that can hopefully be applied here and in my own community as well.

It takes a good character to admit a mistake.

It's always better to try to correct someone privately, for if you do, you may earn a friend. If you can't do it privately, then ask a few others you trust to help you. Again, do it as privately as you can. If all else fails, then take it public.

Hopefully, @mibenkito will accept your apology, and together we can continue to improve the Steemit community!

Yes, that is the lesson I learned from this. I think if I hadn't written that AI post and I hadn't gone to the ecovillage, I would still be less informed in this area. Speaking out is good, even if we make mistakes. Creating an environment of fear is not healthy. Some whales need to be caretakers, not police. I still am looking for the caretaking whales and their nursery.....haven't found them yet.

I follow you, and I normally vote on your work, but a 5 vote per day maximum was imposed 2 hours ago. I hope you accept this comment instead!
It appears that nobody will make the same amounts as before the change.

Not true.
Steem v0.14.2

Vote Balancing
We have reverted the changes to vote balancing from 0.14.0. Voting power and vote weights are unaffected in this release.

Besides @knircky is right, it was proposal for a target, and a target is different from a maximum.
Anyway, you can safely vote if you like.
That's what is all about and always should be.

I wish I understood what the above sentence means. It is not clear.

Here's good post about that subject: The Tale of the 5 Brothers -- A Voting Power Parable by @sigmajin. But again: eventually it was NOT changed.

while @sigmajin's post is excellent, you need to read it carefully to understand it properly.
What the sentence means is that, if the vote balancing was still in place on this fork, e.g. 5votes &24h Voting Power recovery vs 40 &24 VP recovery, you would burn through your VP faster if voting as usual. 5 votes/day is a target as you'll be back at 100% VP in 24h as opposed to a maximum which is a rundown of all your VP (around 25 votes). If you burn all your VP, you'll need 1 week to be back at 100%.

PS. all votes above are assumed at 100% weight.

@anduweb omg, why is that so confusing? Voting should be the easiest part of Steemit. Give every person one vote power and make it equal to some amount of Steem. Then let people vote how they want and however much they want. All this 100% regenerated voter power and target and numbers are making the comminity less attractive.

:) this one is really simple: to avoid gaming the system. If I get 100 or 1000 accounts and upvote my other 100 accounts that all have shitposts, no value is added to the platform, everyone leaves, steem(it) dies

there is no 5 vote maximum and it never was planned. a target is different from a maximum.

I read that the vote change did not get approved in the hard fork. They are working on communicating it to the community first.

I hope your right but the numbers are telling me otherwise. Where did you read that?

This shows the postponement and disenchanted members talking how the vote robbery will continue as planned.


Maybe the part that says:

Voting Power Algorithm Unchanged

Actually that was rolled back according to the latest patch notes. So upvote away!

I have read about such villages a lot (by the last time especially). I like their ideas, they have many in common with our Steemit. But they are in REAL life and they follow some other laws and rules. The thing they have in common with Steemit for sure is...- THEY ARE FUTURE. Did you feel it in your visit? Thank you very much for such an interesting post, I have read it with great attention and pleasure at the same time ;-)

I did feel that they are more advanced than the average human. They operate on consensus and they also have a dedicated person who can be called at any time to settle disputes. It would be great to have such a feature within steemit.....meeting face-to-face is critical when working out issues. That's the main problem with online communities.

Exactly! That is what I mean. I am glad you have the same opinion and that we are at the right place too))

Yes, it was a great learning experience. It made me realize that Steemit has potential, but that we need to meet face-to-face more to build unity. It feels divisive on many fronts currently.

Good post!

I could only assume what would have happen if you didn't go about it the way you did. So with that I say thanks, you were able to take us through a learning curve of understanding with this post. I'm active in trying to bring the community together! So this post is an inspiration to anyone feeling against the odds! Great Info on the EcoVill!

Do you also sense a building of factions within Steemit? Are there layers of activity that just don't feel right to you?

Very much so! Its almost like highschool lol, but beyond that I think we need a group of strong users to come together and make a collective group or idea happen. I'm a firm believer that if we make it happen ourselves everything else we need falls into place and the layers go away. The real problem is there is no middle ground for people to stand on. What we need is a more social/community based idea floating around here. Or at-least an easier way for people to connect!

Dancing Rabbit looks like a cool place. I'd love to go 'off grid', but it's a leap into the unknown for me. Maybe when I retire.

There does seem to be a lot of 'recycled' content on Steemit and we need to try and ensure that people get rewarded for original work. I know it's not always easy to determine that. I just hope we can keep things friendly and deal with any issues as a community.

I love this

@prufarchy covered everything I was going to say. You have a damn good head on your shoulders, from what I can assess through your writing. It sounds like you are using this as a learning experience and moving forward.

Thanks for sharing all that you have about Dancing Rabbit! That place is beautiful and I'd like to visit some time. I'd like to create my own decentralized living space in the future.

Yes, the main thing I've been learning recently is that in order to live in somewhat of a harmonious way, we each need to get really clear about our own issues. Fucked up people cannot coexist in harmony inside of a group. It's only when we decide to look at ourselves squarely can we hope to make any progress at all. I appreciate your comments.
I get really pissed off when I see or suspect fraud. It's because I care so much about quality that I sometimes get overly ruffled when I see people abusing this place, taking more than is necessary, and ruining Steemit's reputation. Reputation cannot be built from a house of fraud....

Hey stellabelle, I´m excited about your visit to Dancing rabit,and I hope you will do more things like this in the future, to meet with Eco-villages, or charities, non profits, etc, and bring them along to Steemit. I would love to be able to support good things like this directly on the platform.

I've been actively recruiting many, many, many, many people from the very beginning. Many of the top authors you see on here are here because I wrote about Steemit in one of my active groups, Choose Yourself. Eric Walton, Fairytalelife, Kaylinart, all of those people I told about Steemit. I brought in a large group of people from this Facebook group. So, really, telling people about Steemit was a big part of what I have done and continue to do. We have a lot of work to do if we are really to make this a stable platform with a clear identity. If we can do this, and continue to experience more unity instead of hugely inflated egos running this gig, then Steemit has a good chance of thriving.

I will be happy about Steem going down a bit more, say 0.25$ or less. Get that second-wind early adopter/believer benefit. But...would be nice if it could hold for just a few months.

I don't know what people do with their money. That AI person could use their steem for good and not evil.

I haven't looked at @msgivings money trail recently. Lots of eyeballs on it, for sure.

This is probably the best article among yours that I have read so far and it is truly honest and thought provoking ... I am surprised to find out that I did not follow you but I do now. You should probably consider changing the title as it is much more than an apology!

I had to discuss the fact that my latest post was flagged to oblivion by a few of the powerful whales in Steemit. After Nathan had a chance to read over my post he said that I was approaching the issue from the wrong angle but that the flagging was over the top.

I missed a lot of what happened. Who has a rep high enough to make your ( @stellabelle's ) posts invisible?

Also whether a bot was involved in this case or not we need to discuss it because it is only a matter of time before it happens.

If a bot makes good quality content that people like and it is honest about being written by a bot is that a cause for concern? Obviously I can understand someone getting upset if they are being accused of being a bot and they are not but that is a different matter.

If most people think the use of bots for voting is OK then why is it a problem if they are writing content as well?

I'm not sure it is for me but I understand that other's may feel strongly about this issue. I think I will need to think more about this though. My immediate gut reaction to voting bots was negative but I have softened my stance on them as I have come to realise how difficult it can be to keep up with voting.

The thing is sooner or later someone will make an effective writing bot and with ever improving technology it may actually be hard to distinguish from a human writer.

I refuse to be some kind of shill or lily-livered fake writer. That's not my destiny. It should not be yours either.

You shouldn't and I don't think you have been outright offensive or trolling ever, indeed you have always been polite, courteous and helpful to all so I am puzzled by all of this.

Anyone who thinks you are working or acting against Steemit is obviously mistaken.

Anyway feel free to message me if you want to talk. I'm going to be going to bed soon as is 3.30 am here but I'll be around tomorrow afternoon and early evening UK time.

whales with a ton of steempower can flag my posts to death and collapse them.

I thought it required higher reputation though?

very smart and wise move ( thinking of you )